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Everything posted by redbaron29

  1. redbaron29


    And this page proves it...... you look on the HHH page you will see on the lower left side of the page under affliliates, garrison cade.net or some shit.
  2. redbaron29

    Benoit vs HHH Ironman match thread

    I will also be in attendance for this raw. It should be interesting to see how the full 60 turn out w/o commecial breaks. Also, because this is the opener, it should be interesting on how it builds toward the second hour. I'm sure they will manage to fuck up all the crowd heat they get from the match with more of the dumbass diva search. Anyways, I think both men should be able to put on a good match.
  3. redbaron29

    Huey Lewis & The News

    Lets not forget "Cruisin" from the movie "Duets"
  4. redbaron29

    Lets collectively rename the new

    Actually somebody pretty much brought this thread to my attention, or else I would never have known it existed. I just think its cool that someone thought to do this. ...maybe its just all and good fun and goes to show I don't take myself to seriously ... then again maybe you are right, this could just be some huge publicity stunt
  5. redbaron29

    Drudge must be getting really desperate

    Clinton bombed Iraq the night before his impeachment trial got under way. When people screamed wag the dog he said. " No...I have selected targets, based on the intelligence that we have recieved saying there where weapons of mass destruction there. What King is saying is there was nobody bitching about there not being weapons back then. So why the hell should we do so with W. It's hypocritical. Thats all hes pointing out The reason why King is so defensive lately is becuase he got some heat on other parts of the board. Politically though most people here are open minded king
  6. redbaron29

    Lets collectively rename the new

    Nope....no mocking.....didnt even know you existed untill i read this thread Im the newbaron guy... ya know....the guy everybody wants to change his name
  7. redbaron29

    Lets collectively rename the new

    LOL This is definately priceless. I have never had a thread revolve around me before. Alright Guys I am definately game..I do like some of these....and i would definately suggest no matter what I pick you should defintely just keep referring to me with the names you respectively pick....Keep commin up with em....and I shall decide at a later date.
  8. lol....thats right mike...it all makes sense now..... Of course Bush used those Roswell aliens to abduct, murder the family, and frame the Boy......so the goverment can sieze the land....so he can use the cotton farm to enslave inner city children.....lets halliborton steal all the oil....Lets the aliens steal eat the children...and then goes snorts some coke with the money.. .....its all a vast right wing conspiracy
  9. redbaron29

    Getting rid of 'natural-born' President rule??

    Lets face it people....its the goverments job to discriminate equally. and thats why the rule remains in place.
  10. redbaron29

    BTW, Should We Americans Be Worried?

    does anyone else realize what they are trying to say here.. 40% of Canadian teens hate America umm..... Maybe it's just me but I always thought 40% of Teens just hate everything just thought I should point that out Oh and I'm suprised there havent been any jokes about it being Shawn Micheals fault, or any south park references
  11. redbaron29

    Getting rid of 'natural-born' President rule??

    So what your saying is your on the "Third" side of the issue Oh wait....you must be John Kerry
  12. redbaron29

    Conservative? Let Kerry Win!

    You and I are in the same boat. But anyways, Lets face the facts folks. This election isnt going to come down to politics. It doesn't come down to planks, or platforms. It doesn't come down to towing the party line. When people go to the polls in November and they have to punch there chad they will make a choice based on one fact. -I hate George Bush or -I love George Bush It's bullshit. People dont care to educate them selves on the issues, and vote for what direction the want this country to take. They vote on some gut reaction that fuckin desplays there own ignorance anyways. Instead the vote based upon what some jackass (who couldn't take the crispy creams out of his mouth long enough to actually check his facts) said in some gay ass propaganda film he made. For me....Like the Andrew it doesnt really matter who the fuck I vote for. As an indepndent thinking conservative in the heartland of liberal 70's union mentality, it doesnt matter who I vote for cuz Kerry will win this area. So of course my vote will go to Jim Traficant
  13. redbaron29

    Getting rid of 'natural-born' President rule??

    Yup it should definitely stay. Although the rule itself is one of those outdated post-colonial paranoia, any country as a whole that is paranoid tends to stay intact. As a huge Arnold mark, I agree with him for the most part politically, as well have had the pleasure of talking with him in person several times in my life (in fact the last time he ran into me he even remembered my name!) but I don't feel that I could bring myself to vote for him for president, even if the rule was thrown out. Although I doubt Arnold himself would do anything to jeopardize the country, I don't trust half the people running this country who ARE born here, why on Earth would I trust anyone who wasn't born here. Therefore no matter whom the candidate was it simply wouldn’t be right
  14. It doesn't seem like the best idea, but like Mad Dog said, it's not like we are really putting him in Iraqi "custody". The administration is simply making a PR statement so that all the people who are in "decent" with the administration, will shut there mouths and let the goverment do there job. They will then put Saddam though a Kangeroo court (and rightfully so may I add) and the best we could hope for is a slow, cruel and unusual death. But then again, I've been wrong before. I do know that we can at least hope the world will be forever free of one more piece of shit scumbag.
  15. The head and shoulders finish was the classic comedic finish of our generation. In fact I would go as far to say that in that era, it was probably the funniest. What other comedic finish's do you remember?
  16. redbaron29

    Favorite Mel Brooks Movie

    Definately Blazing Saddles... Timeless classic...probably one of the last great politically incorrect classics of that generation. Spaceballs also holds a place near and dear to thy heart
  17. redbaron29


    I love chucks work. I also pride myself on being able to sit through very graphic shit. But reading the bit about sticking a rod in your cock is just too much even for me.
  18. redbaron29

    WWE Presidential Elections, RAW Overseas, etc...

