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Everything posted by Magus

  1. Magus

    Orten to TNA?

    Yeah, he could come into TNA, take more time away from the talented guys who are already being held down, and he can work a lame program heavily involving Jeff Jarrett that won't draw a dime. Yeah...
  2. Magus

    ***Impact spoilers***

    I agree, and its just another piece of evidence that TNA's creative team are a pack of retarded monkeys. I heard Monty was injured or something, but it would've been great to have Sting announce him as the mystery fourth man. Sting could've formally announced Rhino and Truth, then get into a brawl with JJ's army. Then Monty could come out, play like he's going to help Jarrett, and finally turn on him and join Sting's team. Better than throwing Styles in there for no reason. Hell, when you think about it, Rhino and Truth don't have a stake in this, either. They could at least have a tag match on Impact against AMW or something to further their involvement. My other problem with the War Games match is that Christian isn't in it. War Games will have to be the ME, which means that Christian's title match will look less important than Jarrett's Army vs. Sting. It shouldn't be so. I would've added Christian and Abyss to the War Games teams to further their fued and to make sure that the champ is involved in the ME. They work that hard to include Jarrett in the main program, they should do the same for Christian (not that they would).
  3. Magus

    Who wuld you bring back to TNA?

    Yeah, that was a totally unrealistic list, especially with Jarrett on it. But, TNA's roster is just too big for them. They're are a small promotion that thinks its a big-time promotion. That just isn't so. They need to cut dead weight, and those are the guys that I think fall into that category. Hell, I like most of them, but if I had to get rid of one of them to make room for someone better, I'd cut them in a heartbeat. Here's a response to your comments. A1: I'd get rid of him because Team Canada needs to break up yesterday. They're entire gimmick is that they're Canadian, and that doesn't work. The Canadian Heel worked ONCE, and its a pro wrestling cliche that needs to be dropped if the industry is going to move forward creatively. Naturals: I like them, but they need a gimmick. Young/Skipper: Like you said, they both show potential, but probably not much more. I'd cut them, but Simon Diamond is gold as a talker. Bentley: Agreed Gayda: Agreed Konnan: You make a good point about his connections. He makes a fine manager, but they're too busy putting HIM over instead of his team. Too much time is given to him and other "names" instead of trying to get over new talent. Hoyt: They're paying him to be average. Drop him, I say. Someone better could fill his shoes. Smiley: This guy is corny. I love Sharkboy, but Norman Smiley is crap. I say team Sharky with Eric Young if you want a comedy duo. Jarrett: Out of the title picture, FOR NOW. Like RAW, its pointless to care about TNA's main event if you know JJ's gonna get back the belt at some point anyway. He's a part of TNA, for better or worse. Probably worse. When/If TNA goes down, it'll be Jeff's doing. His very presence hurts the product, and if he has to be related to TNA, he shouldn't be on camera. He adds NOTHING. Steiner: Agree with you. That's why Sting wasn't on my list. At least he'd put over new guys and have good matches. If, that is, they were booking him right. As it is, they're wasting their time so that the only person Sting or Steiner (or Goldberg) deals with is Jarrett. Team 3D: They wouldn't be so bad if they were actually doing something to help get others over. This team's main objective should be to liven up the tag division and help establish new teams to carry the torch. How could TNA have two of the most over tag teams ever and still let their tag division suck so bad? James Gang: Same as Team 3D (bear in mind, of course, that even the most useless people on this list would be bearable if they only had a good booking team controlling things. You can have the best roster in the world, but its nothing if the booking sucks)
  4. Magus

    Who wuld you bring back to TNA?

    The post above me ruled out any suggestions I would've had. But that's okay, because I think the more important question for TNA to ask is: Who to CUT? They've got way too many people, and trimming the fat would be a better move before even thinking about some of the talent they could/should bring in. Here's my suggestions: A1 The Naturals David Young Elix Skipper Matt Bentley Jackie Gayda Konnan Hoyt Norman Smiley Jeff Jarrett Scott Steiner Team 3D The James Gang An impossible list, I know, but still, removing these guys and gals would vastly improve the product.
  5. Magus

    OAO 3/18 Impact Thread

    There was a squash match. But that's not why Impact sucked. What made it bad was that Sting and Christian weren't there. These are the sorts of guys TNA should be building around, and yet they do everything possible to keep Sting away and make Christian look like a bitch. Sting--the guy their paying half a mil--should be on Impact. There, I said it. Christian--the CHAMPION--should be on Impact. This is common sense. Even if Christian is indeed off filming a movie, they should do something more important with him other than have him basically saying "sorry I couldn't be there". Having him out in the injury angle is just stupid anyway. Sting should be fucking up bad guys, not showing up only at PPVs. But no, the heels are the only ones we see, they make the faces look like shit, and then get away with it. This kind of booking--the kind of booking that goes out of its way to protect Jarrett--is the main thing that makes Impact suck.
  6. Magus

    Some exclusive Tna News !!

