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Everything posted by BHK

  1. Speaking of RVD, when in the world is he coming back? He's been out for almost a year now. Does anyone know?
  2. BHK

    The NHL Thread

    The Penguins are 6-4-1 since starting 0-4-5, including wins against Philidelphia and Montreal. They'll be making the playoffs. Count on it.
  3. BHK

    Raw Rating...

    There was no Nitro that week. It ran unopposed. This is your life was the highest rated quarter hour segment ever. I believe it got arpund 8.5
  4. BHK

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    Earl autopsy reports are in. Heart failure due to past alcohol and drug abuse. http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/causeofdeath
  5. BHK

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    That's becasue it's sunday. Most people were probably out late Saturday night.
  6. BHK

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

  7. BHK

    Just Watched the Bret Hart DVD

    I'm glad that is at least mentioned. It's one of my all time favorite Bret moments, and without a doubt one of my favorite moments from any Survivor Series PPV. That entire match was something to watch, starting with the debut of Taker all the way to the mini Dibiase/Hart match to finish things off. Classic stuff there. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Really? I've never seen that match. *makes note to watch on 24/7 Online as soon as possible* Also, is there commentary on any of the matches? If so, which ones?
  8. BHK

    Wrestlemania Anthology

    The sale excludes pre-orders, so for those of you that don't have the WM set and are interested in the Bret Hart DVD, the sale runs until 11.20 so wait until Tuesday and get both for 20% off. The total for both comes to $140.85, which is quite the steal.
  9. BHK

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    And knowing is half the battle. GI Joooooooooooe.
  10. BHK

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday Thread

    http://www.wwe.com/subscriptions/247online/taboofreemonth/ I jsut tried it, and the code works perfectly. I now have an entire month of free access to all of the matches in the catalog. This is awesome. Thanks ChrisMwaters! jsut to repeat, code is: wwetabootuesday
  11. BHK

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/31/05

    Don't say that and get my hopes up, dang it.
  12. As I siad in the other thread, his contract is up next year. So expect this to be his last run with the company, as I doubt they'll be renewing it.
  13. BHK

    We've got an Xbox 360 Debug

    I don't know how many there are, but if there actually are only two, i'm assuming it's becasue they're encouraging you to buy the wireless controllers, as opossed to the wired.
  14. BHK

    Spoilers for RAW tonight

    Henry's 10-year contract, which he signed 1996, expires next year, so I'd expect this to be his last run with the company. Vader returning is both out of the blue and just......odd.
  15. BHK

    Vince Russo On JR

    Trying to Kayfabe God. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  16. SS 96 and the Canadian Stampeede 10-man aren't on the DVD???? That's INSANE! Other than those tow very glaring omissions, I'm happy. A UMD is a disc that plays in PSPs.
  17. Started early becasue this show should be huge. They're basically pulling out al lthe stops for this one, so I'm looking for it to be a big show. If this bombs in the ratings, I think they're in trouble. Oh, and HHH is back. What's he going to be doing?
  18. BHK

    The Complete Calvin & Hobbes

    It's here
  19. BHK

    Great spots from Wrestling Video Games

    This thread is awesome.
  20. I'm going to assume this will be nothing but two hours of hype for Raw Homecoming next week.
  21. BHK

    WCW Observer Quotes

    I was going to say that there are too many to list, but when I saw this I knew nothing would top it: There are no words that I have that can even begin to describe that.
  22. BHK

    Met Carlito today

    Now see, what would have been far funnier, is had you run to the nearest store, purchased an apple, then asked Carlito to spit it on you while someone took a picture. Ah well. Maybe next time.