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Everything posted by tbondrage99

  1. tbondrage99

    The Return Of Marvel 2099.

    God I hated 2099, I hate it all so very much
  2. Man am I ever glad Im not watching this PPV, it sounds Craptastic.
  3. tbondrage99

    Graphic Novels

    MrZsasz: Hopefully Eastern isnt a dirty word for you either, there is some awesome Manga out there if you know what your looking for. I think its just as good as anything you can get from North America, if you havent picked any up then you should. Masked Man of Mystery: The Oppisite goes to you if you only read Manga, Check out the good old fasioned North American Super Hero scene if you havent. Now that Ive said that, Im really looking for some good Independant comics at the moment, and have a few questions that I can hopefully get answered. #1, Has anyone read Daniel Clowes, Ghost World? I saw the movie and had to buy it the next day, is the book just as good, better or worse? #2, Wizard Edge said that Alex Robinsons, Box Office Poison was the best Indy graphic novel out there, can anyone tell me anything about that one? & #3, Now that Dave Sims, Cerebus is over, would anyone recommend to someone how hasnt read a single issue of it to buy the Trade paperbacks?
  4. Good question. I think its slightly possible, but I dont think the odds are that good.
  5. tbondrage99

    Most Dastardly Heel Acts

    Another one is when The Big Show put Kurt Angle in the wheel chair by chokeslamming him off of that ledge, and how about when The Big Show slammed Rey Mysterio against the ring post when he was tied down to the strecher.
  6. tbondrage99

    Sens trade Lalime to Blues

    Wow St. Louis got Lalime for only a 4th round pick? I wonder what Lalime thinks his value was when he heard that. As for Osgood if Lalime was aquired just by a 4th round pick then Im betting he'll probally end up still being the top goalie while Lalime becomes the back up.
  7. tbondrage99

    SNL: Best of Christopher Walken

    The most hosting appearances is Steve Martin with about 15. Others with five or more host appearances include: Candice Bergin Tom Hanks John Goodman Alec Baldwin Buck Henry Chevy Chase Elliot Gould Paul Simon There's a SNL FAQ somewhere that has a list of all members of the "Five-Timers Club". Im sure Christopher Walken is part of that club...
  8. tbondrage99

    Favorite Mel Brooks Movie

    I love Spaceballs as much as the next person but Blazing Saddles is leaps and bounds ahead of it in my opinion. Actually, I like Robin Hood Men In Tights more then Spaceballs as well.
  9. tbondrage99

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Who is now all buddy buddy with JOHNATHAN COACHMEN.
  10. tbondrage99

    Most Dastardly Heel Acts

    If your thinking about most dasterdly heel acts then you have to look no further then the boss himself Vince McMahon. Why in just 2003 alone he started a blood fued with the super popular Hulk Hogan, promiced to end the also super popular Undertakers career, had yet another affair with yet another blonde headed bimbo, this time Sable, one that sued his company just a few years later, which he just seemed to not care about as long as he got him some. While where at he he also refused to come to Lindas aid when she was physically assulted by Kane, he beat up his only daughter and took her job from her on PPV, and lets not forget berating and then beating up a the one legged Zach Gowin. That was just LAST YEAR. Someone else can talk about what he did back in the ministry days, Im much to lazy to type all of that now too.
  11. tbondrage99

    Graphic Novels

    Yeah I have read Watchmen, The Dark Knight Returns, and for better or worse The Dark Dark Knight Strikes Back. I like them all, the first two quite a but more for obvious reasons.
  12. tbondrage99

    Brock Lesnar's Regrets

    This is a pointless arguement. Its strictly based on how much people like Lesnar, if they like him they take his side, if not they just wanna bash him. I hate him, I bash him. Like I said before thats nothing new and didnt start because he left the WWE, so much as the fact that he was there in the first place. I have already said a couple of times over in this thread that I hate Lesnar but I have also wished him the best in his quest to join the NFL. At the end of the day everyone has one wrestler who they dislike over any other wrestler. Brock is that wrestler in my case.
  13. tbondrage99

    SNL: Best of Christopher Walken

    I dont know that itseld its asking a awful lot as well, despite how much ass it would kick. Heres a question, who has hosted SNL more then anyone else? Its not Christopher Walken is it?
  14. tbondrage99

    SNL Season DVDs

    And heres to hoping it never does end.
  15. tbondrage99

    Brock Lesnar's Regrets

    I could actually care less about Paul London either until I actually see the WWE doing something with him, if that ever does in fact happen. Until that day hes just another wrestler in the WWE Jobberweight division to me. I would like to say Im impressed by him but when the only things you see is hm getting squashed by Bradshaw or the name sake of this thread Brock Lesnar, its hard to find a reason to like him. I would like everyone to take note that I dont get Volicity nor have seen any of his ROH stuff, so those squash matches are all I have to judge him by thus far.
  16. tbondrage99

    Brock Lesnar's Regrets

    As for bashing Brock after he left the WWE, I was bashing Brock only 2 months after he debuted with the WWE wishing he would quit or be fired, when I heard he quit I actually laughed out loud in joy. So I wish Brock well in his quest to join the NFL and I hope he becomes a huge superstar in the NFL. The longer hes there and the happier he is there, then the happier I am because it will take that much longer before he comes crawling back to the WWE, which you know he'll end up doing after a while even if its only around so much as Foley or The Rock.
  17. tbondrage99

    Who trained Raven?

    Mattdotcom & teke184, are now my two favorite posters.
  18. tbondrage99

    The Old School questions thread

    Is it true that Doink The Clown was played by Nick Dinsmore at last years APA Bar Room Brawl, and if so did he also play him at Wrestlemania X7s Gimmick Battle Royal?
  19. tbondrage99

    SNL: Best of Christopher Walken

    Best of Will Farrell Vol. 2? Best Of Christopher Walken? So it seems as if Christmas will come early this year.
  20. tbondrage99

    SNL Season DVDs

    I think The Best Of... SNL DVDs might be as close as you get.
  21. tbondrage99

    Recent purchases

    Do you know if the Akira DVD offers any special features or if it's just the normal movie? And the last two movies that I bought are Donnie Darko and Lolita (the remake w/Dominque Swain). I dont know, I havent seen him since then and didnt even think to ask. I'll see if I can find out for you.
  22. tbondrage99

    Brock Lesnar's Regrets

    And Man of 1004 Modes has just earned himself even more respect points. I agree with him a 100% Brock is a crybaby, when my friend compared him to The Ultimate Warrior only a month after debuting in the WWE he wasnt far off in my opinion. You know if Brock really does regret working for the WWE, I wonder if he regrets the fortune that he gained while there.
  23. tbondrage99

    Brock Lesnar's Regrets

    And Man Of 1004 Modes just earned about a million respect points, I didnt think it possible but I hate Brock even more now too, and compared to how much I hated him before, well thats a whole lot of hate. Serioulsy though if Brock hated it so much he should of never joined the WWE, he was just wasting his time and everyone elses time for watching him on TV.
  24. tbondrage99

    New School Question Thread

    And Hogan should of won the second match, in fact he should of won the first match as well. Hogan loosing to Lesnar was a huge injustice. Stupid Brock Lesnar.
  25. tbondrage99

    New School Question Thread

    Was Hogan fired, did he quit or was he just kept off TV for some reason after his loss to Brock Lesnar?