    Makes me think that the Dudz should get a short run with the Tag Titles and then TNA should send them on their merry way. They're better off without them, but honestly, TNA won't get rid of guys they think are big name stars. They're still paying Hardy afterall.
  7. Magus

    Some exclusive Tna News !!

    Actually, this stuff doesn't sound too far-fetched.
  8. Magus

    TNA Impact Spoilers for 3/18 and 3/25

    PPV Opener - Contenders elimination match w/ 10 X division guys in a cage match spotfest to determine placement in a top ten X division lineup James Gang & Killings v. LAX Joe v. Styles v. Daniels AMW v. Duds Rhino v. Abyss WAR GAMES - Jarrett/Steiner/Brown v. Christian/Sting/Mystery Partner (ends up being Sabu) I like your card here, but I'd put Sabu in there as the surprise and to reintroduce him. Just putting that out there. Anyway, I gotta echo Red and Badboi's sentiments. TNA's booking has been extra cold dogshit lately. Christian winning the belt was supposed to be a turning point, but really, nothing has changed. The last batch of Impacts sucked, the PPV sucked, these Impacts will suck, and TNA's plans for Lockdown totally suck. I could book this better. Hell, I was sitting at work last weekend and just off the top of my head I booked TNA's main event through BFG. It was EASY. They're making stupid decisions for no reason. I'm definitely hoping that the ratings continue to plummet for TNA. Maybe if it gets to a certain point, the Carters will step in and make some changes in creative.
  9. Magus

    TNA News and Notes

    They explained the Monty title shot. Monty told Christian he wanted a shot and Christian said bring it on. Christian's whole title gimmick is if you want the title shot, have the guts to bring it and ask him. No #1 contender matches, just say you want a shot and you get a shot. It was his first title promo on IMPACT actually. Well, that did happen, but it was incredibly lame. By that logic, Norman Smiley could get a PPV title shot. It shouldn't be that easy. I'm a fan of #1 contender matches and the ranking system. A challenger should do/have something that shows he deserves his title shot. When they do simplistic booking like this, it just puts less heat on the match and the workers. I too think that War Games should involve the champ. I'd go for Jarrett/Steiner/Abyss/Shelley vs. Christian/Sting/Rhino/Truth. (AMW vs. Dudz should finally be done at Lockdown). During this match, a lot of stuff can happen that sets up further fueds and matches for the next PPV. Christian SHOULD be the focus of the company, even if Sting, Jarrett, and Steiner (and soon Goldberg) are there. Putting a spotlight on him while those guys are around gives the fans the idea that Christian is on their level. Imagine that. I'd like to see Christian turn heel at Slammiversary, have a good heel run, then lose the belt to a top face at BFG.
  10. Magus

    TNA News and Notes

    Because right after Monty gets his unexplained title shot, Abyss gets an unexplained title shot. That's exactly what happened when Raven was champ! Usually after this, though, JJ gets his rematch and wins back the strap. Is Christian actually going to get a real storyline fued out of all this? It seems like he's an afterthought since the big names take up the real spotlight. The Planet Jarrett/Sting angle is obviously priority, and some may disagree, but this shouldn't be so. Christian is the champ, and he's trying to prove he's a worthy ME'er. His angles should be given equal attention. The champ should get the ME at the PPVs. If they're going to have War Games, then he should be in it with the big boys so he doesn't look like a chump. I'd rather see Christian/Abyss build up a little slow so that we get to see some development instead of throwing them at each other at a moment's notice for no reason. That's how they should've done Christian/Monty. Hell, that's how they should do ALL their World Title programs.
  11. Magus

    OAO Destination X thread

    JJ not injured? Damn. Its fine if Jarrett was just overselling the leg. It puts over the Scorpion Death Lock and that's GOOD. However, he didn't need to get in his guitar shot afterwards. Jarrett should've limped away after Steiner ambushed Sting. I'll say it again: the fake guitar is the WORST weapon in wrestling history.
  12. Magus

    OAO Destination X thread

    Goddamn this was a shitty show. It's like a really bad episode of Thunder was stretched out to three hours. Jarrett injured? Good, I hope it lasts a while. He's half the reason this show sucked.
  13. Luger would be okay only if it were a one time thing. If JJ brought him in to brawl with Sting on Impact, that'd be alright as long as he was GONE afterwards. He should just be a tool in the Jarrett/Sting fued. Goldberg I have no problem with. He just needs to play ball and be in the ring with someone who will work WITH him and not against him. This is an instance where I wouldn't want to see him just come in and fued with Jarrett, though. Goldberg should work with Abyss. It would be an interesting fued between those two characters, and I feel Abyss would work better with GB than Monty would.
  14. Magus

    Scott Steiner to Tna ??

