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Everything posted by Sly

  1. Hey! I'm not inactive! ... not completely, at least.
  2. Sly

    Clusterfuck Comments

    The bra and panties match was great.
  3. Sly

    SWF AftershoX

    Interesting... very interesting...
  4. Sly

    Clusterfuck Word Count Thread

    I got another thousand, and now I'm bored.
  5. Sly

    Clusterfuck Word Count Thread

    I've got about 1.5k of a match that I'm not sure I'm even happy with. Lets see if I show.
  6. Sly

    The New Chat Thread

    Everyone should come to chat that can... Chat with The Crimson Skull and Drea/ GOAT/ Jimmy The Doom/ etc.
  7. I was thinking about showing, but then I realized that The Family Channel is showing "From Justin To Kelly" this weekend.
  8. Woops... guess returning on the first week of classes wasn't a good move on my behalf. I shall be back next week, though. ... and by next week, I mean next show.
  9. Austin Sly - 38 days Yessssss....
  10. Sly

    Merry Christmas!

    Hi. I'm still better than you at Global Combat.
  11. Sly

    The New Chat Thread

    This died pretty fast...
  12. Yes, Toxxic is Emo. I don't think my character requires a costume, if he's present.
  13. Sly

    Promo: Ashes 2 Ashes: Dust 2 Dust

    I'd do it. Seriously.
  14. Sly

    Just a thought

    The Crimson Skull still has Riley locked up in a toolshed or similar building of some sorts, last time I wrote anything about it.
  15. Sly

    The Return

    Hum... well, that was really quite random.
  16. Sly

    Genesis Comments

    I didn't show, as I thought it'd be rediculous to win a title with Ghost Machine as my partner, or write myself to lose to W&D. Hope I didn't get squashed, as I wont be reading the match.
  17. Sly


    There was something here, but I thought better of it.
  18. Yay for unbookedness... now only if I had something going into Genesis...
  19. Sly

    Lockdown Comments!

    That blows, either way. Spike for blowing up like... well... something that blows up, and W&D for switching up plans just to be teh jerkoffs.
  20. Sly

    Lockdown Comments!

    Sorry for the no-showing and such, but hey... I am me, after all. It looks like it forwarded a story that I had no idea was even going on, anyways...
  21. Sly

    SWF Lockdown Card 9-7-05

    Woah... I thought the show was last night. Guess I wont be showing, anyways. Huzzah, and the such.