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Everything posted by stahl

  1. stahl

    Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame

    People like Meltzer have no problem with getting data from the shows including attendance and gate receipts. If you know the right people you can get the statistics you need. As for the B and C shows drawing as much as the A shows headlined by Hogan. Not a chance. Many wrestlers on shoot interviews would state that simply wrestling on a card that had Hogan would ensure them way more money then they would otherwise make on any other card.
  2. stahl

    Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame

    Sure there is. You can look at the gates from shows in which the wrestlers headline and compare it to cards that they didn't headline on. Look at PPV buys when certain wrestlers headline compared to when others headline, etc. TV ratings usually imply money drawn as people who tune into certain wrestlers are more likely to purchase tickets to the shows, as well as buy merchandise. And so on.
  3. stahl

    Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame

    I would look at the bottom line in regards to the 4 criterias. If I was inducting, I would induct wrestlers based on their wrestling name alone, I wouldn't have northamerican/mexican/japan sections and whatnot. Just a list of names.
  4. stahl

    I am a very hairy man of many ketchups!

    Put Al Bundy back as your sig. I don't pick on Matt, this is probably the first time I've ever interacted with him. When I saw the pic, and I've seen the others he has posted, I noticed how young he looks as well as how darker his face appears. I thought it might be a photoshopped image at first because he is so pasty.
  5. I ordered a pizza once and it didn't arrive until 3 hours later. It wasn't due to anything other than sheer idiotic negligence. Apparently they didn't have my appartment number, just the address, so even though I phoned them 3 times demanding my pizza, they didn't ask me for the number, thus making me wonder what they hell they were doing. It wasn't until the third call that they told me they didn't have the number. The thing that pissed me off is they asked for my phone number when I ordered, so why the fuck didn't they call me when they came to my building and realized they didn't have the apartment number? I also had to pay for the pizza even though it was very late. I have never ordered from there since.
  6. stahl

    Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame

    The WON hall of fame is probably the closest to the most credible considering people in the industry have a say. Any hall of fame with be scrutinized to death though. 4 main things I feel are most important. - Drawing money: As with any business, you are far more valuable if you can make money for your company - Longevity: Competing at a high level for a long period of time is an asset. - Workrate: This is pro wrestling, the ability to put on great matches at a high level should be considered - Titles/Accolades: Even in the fake sport, titles and accomplishments do add credibility. It's easy to say someone who is 17 time world champion deserves to be in a hall of fame. Consideration should also be given to people who do ground breaking things in the industry. Rey Mysterio Jr for example has helped make the little wrestlers have a chance at being headliners by helping someone with the size barrier. Eddy Guerrero was the smallest WWE champion ever, etc.
  7. stahl

    I am a very hairy man of many ketchups!

    You look like a 14 year old boy. Why is your face more tanned then the rest of you. I understand why you wouldn't want to appear topless outside, but even your forearms are whiter than my ass.
  8. stahl

    NHL 06

    Normal players never get tired, though some can get sick and whatnot.
  9. This is cutting edge news. /bad joke
  10. stahl

    Ring of Honor 2.11.06

    It's not like angles can be furthered by television. Most indy feds survive on their internet fan base. Using this tool as a way to keep interest in angles is very productive.
  11. stahl

    Help with an RPG for Gamecube

    Get both. Fire Emblem is a strategy RPG though so if you've never played one it might be hit or miss. All tales games are usually great.
  12. stahl

    Foley Is Blog: Cheap heat?

    Edge called Mick a transitional champ in a promo from a previous show. That is probably the basis of their feud.
  13. stahl

    PejaVu pissed in my cornflakes.

    Canadian Chick posts her pics on the Jericho forum every now and then. People on that board go "OMG!1!@!!!!@ ur hawt!!!!" to her.
  14. stahl

    ROH guarantees something HUGE

    No it wouldn't, the fan's aren't stupid. Many are already calling for a Necro vs Joe match in ROH. Lots of fans are digging the idea of two promotions working together. If there is a CZW show that day then I guess that wouldn't happen, but it will at some point where there is a huge match or matches, probably unannounced.
  15. stahl

    ROH guarantees something HUGE

    I wouldn't be surprised if this was a CZW invasion of some sorts with them taking over the show and doing "unscripted matches" vs ROH talent. That would make sense why people would stay after the first 3 matches, it could be booked like Generation Next was with surprises and whatnot.
  16. stahl

    NHL Thread

    I thinks we can start a February edition of this thread now.
  17. stahl


  18. stahl

    NHL 06

    Just buy the try and buy from the official website. You just need to download it and use your credit card. Wait, were you the one leary of using your credit card over the internet?
  19. stahl

    Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter

    One that comes to mind is when Keller reported that WWE was dropping affiliation with OVW just to piss off Cornette as they have real life heat.
  20. stahl

    Step Up To The Plate...

  21. Yes, a rar file is a compressed file. Right click the rar file and select Extract Here and the file will be unzipped... er, unrared.
  22. stahl

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    Us white folk can't run as fast.
  23. stahl

    How many of you have actually sold

    I've never seen an auction where the buyer wasn't responsible for shipping. Unless some dude threw in a buy 10 of my auctions and get shipping free.
  24. stahl

    How many of you have actually sold

    Don't be so sure about that. Look at this auction. It includes a NES system, a bunch of games, some sega crap and PS accessories and there is 2 hours left. Right now its up to only $16.50 http://cgi.ebay.com/NES-SYSTEM-GAMES-CONTR...1QQcmdZViewItem