    Like EVERYONE who comes into TNA, Steiner will just get into a fued with Jarrett. And honestly, that's not so bad. When JJ/Sting is over, they can start with JJ/Steiner. Sting will move on to put over other guys after he finishes with JJ. If this is how Jarrett wants to spend his time now that he's not champ... it's cool. Steiner can't hurt TNA if he's used just like Sting is being used right now. Shit, bring in Rick for a PPV and have a Steiner Bros reunion against AMW. All this will keep Jarrett away from the belt, it gives TNA a big name, and I honestly think Jarrett would protect Steiner both in the ring and storyline-wise. And maybe after JJ's done with him, Steiner can put over one of TNA's guys before he leaves. So yeah, I don't think I'm against Steiner coming in.
  15. Magus

    Impact Spoilers!

    I'll start complaining right away... There wasn't nearly enough Christian. Its a no-brainer to let him and Monty go at each other on the mic to help heat up their PPV match. Adding the injury (and Abyss wanting his own shot) adds a certain dynamic, but I wish we could've seen some good promos. I guess I'll just hope for that to come later. I'm really hoping that Christian's reign is more than hopping from challenger to challenger like JJ always did. If Abyss and Monty are going to breath down his neck, make a good story of it. Maybe its Jarrett hate coming from me, but there was no reason for the JJ Army to interupt Bentley's promo, or have him come to the ring to get the tape from Eric Young. And what the fuck is up with D'Amore and Zbyzko? Do we care if they have an alliance or something?
  16. Magus

    TNA news

    Well, everyone seems to disapprove of him, and he's causing a lot of strife. WWE could cut their ties with him and say its not working out, or they could keep punishing Punk, themselves, us, and TNA by keeping him.
  17. Magus

    TNA news

    -Goldberg and Bret could be huge for TNA if used right. It's weird that Jarrett doesn't think Bret would come to TNA (or maybe doesn't want him to?). -As long as Christian keeps proving himself, the WWE midcarder stigma will soon vanish. -WWE might let CM Punk go at some point, but then again, they might just keep him so TNA can't have him. I swear, if Punk got loose of them and came to TNA, that's an instant main eventer.
  18. The only way that pairing would work is if they formed a stable instead of Truth joining them and becoming "one of the James Gang." I'd be against the pairing, as it would lead Killings to more stable wars with Team Canada, which he already did with 3LK. It *could* work if they played him as the HHH of the group (as in DX). Truth and the Jameses could have a high-profile fued against Jarrett and AMW, for instance. Mostly though, I'd rather see Killings stand on his own as a lone wolf, like in the early days. Regardless, Killings should remain in the world title scene and work his way up. He could have awesome fueds with Monty, Abyss, and like I said, even Jarrett.
  19. But you just said you want him to brutalize Jerry Lynn, injure Dutt and basically he'd have kicked everyone's ass in the Division if he went on a rampage for another few months. TNA is setting themselves up to fail in a big way if they let Joe keep the streak too much longer. I don't think he will be a good World Champ, and as such they need to end the Goldberg run sooner rather than later because TNA doesn't have a good enough roster to sacrifice everyone to Joe and then try to rebuild them. While Joe would win those matches, I mean for him to just have strong defenses on PPV. When I said brutalize/injure, I mean for Joe to heel it up and beat them down post-match, not squash them. It does little to hurt the challenger if they earn the shot at Joe and give it their all. Joe comes out as the badass and the challenger comes out looking good for having a good match. That's what it's about. Joe winning solid matches on PPV against everyone in the X Division isn't that harmful. Having him win 2 minute squashes on Impact against everyone in the X Division is. Joe's streak worked in ROH because the challengers looked respectable and weren't totally squashed.
  20. The X Division has been fucked up for quite a while. They can't seem to run anything but Styles/Daniels/Joe. But, the main event scene is improving with the title off of JJ, so maybe the X Division isn't far behind. They had some good opportunities with Styles/Moore and Lynn/Gen Next, but alas, those fell through. Joe shouldn't lose the title until Bound for Glory II. This needs to be "the longest X Division reign in history". He needs to be away from Styles and Daniels as soon as possible. After that, I'd have him go through Shannon Moore in a short fued, then brutalize Jerry Lynn for a month or two. After that, he can have some close matches with Lethal and Aries to elevate them. Finally, Joe would get around to fueding with Dutt and Sabin. I'd play up Joe's viciousness and have him just tear Sonjay apart, maybe "hospitalizing" him. Sabin could then challenge Joe at BFG and win the belt for his friend. The point with Joe is not to have him kick everyone's ass on Impact. The X Division needs to be more of a competitive division of characters so there's more opportunity for fueds besides the same three guys every month.
  21. Magus

