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Everything posted by Magus
How about rounding up three or four guys to handle reviewing the shows? Rotate reviewing Impact, so each guy would only have to do it every third or fourth week. And for PPVs, each guy can review a part of the show (one guy reviewing the first hour, another for the second hour, another for the last). Hell, I think it'd be pretty interesting to see. We the readers could get some differing opinions/styles in the reviews. Not to mention nobody gets burned out, and maybe the reviews can stay.
hmmm... Keep it, but do it way less often. And only do it for the X Division Title Belt, or something other than a cardboard "X". Williams, Sabin, and Bentley could've had just as entertaining a match (or more) if it had been a normal 3-way without the Ultimate X gimmick.
Hoyt = Gay. If the back tattoo, pencil thin beard, and Christina Aguilera hair don't confirm it, I don't know what does.
From here, there's so many ways that this can go that its damn confusing. I'd much rather they kept the fueds more separate instead of having EVERY-FUCKING-BODY brawl together at the end of EVERY-FUCKING-SHOW. Anyway, I think they did well with BFG, although it says a lot about TNA's long-term planning if they'll throw the title around on a whim like this. Here's what I'd like to see in the future: I'm hoping we'll see a Jarrett/AMW vs. Rhino/Dudleyz fued. I have no problem with Rhino as champ, as I think he's great. But he came out of nowhere and alligning him with the Dudz can help him mix with the ME'ers. Raven should be stuck between the two factions as a lone wolf. He works best alone, plus he'll probably debut a valet soon. Monty and Abyss should be working towards title shots as well, keeping whoever isn't challenging Rhino busy. Monty especially needs building up, and play up his paranoia towards JJ. That, to me, is a great title scene. Then you have Team Canada vs. 3LK, which just distracts them all until the NAO reform. I'm guessing it'll be Konnan and Truth that turn heel on BG and Kip now, maybe leading to a 3-way tag fued. But if 3LK/Kip run out for a brawl, it should only be to get at Team Canada. I'm tired of them being the first faces on the scene. I think Hardy and Sabu should have a respect fued over who is more psychotic. No, seriously. They can tag together one minute, then fight the next, almost like Sabu/RVD was. Joe needs to win the X Title soon. Fucking seriously. That was my first time seeing him, and damn, that guy's gonna carry TNA. I think Jerry Lynn should be his next opponent, then he should go after Styles to win the belt. Daniels and Styles need to separate, so I suggest a Daniels/Lynn fued, and Styles should start having matches with Sabin, Bentley, and Williams to help move them up the ladder (maybe even team with somebody).
From what I understand, JR isn't that big a fan of Steph, and neither Steph nor HHH are big fans of his. I don't think there's a big conspiracy against Ross, as he has plenty to do other than announce RAW. But I think he could've obviously gone out in a better way, and it sure as hell wouldn't have happened if Austin, Foley, or Rock (good friends of JR) were still the top dogs. Hell, maybe JR could wind up in TNA one day.
