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Everything posted by Sly

  1. I agree with Toxx. Not a big deal to me. And, as per usual, I can mark.
  2. The tattoo on Brock's chest is extremely ghey.
  3. Sly

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Wait, what? AoE is on the DS?
  4. I can't stand all the little scenester girls pushing Damien Rice. Never listened to his music personally, but just how much I've heard of the guy makes me want to hate him.
  5. Sly

    Does anyone here know Thursday?

    I am aware of them as well. They've got a pretty solid following, actually. A lot of people that I know have said that Full Collapse was their best album, but all three cds are pretty solid really.
  6. Sly

    Storm Losing Matches for 6/27/07

    As I told Raynor, I felt that the decision to pick Landon's match was a hard one. Hit me up on AIM Drea and I will discuss it in full with you, if you'd like.
  7. Sly

    Storm comments.

  8. Sly

    State of the SWF, 2007

    I've been meaning to make a thread about that, as well.
  9. Sly

    Storm comments.

  10. Sly

    This is my 1,000th post.

    Akirasauraus > PujolJunkie That's all I have to say.
  11. Sly

    Storm comments.

    Or now. Bitch.
  12. Sly

    Storm comments.

    Not on AIM tonight Chris?
  13. Sly

    SWF Storm Card - 6-27-07

    Just got home, will start marking momentarily.
  14. Sly

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Chris Benoit killed Vince McMahon.
  15. Haven't been watching this thread closely and I'm not going to search back through all the pages... but has Jericho said anything about all of this yet? The two seemed close.
  16. Sly


    Nevermind, I'm wrong then.
  17. Sly


    Did something crawl up WC's ass and die? I mean, seriously... you've been ripping into everyone lately. And yayz for me having won things once upon a time.
  18. Sly

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Was this before or after you got done sucking him off?
  19. She doesn't look very happy in any of those MySpace pictures. Maybe that was a sign?
  20. Sly

    The return of the MS paint comic!

    Blue eye-beams are gay.
  21. Sly

    SWF Storm Card - 6-27-07

    I can mark as well, this time after 2:00 AM CST for sure.
  22. Sly

    SWF Storm Card - 6-27-07

    Well... what an odd turn of events. Clark, get in contact with me. My AIM is in my profile and PMs are accepted.
  23. Sly

    Promo: Wait, what?

    Well.... guess IL is gone again.
  24. Sly

    Losing matches thread

    I already expressed my feeling to you in chat, but wanted to just state publicly that I feel you did quiet a good bit of writing there. oh, and I'd like to see manson post his match.