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Everything posted by BHK

  1. The Canadian crowd beat WWE Since I've been out for most of the day and too lazy to read thorugh 19 pages, why exactly did the crowd turn on the matches?
  2. quick results someone? Please?
  3. I think you've got some good stuff in there. Angle/Eddie, Benoit/Orton, the IC title 3 way. It's an interesting show because a lot of matches could go either way. Benoit/Orton could theoretically be ** or ****, depending on how smart/hard Orton works and if Benoit can carry him somewhat, I think. I have to think that if Orton goes over, since they'll need a way to keep him away from Triple H for a while, Edge will also drop the title and then that will lead to the Triple H/Edge program. I haven't watched Smackdown in forever, but I have to think old school Taker with the title is better than Bradshaw. the rest of the card also looks somewhat interesting, with ANgle/Eddie obviously being the top non-title match. It should hit ***, that is if Kurt's neck is allowing him to work how he wants to. I'm personally not getting the show, but depending on reports I may pick up the DVD next month, it looks good on paper, anyway. Other thoughts/predictions/comments?
  4. BHK

    Eddie Guerrero DVD details

  5. ECW used it for Living Dangerously one year(I think) and Taz suplexed Bam Bam through it.
  6. Well. correct me if I'm wrong, but I think business tends to be better with a heel champion, because people are more inclined to tune into and more interested in the face's chase of the title and then subsequent pay off of him finally going over at the PPV.
  7. BHK

    Holy Grail of wrestling

    a Hulk Rules bandana and shirt.
  8. Well hey, kudos to WWE for using continuity then. Now I just they would do it like, you know, all the time.
  9. Well, it depends. If they want to ahve Cena play uber come from behind face, they'll ahgve booker win two in a row, go up 2-0, then ahve Cena do the "impossible" and take 3 in a row and the title.
  10. It sounds like you had a good time. That's cool. and don't worry about that, Smark is jsut mark with an s in front, we're all marks at heart
  11. BHK

    Good buy?

    I guess $2.50 was a good deal then eh?
  12. BHK

    Funniest Color Commentator

    you ask the question as if you didn't know Heenan was going to win in a landslide
  13. I saw the Eddie/Angle segment, but that as because I caught it flipping channels. It was pretty decent. Oh, and Deon's sig is awesome.
  14. *attempts to think of way to save thread* nope. can't do it. Sorry Nik.
  15. no no no. Lita will give birth to an arm, and over the course of 10 years and multiple pregnancy angles, they will give birth to an entire wrestler. JR will then comment this brings new meaning to the phrase "homegrown talent."
  16. Well, I can't speak for the entire board obviously, but for me personally I haven't watched smackdown in a good 6 months, at least. the last time I recall purposely watching was the Smackdwon Rumble, the one that had Kurt/Eddie have a mini-match at the end. I read the spoilers every week....the show just doesn't seem interesting to me. at all. *shrug*
  17. BHK


    http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=...define:Workrate The most common defenition on that page: The approximate ration of good wrestling to rest holds in a match or in a wrestler's performance. I'd say that's about right. I'd also agree with Raty's defenition, it's how much you WORK. For example, Benoit, everyone knows how Benoit wrestles and his pacing etc. he would have a good work rate. on the other hand, someone like, say, Nathan Jones. Who was primarily punch.kick.powermove. rest hold. That's not putting much work and thought into your matches, now is it? Basically, it's like people that work hard or are lazy in the ring. Benoit works hard/ Someone like Nathan Jones, however, although he DOES work, it's not very GOOD work. He goes thorugh the motions. hence why the term literally measures the RATE of your work.
  18. BHK

    Best Austin/Rock WrestleMania Match

    the only matches that beat out XVII are hart/Austin and Flair/Steamboat. While we're on the subject, is this the first Wrestlemania match to take place 3 times? I know it's not the only one to main event twice (Bret/Yoko takes that honor also) but as far as I know it's the only one to take place 3 times.
  19. How do the non-roman numeral wrestlemanias(2000,17,18, and now 21) go down in the record books? Is the name just a gimmick to promote the event and the go back to roman numerals once the event is over? i.e. become XVI, XVIII, XXI, etc.
  20. Yes. God bless the WWE production crew, their video packages rule.
  21. BHK

    Big change

    Michaels/Taker has been done before. Flair is too old to run a program with angle at this point. There are only two "money" matches left in WWE in my opinion. those being HBK/Angle and HBK/Rock. Nothing else comes close that I can think of at the moment. Although, if done right, 2-3 years from now, Cena-Orton could be just as huge.
  22. All of our sports teams in high school had to dress up when they went to away games.
  23. BHK

    Big change

    Best.idea.ever. one RAW alone would be enough to keep me laughing for months.
  24. BHK

    Big change

    Just stop making pro wrestling look like a joke. Stop giving off and pandering to the image that the sport(yes vince, that's right, SPORT) is for the low brow, low IQ lot of people. Wrestling is viewed as a complete and utter joke by the general public. It gets no respect. at all. You need to work hard to undrcut that sterotype, but it should be done, because when done right it can look quite legitimate. So start making logical storylines, start giving us regular 7-10 minute matches, GOOD matches. Stop with the ridiculous characters, the stupid storylines(Russo I'm talking to you). Also, stop all gimmick matches at once. No more ladders, no more tables, no more HIAC. Just stop them. Then, down the line, once you've developed a rivalry between two guys with MEGA~! heat, use one. HIAC should only be used for two wrestlers that have been fighting for an incredibly long period, and hate each other beyond belief, and niether can get the best of the other(No, that is not Michaels/Triple H) Vince created his own monster, he, for a large part, is responsible for making things the way they are. The T&A, the ridiculous segments, the over the top antics, the 3 minute matches. I think the late WCW was on to something: Just shut up and wrestle guys, it's not hard.