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Everything posted by Magus

  1. Magus

    New 3 Live Kru member

    Dusty in 3LK? More Dusty vs. Russo? This has "shit" written all over it. At least Truth is out of 3LK. If I had it my way, I'd have Kanyon as the new member of 3LK. He'd fit in well, he has just as much charisma as James or Konnan, and he can carry more than his end of a match.
  2. Magus

    TNA Impact spoilers

    Except for the fact that it's a singles match and the actual xXx/AMW tag match doesnt happen till weds. No, read the spoilers...Wednesday is Naturals vs. XXX vs. AMW. It wasn't a tag team match tonight because James Storm injured his back at Wednesday's show. That's fine. Chris Harris vs. Christopher Daniels would've been a GREAT match to put on Impact's main event. Of course, they negated that completely by giving it a nonfinish, and making the last three weeks of xXx vs. AMW completely meaningless.
  3. Magus

    TNA Impact spoilers

    The squash matches on Impact are the biggest sign that TNA's bookers are complete fucking morons. You can put Hardy and Jarrett over a million guys, but people still aren't going to give a shit about their match. If anything, the Hardy/Jarrett showdown is looking like more of a travesty as the weeks go by. Its just going to be a very bad event and I feel sorry for anyone who watches it. I'm also pissed that they fucked the xXx/AMW fued in the ass. Someone on here predicted that TNA would do a goddamned no-finish and they'd just have a 3 Way with the Naturals, and by golly, that's just what happened. Whoever made that prediction should get a free sandwich or something. If they gave us a clean winner, this could've been a SOLID main event for Impact. But instead of that, they put it first and give us a nonfinish. Way to go... you fucking idiots. Its pretty bad when the Xplosion matches look more interesting than the Impact matches. Why are we putting the dark matches on the show, and the GOOD match-ups on Xplosion? Well, they do have a good excuse, being retards and all. Right now, they need A LOT of work to be a good wrestling show again (if they ever were in the first place).
  4. Magus

    Michrome's article from the Observer

    I think its true that TNA is jealous of ROH. ROH is a much more successful, profitable, and they have a rabid fanbase. While this may all be on a "small scale", its still more than TNA has. TNA is NOT profitable, they could never survive on their own, and they don't have a core audience that will pay money to see them. TNA tries too hard to be the #2 wrestling promotion, which is the cause of a lot of their problems. ROH just tries to be itself and they are a huge success because of it. I think Jarrett's cranky about this.
  5. Magus

    How much time will AMW/XXX get on Impact?

    Its good that an Impact match is actually going to mean something. I'll give them credit for that. What I won't give them credit for is if they indeed make the match a time-limit draw, and the Impact viewers don't get to see a real winner. I'll be pissed if they pull that.
  6. Magus

    OAO TNA thread for 8/25/04

    Great, more of the Watts vs. Goldy fued. Its a sad-but-true rule of pro wrestling: the worst angles always drag out the longest (remember Steiner vs. Test?) The show looks okay, i suppose. Its just disturbing that TNA's idea of their three big main eventers is Jarrett, Hardy, and Monty. Its scary that people are actually making decisions like this.
  7. Magus

    It's time for TNA to step it up

    Good to see someone who can actually respond to a movie reference. Most people just look at you weird. And, I actually thought the second Predator was better. Then again, I'm not an Ah-nuld fan.
  8. Magus

    It's time for TNA to step it up

    That's exactly it. I'm just going to quote Arnold and Danny Glover here by saying "you are one UGLY muthafucka.
  9. Magus

    It's time for TNA to step it up

    I really have to agree with Laz now. Dutch and Jeff have no clue what they're doing. They have the uncanny ability to screw up the easiest angles you could possibly have. It shouldn't be hard, but they find a way to fuck it up. They're damned near WCW-like in their ineptitude. I'm a strict believer that Russo is a hack writer, but at this point I say give him the book and let him run with it (Christ, I sound like one of Marty's preachings...) He did a decent job booking WWF, its just that he desperately needs someone to give him boundaries so he doesn't overdo it. Rules Russo should follow: 1) Clean finishes ALL THE TIME. Screwjobs should only happen about 3 times A YEAR. That way, they're a big deal. 2) Do NOT book yourself on the show. In fact, keep nonwrestler appearances down to an absolute minimum (if you can't get rid of them entirely). That's all I can think of, actually. Vince is a reformed man, so there's no need to worry about him pulling out trashy ideas for storylines. He can write long-term fueds and he comes up with decent characters. And the one credit I've always given him, Russo will push everybody, and everybody will have a role to play. At this point, I say give it to him, but give him guidelines just to be safe. He could be the guy to save wrestling (oh, that was WAY too Marty-like. I'm gonna go hurl now...)
  10. Magus

