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Everything posted by BHK

  1. BHK

    Diva Contest a Work?

    It's not shocking at all if true.
  2. The first 6 or so pages of this thread were actually some interesting discussion. Then that person showed up. Posts along the lines of "Flair sucks bret rules" aren't really doing anything for the thread, so either back it up or please stop. I like both Flair and Hart. I happen to like Hart more becasue I grew up on 90's WWF. I've seen 80s wrestling, NWA and WWF. I'm not bashing it at all. The Flair/Steambot seires is an awesome series of matches. Survivor Series '96 and Wrestlemania 13 just do more for me. I just find it kind of sad that two great wrestlers have to tear into each other like this. A lot of the people that have posted in the thread are either diehard Flair or Hart fans. There's nothing wrong with enjoying both of them, they're both grat wrestlers. one just happens to be more technical than the other.
  3. BHK

    Bret V Diesel

    Well, didn't he end up being the worst drawing champion in WWF history? I don't think the reception could have been much worse...
  4. Except that Bret was already not the most over heel in the company by this point. Heat would've been hurt noticeably by then. Austin v Neidhart would've been a good PPV match? Who's to say he would've done the job? He never did the job to him before. Their THIRD PPV encounter was nothing special. -=Mike 1) But Survivor Seroes, no, he wasn't, the build up to a title chase program could have possibly gotten him more over again. He could regain his heat in the months leading up till Wrestlemania 2) You're right, it wouldn't. I was thinking Austin/Smith at its time, Austin vs. Pillman at the rumble(which in itself could be a blowoff to a mini-feud, wait, was Pillman majorly inujured at this point, I can't recall) Then at Final Four Austin vs. Neidhart/Owen as Bret's last attempt to foil him, with Owen working most of the match, obviously. 3) True, I can't prove to you he'd do the Job. But you can't prove that he wouldn't have. So I guess neither of us can be correct on this one. In my personal opinion, he'd have done it just to spite Michaels and the fact that he refused to put him over the year prior. But, as I said, I'll admit I have no proof. 4) Yes, I'll agree with you here. It wasn't. However, if they could put on two ***** matches, I'd be fairly confident they could od it again. That's like saying you didn't think Flair/Steamboat at Spring Stampeede 94 didn't have the potential to hit *****, just becaue one of their previous matches was lesser than the 89 series.
  5. If Bret would have stayed retained the title at SS and thereafter, the heat surrounding Hart/Austin blowoff at Wrestlemania XIV would have made the crowd during Rock.Hogan look like a joke. They could have had AUstin go thorugh the entire Hart Foundation at the December-February PPvs, all just to get to hart. It would have been Brilliant. Bret would have single handedly over a period of two years given the biggest rub possible to a man that would become the biggest star in the business since Hogan. Not to mention that judging by two previous encounters it could have been the greatest match in US history.
  6. BHK

    The real problem with Raw

    Tajiri was just on Raw this past monday, I believe.
  7. BHK

    Stuff that makes you confused...

    I believe he keeps capsules in his trunks and then places them in his mouth right before. Someone who is familiar with The Great Muta would probably be able to tell you.
  8. BHK

    The Hurricane

    I'd support a repackaged Helms if it meant he got TV time/used more often. I'm not sure what to do with him, though.
  9. LOOK OUT, EUGENE July 12, 2004 Judging by the look on Triple H's face after losing his match against Chris Benoit at Vengeance, Monday night may not be a good one for honorary Evolution member Eugene. Just prior to the Game's loss, he was inadvertently hit with a steel chair by Eugene. Undoubtedly, Triple H will be looking for somebody to blame for the loss, chances are that person will be Eugene. Also at Vengeance, Matt Hardy pulled off the biggest single's pay-per-view victory of his career, pinning the mighty Kane. After the match, Hardy told Lita that he had to figure some things out and that she should stay far away from him while he does this. Will Lita listen to Matt? Or will she once again attempt to reconcile with her man? Find out on Monday Night RAW. Edge regained Intercontinental glory on Sunday night, pinning Randy Orton to capture the title. Where does the new Intercontinental Champion go from here? Will there be a rematch? Watch Monday Night RAW at 9/8 CT on Spike TV to find out. Not really sure on the direction of the show tonight. It looks like we're getting Benoit/HHH for SS, so I'm assuming some sort of interaction will be done there. Maybe a HHH/Eugene vs. Benoit/Edge Main Event? And anyone else think Michaels shows up tonight to start to build to the match with Kane at SS?
  10. You know, not to open up a huge can of worms, but exactly how many careers did Flair make? Lex Luger? Barry Windham? Paul Roma? I'm not being sarcastic or rhetorical. I want to see the mile-long list of careers that Flair had a direct hand in making. Just for the sake of reference. Well, off the top of my head on the reverse side of things Foley had a big hand in establishing The Rock, Orton, and HHH. Granted, the Rock got over on his own, but his matches with Foley were a big part of his career.
  11. Eddie/Rey is a good match. But you can't touch greatness. \/
  12. BHK

    Stuff that makes you confused...

