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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. Exslade ZX

    ECW on Sci-Fi (5/6/2008)

    Awww man, this sucks. I thought they were gonna try and turn him into an uber heel.
  2. Exslade ZX

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    Sweet. For that fact that maybe they'll stop putting in legends in the place of people who are actually on the roster, and more deserving of a place in the game. I'm still pissed that we've only see Paul London in the game once, and that was alone. *Obviously someone who doesn't play as the legends.
  3. Exslade ZX

    Ashley Massaro Linked to Escort Service

    Wow, that site has plenty of porn stars. One of which is Krystal Steal! (Who is 10,000 cheaper then Ashley...) shit wish I had that much money
  4. Exslade ZX

    OAO 5/5/08 Raw Thread

    Orton looked like a giddy little school boy the way he jumped up after that RKO.
  5. Exslade ZX

    OAO 5/5/08 Raw Thread

    Loved Santino's "I'll tell you after."
  6. Exslade ZX

    OAO 5/5/08 Raw Thread

    Starting to get the feeling Regal doesn't like Orton matches...
  7. Exslade ZX

    OAO 5/5/08 Raw Thread

    Awww man...this is now awesome. I love the fact that they're now playing up that he's bad. (The Cutler did it!)
  8. Exslade ZX

    We Have Us An Iron Man

    For anyone who didn't stay after the credits. (Dont know how long it will last though)
  9. Exslade ZX

    TUF VII: Middleweights

    Wait I'm confused as I missed the last the episode. But at the beginning of the one on now, they just showed Matt Riddle losing, so why is he still there? Do they keep training or something when they're eliminated?
  10. Exslade ZX

    Ashley Massaro Linked to Escort Service

    Alright two things that made me laugh while looking at some of the info posted above. This post on Ashley's myspace "is £60,000 enough?" And the headline for TMZ being "WWE Diva Fingered in Escort Ring?"
  11. Exslade ZX

    We Have Us An Iron Man

    No. Certain characters have been. Simply because it's more practical, like the X-Men. But in the case of Iron Man for example, it's the original. He looks nothing like his Ultimate counterpart. But I saw this last night, and holy shit, coming from someone who's not really a Tony Stark fan in the comics, I loved this movie. Robert Downey Jr. was Tony Stark. That simple. It'll be hard to try and picture anyone else as him IMO. Visually it looked amazing, and there was a very nice mix of CGI/suit. I know I came out of the movie thinking, damn, I would love to live like that. That house was awesome. (Although he'd be fucked in an earthquake.) And the whole Microsoft year 5000 computers, awesome. It was sort of a WTF moment when they introduced Jarvis, but it grew on me during the movie, and I really liked it. As well as the others. Really enjoyed the comedy in it as well. Especially some of the cutoff scenes involving Rhodes. "What? I'm not drinking now!/cut to drunken stupor." Overall great movie, and because of the comic book geek in me I'm sure it'll probably be one of my top movies of the year. Behind Batman though of course.
  12. Exslade ZX

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Well, it's not so random, you just don't get any big storyline notification. But if you listen to the radio/read the newspaper and other news articles on the internet it'll explain more in depth about the bridge opening up. Pretty cool feature too, and they seriously made the internet huge. There's plenty of articles, ads, and of course they change throughout the game with what you do, and what's talked about on the radio.
  13. Exslade ZX

    General DC Discussion

    But is it really any different then Crisis on Infinite Earths, and other 'Classic stories'? I've had at times the opposite problem, where I try to go back and read older stories, and I just really don't know what's going on, and they seem fairly complicated. But that's probably because I'm a reader from now, trying to read stories from then. Plus, for the example you used, of it being harder for younger kids, that's what Legion of Super Heroes in the 31st Century and Justice League, and all the other kid comics are for. I think they know their demographic isn't really kids.
  14. Exslade ZX

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox360/code/933037.html Pretty sure some, or at least one, will prevent certain achievements though.
  15. Exslade ZX


    Simple question, what do you think about them? Referring more to inter-publishing, or whatever the word would be crossovers. (Like DC/Marvel) I ask this because being the DC fanatic I am, I just got done reading the DC/Wildstorm crossover, Dreamwar. Only problem is, never having read any of Wildstorm, I really have no idea who majority of the characters are, and that makes it, not as fun to read I suppose. Although I really did like the art. And even with the big 2 Marvel/DC, and I know who everyone is, considering I read mostly DC, and for Marvel characters I might not know what's going on with them at that particular time and it just makes it not as interesting. So I guess overall, I'm not really that big of a fan of crossovers. But of course, that's just me. Are there any good crossovers out there?
  16. Exslade ZX

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    You need more guns. As far as the health in older games, I can't remember either. It seems like by the end of the game, you had more health then when you started. Because I think I remember being able to get 150 health in Vice City. But even if you could in the older games, as far as I know there's no way to get extra health here. Just the 50 health, and the 50 armor, to complete the circle. So the only real alternatives to the quick deaths seem to be, get hit less, get some armor, or keep buying hot dogs. Or, get more guns. edit- There are a shitload of cops though. Whenever I call to do an activity, I usually take a taxi to the person, and have to steal a car when I get there. And every time, even when I check around to make sure first, they come out of nowhere it seems (usually there's one walking by that I missed or something I guess) and I have to outrun them. And some people said it's easy to escape the cops circle, which is sort of is, but there's always another cop like 10 yards out that restarts the circle when you move. Oh, and water is definitely not a way to escape the cops (like in Saint's Row) especially at 6 stars. You won't last 10 seconds.
  17. Exslade ZX