    I thought it said that there would only be one "president" that would be effective for both brands?
  19. That would probably hold the title for worst match ever, but only if it was an elemination chamber/electric chair match Dear god, if wrestlecrap ever decides to hold a PPV you my friend should be hired as the head booker!
  20. Now, now now children, lets not bicker over it.... I'm sure if you ask the King of Hearts nicely, he would glady change his booking and replace IRS with THE SHOCKMASTER!!!!
  21. I don't know what you're talking about there. Would you mind explaining that? He is obviously talking about Steve Austin refusing to give Owen Hart a push when many felt it was time for Owen to get a run around late 1998 but because of the neck injury, Austin never accepeted what Owen did to him and wouldn't let Owen get pushed so they gave owen the blazer gimmick and the rest is sick sad history. As for in 1994, Owen's Victory DID make him a main eventer in the top feud with Bret and the Hart Family until Kliq Happened and the harts were sent to the midcard/tag teams...Which I never personally got... Shawn liked Owen and had great matches with him but never did anything with him when he had the chance and opted to do a stupid bulldog and Sid feud when Owen/Shawn had more natural heat right there once the diesel program was over since Owen did take shawn out for 2 months...(yes Shawn did take the blowoff at IYH before WM...the program still had legs). Exactly.
  22. It was the opening bout so I dont think it would have legitimzed him as a main eventer at the time. Secondly, do you realize what would have happened had Bret NOT won the title from Yokozuna. The Company was pretty much in the shitter at the time, and Yoko holding the title made it look even worse. We needed a strong champion that could bring back some prestige to the company.....That was Bret. If they really wanted to elevate Owen they could have done it post screwjob. But once again politics got in the way of that and we all know where Owen ended up.
  23. That would be who I WAS refering to
  24. redbaron29

    Explain This To Me

    No it wasn't a good hell in the cell match. The stale at the beginning was way to fucking long. There wasn't enough cohesive spots drawn together to make it a 45 fuckin minute match. They didnt even ATTEMPT to use the cage in a fashion that would bring a new demension to the match. I'm not saying anyone had to escape the cage or go off the cage like Foley but at least use it in some manner minus rubbing your opponents head into it. I'm not even saying the match was bad....all I'm saying is there is no reason it should have been a Hell in a Cell. All the high spots involed chairs, stairs, and ladders. I honestly think the crowd would have been hot had it not been a HITC. I mean come on. Lets put aside this specific match for the time being. Gimmick matches are suppose to give fans a reason to stay attentive while furthering the story. If you see the same two people battle each and every month you need some insentive on why to stay involved. Hence the Gimmick match is born. So when you hear that a gimmck match whats the first thing you do. I know that I think back to all the great matches that involved that gimmick. When I hear Iron-man match I think back to Bret-Shawn, when I hear TLC I think of the great three way tag match with Dudley's/Hardyz/E&C. Then you look at who was announced and wonder how they will compair to those great mathes. Hell in a Cell. Yeah it's true, I think of Mick/Taker 98 King of the Ring. Did I ever expect HHH/HBK or ANYONE else compair to that. Nope. Then I think of Shawn/Taker. Decent match. Shows that Shawn in his prime could pull a hell of a match. I'm not saying you HAVE to have insane bumps to make a good cell match. Just make it worth billing it as a hell in the cell. What they SHOULD have done was make it a Ladder Match. You could of had the SAME exact high spots that you had in that match. FUCK you could of had the SAME exact match down to the finish. It would have made perfect sense. From a story line perspective it would fit cuz, if you recall the only way shawn would have the match was if it was HIS WAY. Well if the WWE professes Shawn to be the innovator of the ladder match, why not make that his match specialty. He could demand it be a ladder match. Now lets take the exact match that happened. Minus the cage. It would have been a different gimmick on a different level. If they had the exact match on the level of a ladder match minus 20 minutes, I submit to you the entire crowd would have been into the match had the cell not been used in this instance. Everyone around me was screaming for somebody to use the fucking cell. The could have still sold everything as they did including the final minute and a half of them both selling the fact that they where DEAD. The entire match was mishandled for some reason. Which is why the crowd was disapointed.
  25. redbaron29

    Who likes Randy Orton now?

    I'm down with the legend killer. Granted, I wasn't able to watch wrestling when he was 95% Randy Orton ( although I've heard about it serveral times) but ever since I've seen him wrestle I have been quite impressed. The "Legend Killer" gimmick was probably the best thing the WWE creative has done in the past year. I would even go out on a limb for him and say out of all the current OVW Alumni, I would consider him most improved for mat skills (although some would argue the RKOoops fucked him out of that title) I'm not saying Randy is by far done working his way up the latter. What I can see is him one day obtaining a spot in the ranks of the all time greats of this sport. Orton may not be the number 1 heel but one day in another year or two you sure as fuck should be. As far as Dave Batista goes I think my brother put it best. When he's in the ring I see a monster. When he is comming to the ring I see a monster (although I can also see where the metrosexual reference comes from) But when Big Dave opens his mouth......the whole Monster image is gone.