    Predict 11/7 PPV main event

    Here's mine, matches in no particular order.... 1) NWA World Title Match (No DQ): Jeff Hardy© vs. Raven Basically, Hardy wins the title from JJ, thus taking him off TV forever. But Hardy can't carry TNA, so Raven comes knocking, and wins the title from Hardy in an all-out brawl with lots of hardcore spots. 2) NWA X Division Title Match: Petey Williams© vs. Alex Shelley Shelley turns face after Abyss beats the hell out of him and Goldilocks turns against him after his first loss. Team Canada attempts to interfere, but several X Division guys like Clark, Batts, Cross, Red, and Strong come to Shelley's aid. Shelley wins the title and promises title shots for the guys who helped him even the odds, thus ushering in a new age of the X Division. 3) Abyss vs. Monty Brown Uh, this isn't for any particular reason, just to see two HOSSES go at it. Neither man is known for losing, but Brown takes the pin after Slash sprays blood in his face and Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam. Abyss gets the win, and Monty moves into a fued with Jim Mitchell and Slash. 4) Michael Shane/Kazarian vs. 3LK Shane and Kazarian could be a huge heel team, and 3LK is the perfect face team to give them some credibility. Shane hits James with a Superkick to end get the win. 5) #1 Contender Match for the NWA Tag Team Titles: Naturals vs. AMW I'd give AMW the win here, but only after the Naturals have them beat a few times already (like the xXx vs. AMW fued). AMW wins to go on and face the Tag Champs: Triple X. 6) Finals to the Triple X Tournament: Sonjay Dutt vs. Chris Sabin With Low Ki gone, Daniels and Skipper hold a tournament to decide who will be the third member of the tag team champions. Eight men competed, and its down to Dutt and Sabin, with Daniels and Skipper watching at ringside. Dutt wins, and is the new third man in xXx. His new teammates celebrate with him and Sabin shakes his hand before exiting. 7) #1 Contender Match for the NWA World Title: Ron Killings vs. D'Lo Brown vs. Jerry Lynn Simple as pie, although I wouldn't have D'Lo with some madman gimmick that I just know is going to be a ripoff of Goldust (or at least Mordecai). I'd have Lynn get the win so we could get Raven vs. Lynn (or possibly Raven/Lynn/Truth) at the next PPV. 8) Cage Match: AJ Styles vs. Kid Kash To finally settle it. Styles wins with a Spiral Tap (you guessed it) off the top of the cage. This ends and I'd move Styles back into the main event, because it needs him. Of course, TNA won't book anything NEARLY this good.
  11. Magus

    TNA news from PWI

    Have you ever actually heard Peroxwhygen? From the song I've heard of theirs they're beyond awful. Never heard their stuff, and I refuse to spell out that dumbass name. But at least its an inventive way to use Hardy without having him wrestle. Even if your in a band that really blows, how hard can it be to record a few 1-2 minute jams for some freakin' PRO WRESTLERS? Its not like he's gotta be John Lennon to do that kinda stuff.
  12. Magus

    TNA news from PWI

    Good to see that they're getting more Latino workers to job to Jeff Jarrett on Impact. Can't wait for that. It was just a matter of time before the fans turned on Hardy. They could make him a heel, but taking him off TV would be smarter. If Hardy's just going to suck at wrestling, then make him and his weird band improve on TNA's shitty entrance themes. Maybe he'd actually be useful.
  13. Magus

    Impact Spoilers

    Well, not all the matches are 100% squashes this week. But i'm getting REAL tired of seeing the obligatory "Monty Brown kicks someone's ass" match. That sucks. And if most of the matches aren't going to last over a minute, why the fuck time them? more time for the matches, TNA. People wanna see wrestling.
  14. I'm sure the Hangman's Horror match was going to be a waste of time anyway, but now? jeez, this show is screwed. I say have Raven cut a promo on how Sabu's too much of a pussy to fight him, and then get Raven back into the main event scene. Just when it seems he'll get a shot at the World Title, Sabu can return and screw him over, thus restarting their fued. Raven then beats Sabu and gets back into the main event once more.
  15. Magus

    Who should Jarrett lose the title to?

