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Everything posted by BHK

  1. BHK

    Heel to Face, Face to Heel

    And hitting Elizabeth (and giving Savage 3 DDT's) at Tuesday in Texas was the greatest 'heel act' sequel ever. Ah yes, back in the day when the DDT was sold like death.
  2. BHK

    SummerSlam webcast

    I've never ordered it either, but the run times are on the webcast webiste. Judging by those, you get the match in its entirety. I don't know about entrances though.
  3. BHK

    SummerSlam webcast

    Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage vs. Andre the Giant & Ted DiBiase, SummerSlam 1988 Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect, WWF Intercontinental Title, SummerSlam 1991, Undertaker vs. Undertaker, SummerSlam 1994 Mankind vs. Triple H, Steel Cage Match, SummerSlam 1997 Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon, WWF Intercontinential Title, Ladder match, SummerSlam 1995 The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar, WWE Title, SummerSlam 2002 Triple H vs. Goldberg vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton vs. kevin Nash vs. Chris Jericho, World Heavyweight Title, Elimination Chamber, SummerSlam 2003 All of SummerSlam 1992 which includes: The Legion of Doom vs. Money Inc. Nailz vs. Virgil Shawn Michaels vs. Rick Martel the Natural Disasters vs. the Beverly Brothers, WWF World Tag Team Titles Crush vs. Repo Man Ultimate Warrior vs. Savage, WWF World Heavyweight Title The Undertaker vs. Kamala The British Bulldog vs. Bret Hart, Intercontinental Title My take: The Bret matches are great, but the match listing itself doesn't justify me buying this instead of the TV PPv, I think. EDIT: See WWE Jukebox thread
  4. BHK

    SummerSlam webcast

    see edit above
  5. Sometimes I feel like Vince is going to push me over the dge at some point and cause me to be turned off to the product forever. I just can't see more PPVs working in the long run. It seems like overexposure to me. i'd also like to know why the GAB got more buys tha Vengeance. that's vey very wrong.
  6. Velocity: Shannon Moore vs Kenzo Suzuki FBI vs Jamie Noble and Chavo Guerrero Billy Gunn vs Booker T (Non-title) Smackdown: John Cena vs Rob Van Dam(#1 contender US title) Rene Dupree vs Orlando Jordan Kurt Angle(w/Luther Reigns) Vs. Charlie Hass(w/Miss Jackie) Paul London/Billy Kidman vs The Basham Brothers (WWE Tag Team Title Match) Rey Mysterio Jr./Spike Dudley vs The Dudley Boys Edit: Since Angle's match wasn't announced, spoiler tags have been added to appease both those that do/don't want to know.
  7. BHK

    The Regal-HHH segments

    because Vince ruined the slow burn. This isn't the 80s anymore where Flair and wrestler X can go to a 60 minute draw and the crowd goes home happy. Vince has been putting on 3-5 minute matches for at least 5 years. It's only since Michaels/HHH on the 12/29 Raw that the Raw main events have been getting longer? Further proof of this was the crowd starting "here we go Steelers" chants about 15 minutes into the Ironman last week. Granted, it was one of the slower parts of the match, and the match got MUCH better once Triple H start with the chest psychology, but my point is still there. Sometimes it makes me long for that 5 month gap between Wrestlemania and SummerSlam.
  8. BHK

    Building Randy Up

    His contract runs out in something like October. They're just letting him sit out. Which is a shame, because I don't like Steiner, but he could definitely have use. Putting people over, etc. as a hell. If not on Raw at least on Heat. Also, yes, I see everyone jobbing to Randy, then dropping it to Triple H, and the cycle repeating.
  9. They've tried to get Venis over in other ways. The RTC, Chief Moorely, it's like he's stuck with the porn star gimmick forever. Also, am i the only one really digging the Tajiri/Rhyno pairing?
  10. at what point did it become "ok" to use the sharpshooter after Bret left? I mean, it is by no means a common move, but besides Survivor Series 98, I recall a definite dead period where it seemed like the move as "off-limits." Also, who used/uses the move? I know The Rock and Benoit have it in their movesets, but who else?
  11. They need to change the name of the show to Raw is Nepotism
  12. BHK

    Cool/Historic Stuff You've Seen Live

    Add to my list the Benoit/HHH Ironman.
  13. Predictions: -The diva search gets booed out of the building...again -Triple H/Eugene closes the show -Benoit/Orton gets the top of the 2nd hour -There will be 4 matches, all of which go 5 minutes or less, except for the main event, which will go 10 minutes.
  14. BHK

    Heel to Face, Face to Heel

    Heel roberts' cobra attack on Savage=greatest heel act ever.
  15. If this means Wargames on DVD, sweeeeeeeeeet.
  16. BHK

    Trivia news of weak sources

    Basically, the feeling is that Ric Flair is doing what he is doing in order to attempt to get Hart back in somewhat of a role with WWE, even if it is nothing prominent. So from Flair and Vince's side of things, the entire thing is a WORK just to get Bret back into WWE? ....
  17. BHK

    Booker T is my new favorite wresltler.

    nah. -He sold the smoking ban -there was a russo like swerve and he got the girl's # anyway -but he broke kayfabe and used the words "whore" and "slut" to describe said girl, implying he didn't really want her # to begin with. -however, he got 7 non-fans to sit through SummerSlam **1/4
  18. It's all about the technical brawler. Hart's moveset and execution combined with AUstin's knock down drag out brawling would rule.
  19. BHK

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    Agreed. However, that would require long term planning, and the bookers actually booking things.....ahead of itme. ..... you DO realize you're talking about the WWE writers and bookers, right?
  20. BHK

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    I like Benoit, and I was there for the entire Iron man match, but this doesn't touch Hart/Austin. That angle(s) and series of matches was the greatest stroytelling I've ever seen in a North American ring. Rudo you have some very valid points and arguments, but sometimes I think you're seeing the tress instead of the forest. Benoit/Triple H isn't Flair/Steamboat or Hart/Austin, it has holes. That doesn't mean it's not a fun feud with some decent storytelling, I mean, it's HARD for me to be unhappy with the booking of Benoit since December. On the other hand, as I said, all of your complaints are totally valid. If you'd rather have your perfect feud with an excellent product, then that doesn't bother me at all. I'm personally just enjoying Benoit's reign for what it is.
  21. BHK

    Favorite Broadcast Team?

    The combination of your avatar and the Dusty Dialogue gave me an idea. What if they brought back Dusty Rhodes as Eugene's dad. Then, we'd all understand why Eugene is "handicapped". It would also bring back phrases like "pay window" and such. That would be amazing. Dusty could to commentary to enocurage Eugene during his matches. It would be instant gold.
  22. *ahem* ^greatest hockey player of all-time.
  23. BHK

    Sledgehammer Forums

    Sledgehammer went down a couple months ago, and hasn't resurfaced since.......yet
  24. Two things: 1. if you can, find that episode of thunder, some of Nash's comments are seriously GOLD. 2. The best one ever is when Edge and Christian are doing guest commentary( I don't remember when this was) and blatantly saying throughout the entire match that they're going to do a run-in. Then at the end being like "time for the run-in!" then doing it. It was GREAT.
  25. BHK

    Ric Flair agrees with me

    The three bigest matches that can happen that haven't yet: HBK/Rock HBK/Angle HHH/Brock (wait, mym meory is fuzzy. did this happen yet? I don't think so) in the future: If built to properly, Cena/Orton could possibly headline WrestleMania 22.