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Everything posted by Ced

  1. Ced

    Disc Read Error

    Most likely it's dust. Whenever I get the dreaded D.R.E. I bust out a can of compressed air to blow the dust off of the air vents and the lens. It has a pretty good success rate, but I'd imagine it also means you should maybe look into having it cleaned internally somehow.
  2. Ced

    Celebrating a decade

    Ah, I remember the days when I was a fierce punch mashing little bastard with Blanka. I've come a long way.
  3. Ced

    Pedophile Priest Murdered

    It was unavoidable. One way or another, the man was going to get his comeuppance. Disturbing fact from the article:
  4. Ced

    Serious In-ring Injuries?

    That Hayabusa clip is from FMW, TokyoX. Listen to the horrid commentary team. I cringe whenever I see that clip. Another serious injury was Akira Hokuto's broken neck early in her career. Someone that follows joshi more closely would be able to tell you the details.
  5. MP3's on GeoCities? You fool! You foolish fool!
  6. Ced

    Getting a credit card

    Yes indeed. If you do use credit cards, use them with EXTREME caution. I had to use mine for some emergency repairs on my car. Now that I don't have a job at the moment, the only people that are smiling are the folks at Capital One as they watch my wallet bleed like a sieve.
  7. Ced


    *recalls the history of WWE's usage of women* Well, Alexis is screwed...
  8. I think it's a knee injury. I think if the severity of the injury is enough to sideline him for a few months, I'd wager that Red's style could make a change comparable to that of Rey Mysterio Jr.'s when he injured his knee. On a side note, wasn't Red doing the Fake Mysterio gimmick in Japan when the injury occurred? Does that mean he'll have to be Fake Rey Rey when he returns? *gets pelted with rotten tomatoes*
  9. Ced

    WWE Invades All Japan

    From puroresufan.com Hernandez ooking like Kurt Angle and using a move called the Olympic Drop? Red looking like Mysterio AND teaming up with fucking Kendo Kashin? I thought I'd never say this but WWE Lawyers...GET THE SUBPOENAS!
  10. Ced

    The ONE and ONLY Kevin Nash's Hair Thread

    http://www.wwe.com/images/splash/1234125 He looks like a weird amalgamation of himself, Ric Flair, and Kane in this splash pic. And Nash's hair is blonde so it can be grafted onto Hogan's non-existant hairline.
  11. Fucking beautiful. Abso-fucking-lutely beautiful. If I weren't missing a pint of blood right now, I'd do something to commemorate this moment.
  12. Ced

    Two Dollars for That?!

    Where's the ParaParaParadise love? Oh wait...nevermind...
  13. Ced

    When are you going to die?

    May 19, 2018 Shit...
  14. -Ced Ordonez returns to the Job Train. It ain't happening.
  15. Ced

    My name is Tim

    Haven't played since the 2001 edition of KoF. I last remember playing with Whip, Vice and Yuri for the cheap whip, cheap throw and super bitchslaps, respectively.
  16. Ced

    Ted Williams' Body Decapitated

    Actually, Satanico beat you to the punch with the Futurama reference, Marvin. Anyway, I think my stance in this issue is "Don't freeze 'em unless you're going to eat 'em." Just take some DNA and maybe some brain stem cells to preserve and that's it. Everything else is just taking up space. I also heard before that Williams's corpse shares the same room with a bunch of other cryogenically frozen chaps. Can anybody confirm that one?
  17. Ced


    He just NOW turned 50?!? Ye gods, somebody has aged terribly...
  18. Ced

    TSM Forums Crash 2003

    Nice to see the other CO is redoubling his posting efforts Well, I guess I now have some sort of historic event now related to my b-day, so it's all good.