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Everything posted by Ced

  1. I rented the PS2 version. I really, really wanted to dig the game, but slow as hell load times and having to sim over practically every office hour segment and the useless change attire option killed it for me. Hopefully they look at everything they screwed up and give it a much better effort should they attempt a Head Coach '08.
  2. I've got the game for the weekend via rental seeing as how the first impressions have scared me off from ever purchasing it. I'm pretty disappointed that EA rushed this one out and the consequential flaws are huge, especially on a debut title.
  3. Ced

    Kenta Kobashi-Tumor discovered

    Here's to hoping they've caught it in time. He's put everything into his craft and it'd plainly suck to lose such a performer.
  4. Ced

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    My favorite Cowboy Bebop is Mushroom Samba for reasons stated by ELM and the subtitled interaction between Ein and a cow. Pierrot Le Fou completely f's up your mind, especially the first fight between Spike and Tongpu (sp?). "...Hello boy..." *shit hits the fan*
  5. Ced

    Little Man

    Two thoughts went through my head after seeing the commercial 1. "Shit, another Wayans comedy." 2. "They're stealing an idea from a Bugs Bunny cartoon."
  6. Ced

    Pictures I Like

    That's hot and that's about all I can say. And I am also getting a free ticket on the bus to hell for laughing at the Savage WTC pic.
  7. Ced

    Spiderman 3 Trailer...

    Looks like he just popped on a mask and took it for a test drive rather than go full out Goblin. It's a very good teaser trailer and I'm hoping it lives up to expectations.
  8. Ced

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    Picked up Girls Bravo on a whim. As far as fanservice-laden romantic comedies go, it's not too bad so far.
  9. Ced

    Circuit City Game Clearance

    I'll drop by my local CC, but I won't be expecting anything I want to be there. I'm guessing these won't be advertised either. If they were I'd pull the old "Price Match with Best Buy" method, or the "purchase at Best Buy, wait a day or so, then Price Match for the extra 10% off" trick.
  10. Ced

    Strange food combinations you like

    I get a strange look from my brother whenever I cut an avocado in half, remove the seed, place milk and sugar in the indentations, and eat the contents with a spoon. I think it's tasty and I rather not wash more than a spoon, so...yeah.
  11. Ced

    Dave Coulier

    Man I just barely remember that show. All I can remember clearly are Diz's speed fairy tales and the Indian action figure coming to life and trying to whip Dave & Company's ass.
  12. Ced

    Massive DS Heist!

    European gamers never seem to catch a break.
  13. Ced

    Celebrity Jeopardy

    That the one where it was his final jeopardy answer, and the answer was "V" and the wager was "SucK It Trebek" and the "V" was part of the K in Suck? Indeed. The Final Jeopardy was to write any number and it was also where French's answer was the aforementioned "threeve" with the wager of "$Texas"
  14. Ced

    KFC Chicken Bowl

    My sentiments exactly. It's nothing really mind-blowing since it's basically a meal tossed into the same bowl. The corn is passable but I'm not a big fan of the whipped potatoes KFC serves.
  15. Ced

    Celebrity Jeopardy

    Since it happened during the first skit I saw, my favorite SNL Celebrity Jeopardy moment is "Suck It Trebek".
  16. Ced

    Favourite Weird Al song and video

    "Bob" is a nice one because if you just listen to it, you think it's just a off-the-wall satire of Bob Dylan, then eventually you realize the brilliance in that every line is a palindrome. As for videos, "Fat" all the way for me.
  17. Ced

    OAO Slammiversary Thread

    I honestly was thinking people were going to start throwing chairs to knock Jarrett down when it became apparent he was going to win via screwjob/overbooking. It would've been nice if Cornette could've got words in before the show ended. TNA has got to work with pacing the show so they don't have to rush the main events. The visual of Jarrett doing the disbelief pose while getting pelted with trash was a fun visual to say the least.
  18. Ced

    Box Office Report 6/16-6/18

    They made another Garfield movie? There's a movie that flew completely under my radar.
  19. Ced

    DS Lite - The Thread

    I got my hands-on, broke down, and did the trade-in. I'm still not high on iPod White, but the positive changes they made make up for that gripe. It's going to take a lot of effort to get me to bite on any more re-designs at this point though since I like the Lite alot.
  20. Ced

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    Regarding Kenichi Sonoda, he basically did nothing of note until coming back and churning out some more Gunsmith Cats in 2004. It looks like we'll be seeing those volumes in English some time next year via Dark Horse along with unflopped versions of the original GSC volumes.
  21. The guy was a great big man for his day. By seemingly all accounts he was one hell of a nice guy despite playing heel most of his career. And by far, he was the my favorite character in WrestleFest. It's a real shame when cancer takes away the class acts. RIP John Tenta.
  22. Ced

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    AndrewTS: In Phoenix Wright, once you see the turnabouts in each case once, they're not worth going through a second time, but I found each case entertaining and worth the buy nevertheless. It has retained its value well so you should be able to pawn it off on eBay or Amazon for a decent price once you get done with it. And I always reserve the lesser known titles simply to guarantee that I get myself a copy, especially Nippon Ichi games. The wait and see approach never works because they're only 1 or 2 copies and nobody ever restocks once they're out.
  23. They certainly pick winners when it comes to these nostalgia runs.
  24. Ced

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Anybody else put games on reserve? I just checked my reserved list at GameCrazy. On my list: - Disgaea 2 - Harvest Moon DS - Victorious Boxers 2 - Phoenix Wright: Justice for All - Elite Beat Agents Pretty much all games that scream, "Buy me on the first run, or never see me in retail again."