    TNA's direction needs A LOT of work before they can think of giving the title to someone else. None of the guys listed could just up and win the title these days. And it doesn't matter much anyway, since anyone who isn't named Jeff Jarrett usually gets buried, even if you're the fucking champ.
  16. Magus

    Official 8-18-04 Preview

    the card looks stacked, but watch TNA fuck it up. just watch...
  17. Magus

    Did TNA ruin AJ's TNA career?

    I should've said "main event fued" or "World Title fued". they've never had a memorable one of those. except, of course, for Raven vs. Jarrett, but a totally fucked up pay off kinda cancels out a good build-up. and if we just have to compare TNA to WWE, I'm looking forward to the HHH/Orton storyline more than anything TNA has given me lately....
  18. Magus

    Did TNA ruin AJ's TNA career?

    Ren's points on what makes a memoral title win are good ones. TNA can't seem to understand that sorta stuff though, and that's why they've never had a memorable title match, a memorable title win, or even a big fued. that's something WWE will always be great at that TNA can't do.
  19. Magus

    TNA News & Notes from the 8/16 Observer

    this is what gets me. Hardy's okay as long as he doesn't get too lazy, and Monty's being pushed too soon into the main event. as for Jarrett, the company will always be in a rut until he takes himself off TV. and while Monty can get onto a few sports shows, that doesn't prove that Hardy and Jarrett can CARRY A PROMOTION ON THEIR BACKS. its just not happening. There's too many well-qualified guys in TNA that can carry the main event for TNA to focus on these three as the top stars. and if its true that Vince Russo is getting to put in stupid ideas like D'Lo going crazy, they're in deep shit.
  20. Magus

    TNA Impact Spoilers

    i thought Impact was pretty decent, with good things and bad. mind you, i was stoned, but hear me out anyway. the matches with Williams vs. Red, Batts/Clark vs. Naturals, and Hardy/Styles vs. Shelley/Abyss were good matches for Impact. they should've gotten more time (as all the matches should get), but I have no problems with how they were done. these are the kinds of matches that Impact needs. There weren't a lot of no namers on this show except for Todd Whoever. the problems with Impact revolves mainly around TNA's inept booking strategy. its the old Southern style that dictates that the only way to get someone over is to have him squash everyone around him. Jarrett could've worked a more even match with Psicosis. Monty doesn't have to squash little guys all the time. and for God's sake Raven needs promo time, not a squash match. its lazy booking to just let one guy beat the hell out of everyone else. I'd rather see a competition rather than a slaughter. also, the bullshit with Russo/Rhodes is starting to get out of hand. they literally suck the life out of the show worse than Jarrett could.
  21. Magus

    Official TNA Preview for 8/11

    Surely ye jest.
  22. Magus

    Can the NWA President do anything about

    I know for a F-A-C-T that I could write better storylines than what they have going on now.
  23. Magus

    Official TNA Preview for 8/11

    sounds like it sucked pretty hard. just the fact that they're moving forward with a Dusty vs. Russo fued is a sign of the Pro Wrestling Apocalypse.
  24. so we still get to see Hector Garza, plus the original La Parka and the original Psichosis... that's frickin' SWEET. those three there are worth more than AAA's entire roster. AND... TNA gets to bring in even better talent from CMLL. i still want to see Shocker in action, as i've heard he's great. of course the question always is: "how can TNA find a way to fuck this up?" we'll have to wait and see.
  25. Magus

    It appears to be official

    Maybe this will mean that Impact will be treated more like RAW, which is what its SUPPOSED to be.