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Everything posted by Ced

  1. Ced

    Revolution controller revealed

    And that sound you hear is Nintendo's investors slapping their foreheads in unison.
  2. Ced

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    Gorshin played Hugo Strange, a psychatrist at Arkham. It's funny. The Batman had The Riddler right there, yet they cast Robert Englund as Riddler and re-designed him to look like Marilyn Manson.
  3. The man's looking out for our own safety because he knows how much those erotoxins are damaging our brains...
  4. Ced


    My usual consists of either 4 or 5 eggs scrambled and loaded with banana ketchup or a egg omelette with shredded cheese.
  5. Ced

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    Honestly I'm surprised they haven't made more allusions to the old cartoonl series aside from Flash's "What, like a bunch of Superfriends?" quip.
  6. Ced

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    Cosplay Dance Contest I don't know what to think...
  7. Ced

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    I saw a commercial on Adult Swim with cosplayers. Of course, it's in their typical backhanded fashion. "What are you doing?" "Watching Inuyasha..." "Why watch Inuyasha when you can BE Inuyasha!" *dorky white guy magically dons an Inuyasha cosplay outfit and is joined by others cosplaying as anime characters*
  8. Ced

    Kung Fu Hustle

    It was one of the movies that I had to see, and I wasn't disappointed. It's an entertaining movie to me because there's little downtime in between the an action and/or comedy scenes. I watched it in subtitles since I thought the English dub was horrible.
  9. Burchill looks like a mid-morph between Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Steve Williams in that close-up pic to me.
  10. Ced

    wwe news and notes

    John Cena's Rap 'n' Wrestling! Triple H as the hot-tempered villain! Big Show as the giant comedic relief character! Eddie Guerrero as a stereotypical Mexican! Your choice of 30+ divas in the obligatory female role! Add some live-action skits with the Iron Sheik and I'm sold.
  11. Ced

    Old School Nintendo

    Incorporate a Power Glove somehow. And Rad Racer. In fact, dedicate a small section to the movie The Wizard just because you can.
  12. Ced

    Shark vs. Octopus

    Now I'm wondering how shark and octopus would taste in a sushi roll.
  13. Ced

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    Her surroundings just gives off a "I'm seconds away from being raped by a cosplay otaku" vibe to it. Not saying that's a bad thing.
  14. Ced

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Either that Rinoa is pretty hot or I really like that costume a little too much. If my GameCrazy source is correct, Atlus is going to be making more copies of some of its PS2 games in the immediate future. The list includes Disgaea, Shin Megumi Tensei: Nocturne and Shin Megumi Tensei: Digital Devil Saga.
  15. Ced

    What are you eating right now?

    A sandwich of leftover pizza and leftover spaghetti sprinkled with a four-cheese blend. Tasty.
  16. I got caught a bit off-guard because I was fully expecting the baby to unleash the spooky face, not the mother. Whoever that chick was, she had some pretty nice-looking mams.
  17. Ced

    WWE Legends

    The classic Hogan strangely doesn't appeal much to me, but the Hollywood variation of Hogan is rather tempting. The Bruiser Brody is tempting for the fact he's a chase figure and the figure looks quite awesome, especially in that pose. I don't like how the top half of Vader's outfit looks like (and probably is) a loose fitting shirt, but I do give props for adding the Mastodon helmet and pads. I'd consider it. I just know that Lawler's figure is going to going to sell like gangbusters in the South, but I'm personally not interested. Freddie Blassie, Cowboy Bob Orton and Chief Strongbow don't interest me very much.
  18. Actually I was thinking a Battle Royale more along the lines of "10,999 people aren't leaving alive", but hey, a wrestling battle royale might be equally entertaining.
  19. Ced

    Forget WoW, join KoL!

    Free food? Sure, I'll be as much of a mooch in KoL as I am in real life. Hit up Guy Sanchez with the free adventuring and stat gains. Anybody considering tossing the site $10 for the Mr. Accessory? If I don't tire of it after another two weeks I just might.
  20. They should make it interesting and decide who gets the job Battle Royale style.
  21. Ced

    Forget WoW, join KoL!

    I got extremely lucky and got about 6 bum cheeks tonight, so I made three asshats and sold them at the flea market for about 2200 meat apiece. Notably cheaper than what prices I was observing, but still, profit!
  22. Don't even know why you even bothered putting in the (greatest?) tag, DH. The commercial doesn't even hit "so bad, it's good" levels. It's just a bad commercial.
  23. Ced

    Cereals that taste worse as you get older

    It's been so long, I had already forgotten that Trix used to be a round shaped cereal. Like somebody brought up before, nowadays I just get a large bag of generic corn flakes and cocoa puffs. Tastes just about the same at a cheaper price. Are they still selling the S'mores cereal? I thought those were friggin' great.
  24. Ced

    Forget WoW, join KoL!

    Goofballs give you a minor stat power-up for a few adventures then absolutely crushes them for 100 adventures when the goofball effect wears off and you come back the next day. I should have 16 moxie right now but it's shot down to 8. Since all my stats are crap, I'm basically limited to grabbing spiderwebs in the back alley for the Gourd Tower until the effects finally wear off. I also complicated matters by getting completely drunk off of Mad Train Wine and losing even more stats by coming across pink elephants trying to do an adventure in my stupor. Drea, I think you can drop the blood-faced volleyball into the terranium and use it as a familiar, if I'm remembering the info I read in that link you posted correctly.
  25. Ced

    Sushi, sashimi, etc..

    I've seen the place, Mike, I just rarely visit that area so I haven't had a chance to visit it. As for eel, yes, I do get the texture of small bones most of the time, but when I get the pieces that just seem to melt in my mouth...that's f'n heavenly. Then again, I love the taste of octopus while most of the people I've eaten with tell me they hate the rubbery feel. And natto (fermented soy beans) can just go to hell. I rather take my chances on a suspect piece of blowfish than eat that crap again.