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Everything posted by Ced

  1. Ced


    Links to some post face-plant photos Clear shot of the wound This shot makes it look more dramatic (traumatic?) Yeah, that looks like it'd hurt like fuck.
  2. Ced


    And another Right to Censor member finally goes down. *starts the stopwatch for Val*
  3. Ced

    Picked up NCAA 2006 today...

    On its own merits, yeah sure, it's a decent soundtrack. It just seems terribly out of place within the game. The fight songs are easier to associate with collegiate football, so that's what most will stick with.
  4. But he did kill the "I've Got a Golden Ticket" number the second he tried to sing and there's no argument there.
  5. Ced

    Picked up NCAA 2006 today...

    Now I'm going to have to play Oklahoma and check what Vader Jr.'s stats are if I move him from center to defensive tackle. C'mon, like you're not thinking of having him drill a back behind the line and just screaming out "It's VADER TIME!!"
  6. Ced

    Juventud causing problems

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Juvi already botch up a previous tryout by going full speed during the match when asked to slow it down? Hope he doesn't decide to go that route this time around when it comes to management requests.
  7. Ced

    UPN Bans Hassan Permanently

    Maybe it's a sign that WWE should push Daivari, but that's just me.
  8. Ced

    GTA San Andreas forced to change game rating

    The whole Hot Coffee argument aside, what's hurting my head is that the difference between a M and AO rating is 1 year. So 17 year old gamers just have to wait a year to get a copy of GTA:SA now, if they haven't already purchased it already. I don't know about you, but I have a feeling that a few systems are failing badly somewhere along this equation.
  9. Ced

    The Andy Milonokis Show

    He's Tom Green funny. You get a laugh or two at first, then you quickly tire of his schtick and never want his dumbass visage to ever cross your mind again. If he's 30, then good. That means I can feel even less guilt for wishing terrible things upon him.
  10. Ced

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    I'm sure if WWE really wanted to they could make their own Legends game. The long walkway (for the Ultimate Warrior run, naturally), the 16-screen "Titantron" at the entrance, a plethora of 80's and 90's superstars. Heck, throw in some WCW talent, if possible. I'd plunk down good money given the right roster.
  11. Ced

    Ages of current WWE and some OVW

    I'm a bit surprised that Daivari is even younger than Dupree. Facial hair really does throw off the gauge.
  12. Ced

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    ^Seconded. I'd trade in voiceovers for all the original themes and new Titantron videos for the legends. I'm saying that even though I'm a bit cold on the legends roster.
  13. Ced

    Dream home locations?

    Either the more upscale area of the Sacramento suburbs or closer to the Bay Area and family. I'm not one to lift my roots up and move about.
  14. Ced

    Games that need to be brought current

    I didn't know 3D beat 'em ups were common enough for there to be a "generic" one. Although I know people probably really want one that's reminiscent of River City Ransom in 3D. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I keep envisioning a GTA:San Andreas without the vehicles and more emphasis on the fighting when I think of a 3D River City Ransom.
  15. Ced

    Games that need to be brought current

    I thought the original was part of GBA's NES Classic Series...or did it just not leave Japan? The thing about making a new Kid Icarus is that unless it hits the portable, it's going to almost likely be a 3D platformer, and that might just kill the fun.
  16. Ced

    GTA: San Andreas

    Finally rented it tonight. Went through the first few missions up to Drive Thru, now I'm just going to go about freely. I picked up a knife off a hooker I beat to death, and that has become my favorite weapon due to the lock-on special attack. STAB! So far, I'm liking the little changes made, especially the fence jump. Makes foot chases a little more fun.
  17. Ced

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    YTMND will never cease to amaze me with the random crap.
  18. Ced

    Darko Milicic

    I think I'm seeing what everybody else is seeing at this point. It's not even his fault, and some people are looking at him as a bust. The guy just turned 20 and seriously needs to be in the rotation to truly develop. Unless Larry Brown gives Darko some decent in-game minutes instead of using him as the Human Victory Cigar, it won't be surprising if Darko wants out of Detroit. And if that scenario arises, it'll be safe to say that Larry Brown and the Pistons organization COMPLETELY FUCKED UP the Darko experiment.
  19. Ced

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    My main problem with the voiceovers is that when people phone it in on their recording sessions, it just kills the experience (I'm looking at YOU, Rene Dupree). Hopefully they can make their VOs all come out decent this time around. The three degrees of blood sounds great. Nothing like having a chairshot start the crimson then just having the blood flow after a few minutes. The three different outfits for the Bra & Panties match doesn't do jack for me, though I've had it in for the B&P match ever since it debuted. I'm having hope that the create-an-entrance will be great. I also hope that THQ decides to change up the custom themes since I'm not a big fan of any of them.
  20. Ced

    Vader breaking Joe Thurman's back

    The way Thurman took the chokeslam and powerbomb bumps is asking for trouble. Somebody should've told Joe that landing feet over head then somehow rolling onto his stomach was not a good way to take a high impact back bump. Makes it vicious as hell though.
  21. Ced

    The Boogeyman

    It's a terrible thing when I can say that booking him as the second coming of Zeus would be a better gimmick idea.
  22. I remember Zach Gowen getting booed trying to get the standing ovation pop after one of his last WWE matches.
  23. Ced

    Family Guy 7/10

    God, even having it spoiled for me, the Breakfast Machine is f'n hilarious.
  24. Ced

    One man, one mission:

    The man has a clear record of being a child molester in several states over a long period of time. If anybody needs to be put away or put down immediately, it's this guy.
  25. Ced

    Team Rankings for Madden NFL 2006

    Yep, it's going to be all about the Browns in franchise mode for me. Although bringing S.F. back into dominance is tempting being raised as a Niner fan. Indianapolis having a 99-rated offense and a 68-rated defense? To quote Sammy Sosa, it's so reeeeeeeal.