    Real World Awards

    Yeah, get a divorce *rimshot* Question: I've had an episode or two forced upon me this season, and I've seen enough to see Andy Dick. Is he involved at all? I didn't think anyone could have a bigger meltdown than some of this year's cast, but if they're putting Andy on TV...I just wanna know if I should keep watching. Not really. And the appearance he did make, wasn't him being over the top Andy Dick, he was just being a regular, or as regular as you can get being Andy dick, guy. The whole thing is that this season, instead of having a job, the roomates are going to be taking an improv class. He was just there to introduce them to the studio, and the women who trained him, and other actors. So I don't expect to really see him again. Probably on the last episode when they do their final show or something, but that's about it.
  18. Exslade ZX

    Real World Awards

    That's because the whole house seems to be batshit crazy. Exaggeration of course, but at least the people they decide to focus on. (Aka Joey and Bri) And Greg seems to be weird in his own right. but some of the things we've seen so far, these people seem to be total headcases. And sadly, that's what they look for, so if I applied I'd probably never get on. But, that doesn't stop the season from being fun. Definitely the best season since San Diego so far.
  19. Exslade ZX

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    What system? Haven't really experienced much of a load time on the 360. Not even for online games. It does have the tendency to disconnect before entering certain games sometimes, but that happens on other games as well. And a few of the games are timed, which you can set yourself if you create the game. Or you could just go to freemode, and run around for an unlimited amount of time. edit- And can I just say the taxi system is fuckin awesome. It's so great to just be able to go to a whole different part of town, in just a few seconds. Especially when people always seem to call you to do something when you're clear across town.
  20. Exslade ZX

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Has anybody been able to get in a taxi while drunk? Those fuckers never stop for me. So I always end up having to drive the person home.
  21. Exslade ZX

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    The character models are almost last generation. the lighting and reflection effects is where they put their money. They are amazing. Driving around can be beautiful. But its that soft filter on the whole screen making it look even better. It is some little things SR2 could do to make their game look just as good if not better(although its going to be tough to match the lighting of the cars and such. Its a pretty game and ugly game at the same time. I don't see how any reviewer could give the graphics a 10 though. Are you kidding me? How about the fact that what's supposed to be New York....looks just like New York. I suppose, you could in fact make an argument in regards to the character models, as they aren't necessarily up to par with the rest of the world, but this is made up in the way the move/act/react, etc. I can't think of another game where the people walking around looked any more "real". And this includes Saint's Row. And I not that I played every game, but I can't remember too many games last generation that looked like the models on this game... And as far as the scenery goes, IMO it's a lot more then just lighting and reflection effects. I wish I had a side by side comparison, and who knows there might be one soon enough, but in comparison to say Saint's row (since it was compared earlier) if you take for instance the railway tracks, and compare, there's just a lot more detail put into this game. (Which it should be, as this is years later.) And for instance, I'm playing now, and riding by the roller coaster near Niko's safehouse, and the architecture of it is ridiculous, and it's obvious they took it straight from the real thing, as it looks insane. Not to mention there's always a skyline, that seems to reach thousands of feet no matter where you go. You can literally see what's down the street (and across the bridge for that matter) without being anywhere near it. I know, that seems like a rant, but that's just my, defense so to speak, as I don't see how anyone could say the game didn't deserve a 10, for graphics. Have you seen times square? But since we're on complaints, my only real complaint so far is the sound. Maybe it's just my crappy tv, because I'm playing in a dorm room, but but the Music and SFX completely overshadow the dialog in the game. Which is hard enough to understand with the thick accents. It just seems they talk really low, by comparison. I've turned both options down some in the options, but it still happens occasionally, usually during a phone call, where the radio doesn't seem to fade enough. (Although, as I type this, looking at the options, maybe that has to do with the output being on surround side?) Alright, now off, back to play I suppose.
  22. Exslade ZX

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    I don't believe that's an actual weapon. If it didn't glow orange underneath, then it wasn't a weapon. And you just walk over them to get them.
  23. Exslade ZX

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Comes in the front with the booklet and the map. Or at least should.
  24. Exslade ZX

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Yea, even at 2 stars, the cops are hell, so 6 seems impossible. And it doesn't help, those fuckers like to use shotguns. Was playing in freemode earlier, and there was about 7 of us. A 4 star wanted level was the highest anyone had, and all of us, were cornered, gunned down, and killed. Granted, we could have just left the area, but it was just seeing How long we could last. It wasn't that long.
  25. Exslade ZX

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Yea, me neither, and I bought a year, specifically for this. But hey, still works out in the end I suppose. Now I just have 14 months of live with GTA. So far, in what little I've played, I've found braking a little hard. The regular brake doesn't brake hard enough, and the handbrake, is pretty much a guaranteed 180-360. It's gonna take a while to get used to the realistic driving.