Spike giving TNA it's first Prime Time Special
Magus replied to Dangerous A's topic in TNA Wrestling
That's why (if a sane person were booking it), Jarrett would job to Styles in that match. It puts over both Styles and the X Title. I wouldn't make it a title match, just a gimmick match to showcase the two champions. I don't think the X Division is a glorified CW division. Ask different people and they'll give you different definitions of what the X Title means in comparison to what the NWA World Title means. Personally, I see the NWA Title as something of history and prestige, while the X Title is an upstart title that is more about going 110% in the ring. Not just anyone can compete for the X Title, and the division should be out to prove something. You could say that the NWA title is like the Olympics while the X Title is like the X Games. Or something. In any case, I think the X Title needs to be equal and not just a secondary belt. -
Spike giving TNA it's first Prime Time Special
Magus replied to Dangerous A's topic in TNA Wrestling
What I REALLY want TNA to do is work a drawn-out Raven/Jarrett angle. One where Raven has to endure a few trials before he can finally get to JJ. I'd have the showdown in January where Raven could finally win the title clean off Jarrett. Raven could hold it for about 2 or 3 months until Monty squashes him for it, possibly at Lockdown. Therefore, I wouldn't have Raven/Jarrett at the prime time special at all. Here's a few matches I'd book: Jarrett vs. Styles: With everyone mentioning CotC, I thought this would be a good idea to showcase TNA's two main divisions and let everyone know they are EQUAL. We haven't seen this match in a while, and I'd have Styles win for the X Division to have bragging rights that its actually BETTER. Raven/Team 3D vs. AMW/Ortiz: In my mind, Ortiz will turn out to be Jarrett's fourth "Horseman". This could set up Raven's chase, as he could face Ortiz at Genesis, while Team 3D challenge AMW for the titles. Truth vs. Kip: I think the special is the perfect time to pull the NAO reunion. Have BG come out to help Truth, but turn heel to beat him down. Konnan runs out and they beat him down too. This could lead to Truth/Konnan vs. BG/Kip at Genesis, where Homicide would debut as Truth's new tag partner instead of Konnan. -
That's what I'm hoping for, Laz. The BFG card is fuckin' STACKED, so to me, the Nash/Jarrett match doesn't hurt anything. If needs be, one can just turn the TV off since everything leading up to the ME will be awesome. I personally don't think it'll be so bad, since it wasn't horrible the first time around, and it'll definitely get a shitload of interference from just about everyone. With JJ, Nash, Ortiz, Raven, AMW, Gail Kim, Team 3D, and possibly Monty Brown involved, the ME could be interesting as long as they stay on track with one idea: Raven beating JJ.
Remember that they're trying to start from scratch. If TNA is going to give us a drawn-out fued between Jarrett and Raven where Raven wins back the title sometime in December or January, then I'm for it. They don't just need a strong ME match, but a strong ME angle that'll keep the fans into it. That's what it needs to be instead of a vehicle for JJ to squash a different guy every month.
I agree that Killings needs to be main eventing and soon. If TNA wanted a 3-man announce team, they should put Konnan in there with Tenay and West. West has grown on me, and he's homegrown, so I don't think he should have to leave, but adding Konnan in there would spice it up a bit. I just don't buy him as a manager who won't suck the heat off the wrestler he's working with.
I'm thinking its a work now, actually. TNA really IS good at working the net, because so many of us (me included) are chomping at the bit for reasons to hate Jarrett. I think they use that sometimes to play us. The Raven thing would be a good example, although its very thinly veiled. I'd like to see Raven get involved in the BFG main event and start leading towards Raven/Jarrett III a few PPVs down the road. A drawn-out fued could do TNA some good, especially now that they're on Spike. No more PPV-to-PPV booking.
This taping actually sounds really good. The only problem I had was that the Nats just had to lose to "the default champs". Jarrett, Styles, and AMW once again. It just made the Naturals look weak. My guess is that they'll demand a rematch at BFG, where AMW will probably kill them like they did Team 3D. Here's hoping the Naturals get a good angle to go into after this. I'm glad as hell that Raven will involve himself somehow with the ME at BFG. I hope that they'll build toward Raven/Jarrett III, but Raven would have to go over if they did that. Props to JJ as well for not hitting anyone with a guitar. Cardboard guitars equals bush league. Everyone here played their roles well. So far I'm more interested in watching Impact and BFG.
Everything sounds good to me. Haas should definitely be brought in for the X Division. I never got to see much of Shocker's work, but I'll definitely take Haas over him any day. He could contribute so much more to the division. Speaking of which, why isn't TNA looking into getting Jimmy Yang? On Apolo, I liked his team with Siaki just fine the way it was, so maybe TNA should just stick with that.
THANK YOU, SCOTTY. TNA has been spinning Raven's wheels for two years now. OF COURSE IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO HE FACES! It's painfully obvious that they'll never let him reach his full potential in the company. They have no clear direction and they'll never use him properly, so it doesn't matter what Raven was gonna do at BFG. TNA's the only loser. They coulda made money off of Mr. Levy, but choose instead to push so-called stars down our throats.
Very good stuff. I think your idea of Tito turning heel on Nash would spice up the ME pretty well. I wish I'd have thought of it, since it could make the JJ/Nash fued slightly more watchable.
