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Everything posted by BHK

  1. This will be my only post in this folder ever, but... The Chicago Tribune reports Scottie Pippen will retire from basketball before the 2004-05 NBA season. The only details that need to be worked out are what he and the Bulls plan on doing with the $5.3 million he is owed this season. Chicago hopes he will forfeit some of it because it will count against the salary cap Sad, as I loved Pippen.
  2. BHK

    Bret Hart or Ric Flair

    Both men areamazing workers, but... Hart/Austin > Flair/Steamboat. and for me, that about says it.
  3. BHK


  4. BHK

    Miraculous matches

    Wrestlemania VII.
  5. As I mentioned earlier in the thread: Benoit still owes HHH a job. He has to get it back. Case closed.
  6. Oh come on, like everyone didn't see this coming: The poll is fixed, Benoit wins, and Hunter finally gets his job(s) back. Edit: Oh, and yeah, Benoit then never goes anywhere near the ME scene ever again before he retires.
  7. Since I more or less stopped watching WCW after the absolutely horrible payoff to Hogan/Sting at Starrcade 97, what are the best and worst Bret Hart matches that I missed? Edit: The only match I've seen is the Owen tribute match. Awesome stuff.
  8. BHK

    Bossman passes away

  9. BHK

    Official Survivor Series Poster

    I love it But yeah, it would have been much better suited to the 2005 Royal Rumble. Is that Jericho between Orton and Triple H?
  10. BHK

    More politics and power struggles

    Vince is 59, Shane is 34.
  11. BHK

    Bossman passes away

  12. BHK

    Wrestlemania XXI Press Conference

    Dear Vince, Please give me HBK-Angle or HBK-Rock for Wrestlemania XXI, because the smark in me wants to see them go at it while all three of them can still go, not when Angle is a cripple or Michaels is too old to work. Please, I beg of you.
  13. BHK

    RAW Rating

    http://www.steveswrestling.com/info/rawratings.html June 21, 2004 4.2 Note: No ratings for september are shown on that site. So a 4.0 could have been possible this month, but I don't know.
  14. Yeah it is. It's kind of weird to think that 3/5 of the Hart Foundation is dead. I never bothered to go back and watch Bret's WCW stuff because the consenus I got was that WCW misuesed him HORRIBLY and that comparing his WWF run to his WCW one made the latter look like a bad joke. Going back through old PPV results and DDTdiget reports now, solely out of curiosity, I'd have to agree with that assesment.
  15. Anyone care to explain what happened at Halloween Havoc 99 with the world title? WCW World Champ Sting pined Hulk Hogan (0:03). Bill Goldberg pinned Sting (3:08) to win the WCW World Title.
  16. BHK

    Favorite year of wrestling

    1997. Anyone who doesn't think so is either delusional or lying.
  17. BHK

    Taboo Tuesday

    ... He did that? wow. But you don't think Orton will get the shot? If not I guess they will do the whole No more shots-Win Royal Rumble- WrestleMania thing... I just have to add this: If Michaels gets the shot, and we get Shawn/Hunter part 99, I'mn boycotting the product. Prediction: Benoit gets the shot, and Triple H *finally* gets his job(s) back. They do Orton/Triple H for WM XXI, while giving us Michaels/Angle or Michaels/Rock as one of the two semi-main events, the WWE Title match being the other one.) (at least Vince better do that, because if I don't get to see both of those matches while all 3 guys can still go I'm going to be ANGRY.)
  18. Anyone but Bret Hart doing the Sharpshooter just looks wrong.
  19. BHK

    SD!/Velocity Match Listing

    I'm hoping it's excellent, as it's going to be my last wrestling match for about nine months due to classes starting up again.
  20. BHK

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08/30/04

    This is going to be my last Raw for a while due to classes starting back up today. WWE better deliver.
  21. Wow....he took the forums a bit too seriously.
  22. BHK

    Mind Games 96

    Foley's best match is the RR street fight. Mind Games would be 3rd after HIAC at NWO.
  23. BHK

    100 Reasons..

    Thanks sledgehammer, I appreciate it. I was thinking 14 matches before a minor PPV. but before their version of Wrestlemania? God, no wonder htey went out of business.