    New CEO

    The best gimmicks are usually the ones the wrestlers come up with themselves. Telling them to get creative and stand out is better than trying to give them shitty characters like WWE does.
  22. Magus

    OAO Against All Odds PPV thread

    Glad that Christian won the strap, and even gladder that JJ lost in a pretty clean fashion. I hope they go in a new direction with this, instead of keeping the spotlight on Jarrett nonstop. I'd HATE for there to be a Christian/JJ rematch. Jarrett promised that the NEXT title shot would go to Monty. Sure, JJ should want the rematch, but Monty should call BS on that, setting him up to turn face and challenge Jarrett for the shot at the next PPV. Monty goes over due to lights going out or some sort of eerie Sting-ference. JJ moves onto Sting and Monty heads for the title. Christian should defend against Rhino at the next PPV just as "friendly competition". Christian would win, and Rhino would be right there to meet Monty as he makes his way towards the belt. While Monty/Rhino goes on, Abyss returns from hiatus to give Christian a good match or two for the belt. And amongst all that, Raven has to return at some point. Much better scenario than JJ bitching to get back the title.
  23. Magus

    Goldberg Expresses Interest In TNA

    Goldberg could help TNA in a lot of ways, but I'd like us to note the BAD things this could mean: 1) Goldberg isn't the most humble guy on earth, last I checked. Maybe he'd cooperate just to spite WWE. But for "only" half a mil, he might just remain his normal asshole self. If Goldberg doesn't want to put over Samoa Joe, Abyss, or AJ, then its not going to happen. He's not worth it if he won't put TNA guys over. Hell, it's been three years, I'm still not sure that ANY of TNA's homegrown guys are going to get over as legit main eventers EVER. 2) Adding Goldberg to an already volitile roster needs to be handled delicately, and TNA's booking has never been very ingenius. Especially with Jarrett at the helm. I can't see them coming up with anything terribly entertaining for Goldberg to do. He'll fued with Jarrett, of course. He might even LOSE to Jarrett. 3) Pushing Goldberg means depushing more homegrown TNA guys. There are guys in TNA who should've gotten their chance to lead the pack, but haven't because of name wrestlers coming in. Hell, Styles and Truth were mishandled in the ME just from inept booking. Guys like Abyss and Monty keep getting put on the back burner because TNA has to push Rhino, Christian, and even Shannon Moore. They tell us that these guys are the future, that their time will come. But they keep pushing that time back, and bringing in Goldberg will push it back even further. Keep pushing and soon they won't have any heat left. I understand that TNA needs the names, but more than that, they need to keep themselves from becoming the next WCW. Lots of stars and throwing money around with no creativity is exactly where that'll lead them.
  24. Magus


    AWESOME episode tonight. Sawyer was getting pussified for a while there, but he's BACK. Locke used to be my main guy on the show, but he's lost his edge. Sawyer is now THE MAN. I also like Charlie's role now as a skeezy little shit. He was boring before. I thought that Sayid would be Sawyer's accomplice, but Charlie works even better, especially with his hate for Locke. Next week should kick ass, and I hope the flashbacks will center on Sayid. They've done nothing with him since Shannon's death, and they desperately need to show how he's handling it mentally.
  25. Magus

    Sting = Ratings

    TNA has a hard enough time as it is building up their own stars. I understand that they have to abet Spike in order to grow, but by bringing in all these name brand stars, they are REALLY going to suffer creatively. They already have too many wrestlers IMO, and adding so many more (plus the indy guys rumored to be close to signing) will put some really good talent on the back-burner for no good reason instead of pushing them like they deserve. Plus, it would put a huge strain on the Carters' wallet paying all those high-priced guys.