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Everything posted by Ced

  1. She's getting the shaft in every conceivable fashion. It was going to be said eventually. I'm wondering exactly who blew the whistle (no pun intended) on this scandal.
  2. Ced

    Paul London action figure

    London: Shit, it's a Paul London figure. I can't really fault that. Kidman: Looks like Jerry Lawler. Heidenreich: Pretty damn good representation. Heyman: "Hey, you worked on the Paul Heyman figure, right? You're fired..." Cena: The head is really close to looking like Randy Orton. Funaki: Good representation of his head, but they're too kind with placing it on a Triple H body. I'm most interested in the Funaki and London figures naturally.
  3. Ced

    NBA Live 2005 needs technicals and flagrants.

    Technicals and ejections for unsportsmanlike conduct and fighting would make for a more "real" presentation and I'd dig players getting into my face after a hard foul, but I doubt that the NBA would want to have their image put in that kind of light again after the Detroit-Indiana incident. But I could see them being OK with guys getting the T by bitching at the refs after getting called for a foul.
  4. Ced

    Forget DVD/HD-DVD/Blu-Ray..

    (Looks at his wall of DVDs and imagines burning that all onto a single HVD) DAMN...
  5. Ced

    Fixing a broken laptop

    In my search for a laptop, I had a Compaq Presario 1500 dropped right into my lap courtesy of one of my aunts. The problem is it doesn't seem to want to power on at all, even with an AC adapter plugged into it. The adapter makes a beeping sound, but that's the only reaction I'm getting from the computer. Any ideas of what to look at or have fixed? Should I even bother trying to fix it?
  6. Ced

    Capcom goodness on tap

    As long as this stays the hell away from State of Emergency territory, I'm very hyped at the possibilities. And a courtroom drama video game? Damn, the Japanese never cease to amaze me.
  7. Ced

    Tekken 5

    Does anybody else play or see somebody else play Tekken 5 using the PS2 controller for the directional pad and the arcade buttons? I started using it a few days ago and I love it. The PS2 d-pad feels alot more responsive and accurate than the joystick, especially on diagonals, and the arcade buttons make it alot easier for combos, especially 1+4 and 2+3 compared to a PS2 controller. I think it's a real nice combination.
  8. Ced

    Wondercon 2005

    I'd probably go if I weren't saving up for a big trip to Vegas. The cheap pricetag for the 3 day-pass and the fact that I have relatives living within an hour of the convention center makes it that much more tempting though.
  9. Ced

    Rico lands on his feet in All Japan

    Rico is a champion. Bull Buchanon is a champion. MOTHERFUCKING JAMAL is a champion. All we need now is Matt Bloom to sign on and become the Triple Crown Champion and our lives will be complete.
  10. Ced

    Venture Bros

    Venture Bros. is a funny show with great comedic lines and references. There are so many directions they could go should they make the second season. Super Milk Chan is hit or miss with the off-the-wall comedy. I either get a "WTF?" laugh out of it (ie The President talking about his lost cat) or nothing at all (ie the entire NG episode).
  11. Ced

    Who has the best name in sports?

    Too bad Shammgod and Miroslav are in different sports. I'd kill for the obligatory "God vs Satan" headlines.
  12. Ced

    Smackdown vs. Raw, GTA: SA, DBZ Budokai 3

    I knew about the 3 for $20 deal for PV movie DVDs, but now I have to check to see if this is going on for games too.
  13. Ced

    Royal Rumble 2005 Detailed Results

    Where's the animated GIF for this? That was a bonafide 1.0 on the Shockmaster Scale.
  14. Ced

    Namco X Capcom

    Ripped from IGN An RPG? With Mitsurugi, Chun-Li and KOS-MOS in it?!? Damn, this just sounds like a video game made during an acid trip, but that's to be expected from the Japanese. Also, "Namco X Capcom" makes it sound more like a friggin hentai comic than a video game.
  15. Ced

    Tekken 5

    Playing as Kuma is frustrating period. Haven't had the ff2 problem yet, but I haven't played Kuma enough. On a side note, making Kuma look like it's doing the Worm (1+2 repeatedly from the slide position) puts a smile on my face.
  16. Ced

    Suikoden IV

    I liked what I saw so far (about 2 hours in) and I'll pick it up when a used copy becomes available. Random thoughts: I have a major gripe with the "run" animation which makes your character move about like he's injected himself with pure caffeine. I wish death to Chiepoo for opening his mouth. Damn, Snowe is such a ginormous pussy. I love the paranoid eyes your character gets when you get his and Snowe's battle victory animation. The more I played the game to more I felt like finding a copy of Pirates for the Sega Genesis.
  17. Ced

    Super Punch-Out on Gamecube

    I'd mark out for a Fight Night rendered into the Punch-Out 8-bit graphics and style complete with telegraphed patterns and the between round cutscenes with Doc, but sans the KO everyone in under a minute crap from the SNES version. De La Hoya as Don Flamenco? I'm so there.
  18. Ced

    2004 Razzie Nominations

    Publicly acknowledging the fact you made a shitty movie then proceeding to get the last word in the matter. Now that's rolling with the punches.
  19. Already have Spaceballs. Bring on the Robin Hood: Men in Tights DVD!
  20. Ced

    A special match

    Does anybody do the Anderson Spinebuster (With a 180 pivot, IIRC) on a normal basis? Back to the topic, the Torch is pretty delusional with the theories if they associate Stinger Splash with a rib towards The Rock.
  21. Ced

    2004 Razzie Nominations

    Ben Stiller for Worst Actor yet Richard Roxburg gets a pass? Fuuuuck... Donald Rumsfeld on the ballot, which is, like the other Fahrenheit 9/11 nominees, politics rearing its ugly head and taking the fun out of the Razzies.
  22. Ced

    Will WWE change the design

    Raw - Big Gold Belt (WWE Version) Smackdown - Winged Eagle design Use those two belts and we'd be in business. Can't really go wrong by using two of the most recognizable pro-wrestling belts of all time. I can't even picture what the current Smackdown championship belt looks like right now. It's that forgettable.
  23. Ced

    Tekken 5

    I was just reading that thread. Broken characters must be fixed, no doubt, but calling the game an absolute piece of crap because of a single glitchy combo that's very situational is just dumb. I'm sure the drama is because Steve on top of the tier list. If it were Kuma with the glitchy situational combo, I guarantee hardly anybody would give as much of a damn. Hell, they'd probably even applaud it. "OMG Kuma has something useful!"
  24. Ced

    Help Ced Buy a Laptop

    I don't know where to look aside from the big retail stores. I just want a cheap, but respectable laptop for when I'm away from the house. TSM tech gurus/junkies, give a brother a hand.
  25. Ced

    Worst ring attire of all time?

    Giant Gonzalez: Airbrushed naked suit. The Johnsons: Flesh colored suits and masks. Naked Mideon: Fanny pack...and...OH GOD MY EYES!! I sense a theme here. The purple and lavender tights Benoit had were just not a good idea and neither were the snakeskin pants Taker used.