    Yet another reason why the Hart/Austin match at WM13 is amazing. Austin absolutely tries to KILL Bret at the beginning.
  13. I'm a Bret mark, but... Obviously what Flair did can draw. However, let's say a wrestler, Flair, puts on a **** match. Now, if he keeps wrestling the SAME **** match ALL THE TIME, it's not going to always be ****. You're not going to think the man is a mind blowing worker anymore. Flair can carry a broomstick to a *** match, but what if it's always the SAME *** match? I think that weas Bret's point. When you look at things from a pure wrestling standpoint, and niot a drawing standpoint, the more technical, varied style would be the better of the two. That's my take on it.
  14. BHK

    WWE Superstar out a year

    They tried to get him over. many times. All attempts failed. If when he comes back he gets another small push and that fails too, they should just release him.
  15. BHK

    Raw from JHawk's Beak

    and we finally get the payoff to the last month of buildup. A good beatdown that draws a line between the good guys and the bad guys and acknowledges who Eugene's friends are. But at SS, if we get HHH vs. Benoit w/Eugene, do they pull the Russo-esque swerve and have Eugene cost Benoit the title, and reveal that he's "normal"?
  16. Well... Hart/Austin > Flair/Steamboat Oh, and Bret seriously tore into Flair there. Ouch. It's kind of a shame when ywo of the greatest wreslters ever have to resort to this. Bret could have confronted Flair to his face, instead of using his column. Then again, Flair could have confronted Bret to his face. and as someone said before, this is WWE ghostwritten. That frightens me also. That is all.
  17. BHK

    WWE Superstar out a year

    When was the last time Test was even ON Raw? I can't remember.
  18. BHK

    The OAO Raw thread for 07.12.04

    Eugene is going to play into the SS Main Event somehow(which I'm assuming at this point is going to be Benoit vs. HHH) either as a cornerman, or a special ref, or something like that.
  19. BHK

    The OAO Raw thread for 07.12.04

    Well, since Vengeance 2001 was a unification match, I'd think not. But then they just went and split it again once Brock became exclusive to Smackdown! So even considering that, I'd say no.
  20. BHK

    The OAO Raw thread for 07.12.04

    It's only a website preview. Well, Loss has a point. booking 101 says face challenger chases heel champion, not the other way around. When the challanger for the belt is a heel, the focus should be on the face, I'd think. I personally don't have HHHate, per se. My problem is that they push Hunter's storylines and build the show around him like he still needs to get over. The man is a well established heel and has been for a while now, he should be putting other people over, not wanting the title back on himself again. The only exception to this rule that ever seemed to work well for WWE was Hogan. Pinning Hogan clean was like pinning God. I mean, the man had what? 3, 4 clean losses in his career? that I can recall off the top of my head anyway. Also, off topic, but does anyone know what they're going to do about title histories and such when the split ends?(it will eventually) I mean, will hunter actually go down as an 8(or more) time champ once they go back to the 'real' WWE title?
  21. BHK

    If Triple H is Lex Luthor,

    Is that bad though? I mean, are you really going to complain if a wrestler works the same **** match all the time?(Not that Hunter does, I'm just saying for comparison's sake.)
  22. Speaking of the diva search, doesn't the actual competition with the finalists start tomorrow on Raw?
  23. BHK

    Mark Henry

    on the bright side of all of this, Henry's contract expires in 2006. Not sure when though. But at least that means only 18 more months of him. I never understood why WWE never put together a stable of black wrestlers managed by Coach or Long, at least it'd make things fresh. Heck, you could even throw Jindrak in there really.
  24. Predicitons: Benoit. Jericho. Flair/Eugene. Kane. Victoria. Orton. I'm leaning towards ordering SS at the moment, because the big 4 usually always have a good show. A Jericho/Benoit main event would seal the deal, however.
  25. BHK

    Hart Foundation

    Bulldog and Neidhart were family though, and family sticks together. Pillman's role was more of an enforcer for the group than an intimate memeber, so that's how I reason his joining.