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Dark Age

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Everything posted by Dark Age

  1. Dark Age

    The Summerslam Thread

    This is not the first time the crowd have turned on Cena, it's happened a few times now. They need to freshen up his character, but you could say that about almost every guy on the roster. Anyone care to give a possible Unforgiven card? I'm not sure what they would go with at all, other than Angle/Cena and Edge/Hardy. Maybe Trips/Flair and Carlito/Shelton, but I'm not sure what else.
  2. No, Tazz and Cole saying Orton's using the headlocks to set up the RKO wouldn't mean anything. My point was I don't think ORTON uses the headlocks to set up the RKO. I think he uses them because he hasn't got a fuckin' clue what else to use. Or because WWE tells him to. Either way, they aren't too cool.
  3. Yes, that's the match. It's very good, and maybe the best Raw match of the year. Wildpegasus has wrote a lot about it, so I'll let him go in to detail, but there's just tons of little things playing off on the SummerSlam match the night earlier. Benoit giving Orton a front suplex so that he couldn't get his feet up on the headbutt comes to mind. Just a really fun match.
  4. Yes. The 25 minutes prior to that were really good too.
  5. Oh, but that turnbuckle spot was great.
  6. I actually thought it was pretty bad. Both matches last year SMOKE it. Orton NO-SOLD! the headbutt to my disgust, but I was even more upset with the fact that they didn't build on the swank headbutt spots from last year. I never get the feeling that Orton's building to the RKO. I mean, people actually like Orton using the chinlocks and headlocks and stuff because it seems like he's setting up for his finisher. I don't get that. I never think "oh, Orton's preparing for the RKO, cool!". I don't think Orton thinks "this will be some smart work leading to the finish!". It just seems like he's filling time. They look nice and realistic, but they don't really, ya know, do anything. Benoit's first german was better than it's been in a while, though. From then on it's just spot after spot, with no rhyme or reason. Benoit's sharpshooter sucked, again, and he knew it, hence his kneeling, which was actually mega cool. I appreciated the tease of the gutwrench neckbreaker that Orton does, but I'm being kind. It may be that he just couldn't lift Benoit. There was other things I liked, and other things I didn't, but I can't even remembr now. I'm probably being too hard on it because I expected so much after the good stuff they produced last year. I guess it wasn't THAT bad, but it was hardly good. You're completely wrong if you think it's the best SD match this year, though. Eddie/Rey, Eddie/Angle, Angle/Rey, and Angle/JBL, to name just a few, are all way better than it. Maybe I need to rewatch it, but I can safely say it wasn't anything special.
  7. Dark Age

    HTQ shoots on YOU

    Feel free to destroy me.
  8. Dark Age

    Rob Conway news

    Yeah, he did. I watched the international Heat earlier today, and he wrestled the first minute or so of the match in his glasses. It was great.
  9. Dark Age

    Booker T

    Triple H had a far better match that year (2003) with HBK in December on Raw. Booker T's recent match with Kurt Angle wasn't bad, but he moves far too slow in the ring for my tastes. He had a good gimmick, but its been played out. His last chance was in the spring of 2003 before Triple H buried him. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Now THAT was an overrated match, even if it was still quite good.
  10. Dark Age

    Booker T

    It wasn't the best match of his career. It was a good match, though, carried completely by Booker. Trips was gone in that match. It was HIS best match of the year, though I'm not sure about Booker's. But it's not even CLOSE to being the best of his career. And Coffey, even if you didn't like the Benoit series, it doesn't change the fact that it was a very good series of matches.
  11. Dark Age

    Booker T

    Because his opponent is better than him doesn't mean he was carried. That's something that's been annoying me for a while. People often jump to the conclusion that the better wrestler MUST have carried the match against a lesser performer. Not saying you, but as a whole.
  12. Dark Age

    Booker T

    The opposite.
  13. Dark Age

    OAO SD! Thread July 14th 05

    Of course he can. He's Eddie fuckin' Guerrero!
  14. Dark Age

    Rhyno headed to TNA!

    To be fair, Rhyno was very over in WWE, considering his push, or lack of one.
  15. Dark Age

    WWE begin the releases

    Regal wouldn't get released anyway.
  16. Dark Age

    WWE begin the releases

    You quite obviously don't watch OVW.
  17. Dark Age

    WWE begin the releases

    I can see Tomko, Grenier, Scotty, Kazarian all going. Maybe more.
  18. Dark Age

    WWE begin the releases

    This is nuts. Richards, Venis and Sho-Fu are hangin' in there!
  19. Dark Age

    Let us talk about Velocity....

    Question: how many of you are interested in this? Myself and ISJ (him more than me) are working on this right now, so I'd like to know who wants in.
  20. Dark Age

    Give me reasons to hate Shawn Michaels.

    No he hasn't.
  21. Dark Age

    Let us talk about Velocity....

    I'm working on the international Heat stuff, as well as Velocity/Heat up until 9/21/02, and possibly a few random matches here and there. I'll post a match listing for the international stuff, and we'll decide what looks good.
  22. Dark Age

    Give me reasons to hate Shawn Michaels.

    And I never heard that Jericho was going to job to Test at NWO. That's news to me.
  23. Dark Age

    Give me reasons to hate Shawn Michaels.

    I was talking about the PPVs leading to WM19. You didn't name any "low carders" that he jobbed to. Test threw him over the top rope at the Rumble, after Shawn interfered. That's it.
  24. Dark Age

    Let us talk about Velocity....

    I can take care of that.
  25. Dark Age

    Let us talk about Velocity....

    Chris Benoit Vs. Rodney Mack (10/03/04)