I don't believe in the comparisons either. HHH is WAY better than Jarrett, in just about every way.
I completely agree, Dragon, and I remember screaming at WCW for that during its last few years of existence. Alas, too little, too late, and I think that's what'll happen to TNA. TNA isn't going to wise up and decide "hey, we need to stop pushing OUR BOSS and other has-beens, and start looking to the younger, newer guys who can step up, offer something new, and make us some money". For three years, TNA has told us that AJ Styles is "the future", but not yet has he gotten real superstar treatment. Truth and Raven were treated like jokes. Monty and Abyss, no matter what their talent, are given excuses why they can't headline. Its the same stuff WCW said to excuse the glass ceiling. All the while, opportunities are missed, potential money isn't made, and eventually the chances go away altogether. I'd like to think that TNA will decide to phase out the older names and start building up newer guys to carry the company. But history has taught us that in those situations, the established guys don't do that. More specifically, JEFF JARRETT doesn't do that. We're in for the same WCW-lite main event scene that will always act as a ball-and-chain to a terrific undercard. Eventually the viewers will get sick of seeing JJ always come out on top while the guys who SHOULD be at the top of the company keep getting screwed.
It's WCW 1997 all over again. Wicked undercard and tremendously shitty main event. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WCW main events were often DUDs to * matches. Jarrett-Nash, if they repeat their last match, will be ** or more. Still not a great main event, but it's not tremendously shitty. Plus, guys like Jarrett and Nash being in the main event are necessary evils. The undercard is almost guaranteed to be great. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But in the end, those "necessary evils" are what killed WCW, no matter how phenomenal the undercard was.
I think the ratings in two months will tell how its doing, honestly. But TNA is going to have to create some good storylines to suck viewers in and keep them there. They can't rely on the X Division to dazzle people and the name guys to do the same old schtick and expect people to stay enthralled. TNA has been doing storylines PPV-to-PPV for the longest time now, and unless they get a long-term direction, its going to be FSN all over again. They desperately need some good story ideas instead of just setting up each PPV card and throwing wrestlers at each other every month. Title chases, blood fueds, stuff that lasts more than a few weeks before they move onto the next thing. TNA isn't going to get any new viewers if they're trying to impress people with the "flippy shit" and Jeff Jarrett crooning about how great he is.
Kind of agree, although I understand why they did it. I haven't seen TNA in awhile, but its nice to see that Jarrett still dresses like a homosexual version of Ric Flair.
The thing is, Raven DOES have creative control in TNA, he controls the direction of his character and the details of his programs. Obviously he can't just say, "give me the belt and let me be the top heel," but his programs and all that are most definitely designed by him. They've used his programs with Mitchell, Sandman, Sabu, Abyss, etc. as a "special attraction" type thing, it's almost like Raven has had his own little corner of TNA to play in most of the time, because he does draw in a niche audience and doesn't need a title to do so. Having the belt during the dark period was his reward for bringing all of that to the table. *EDIT* and WCW was much the same way, give Raven his space to do his thing, off in his own little corner of the company, and try not to get him too involved with anything important because he's his own draw. Difference is, Raven was a much hipper, younger, more motivated performer at that time, and the results were much better. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didn't know Raven had creative control. You're right about Raven having his own niche in TNA (and WCW, for that matter) that brings in his own kind of audience. My thing has always been, if TNA needs a champion who is A) a well-known name, B) good in the ring and on the mic, C) willing to help create new stars to carry the company, and D) a draw for audiences, why not go with Raven, as he is all those things? In the past three years, TNA has only given the forefront position to Jarrett, and he is clearly NOT those things. If Raven can still be over and draw an audience while in his own little corner, then he should be carrying TNA into the Spike era instead of JJ, who's proven that he can't draw even when given the God push.
I didn't say Raven was a bigger name than Nash. I said they were just about the same. Same goes for Jarrett, too. And even if Nash and JJ are bigger than Raven, Raven's the better character. It's funny how you mentioned Raven's WCW and ECW runs in comparison to his tenure in TNA, as he WAS allowed to stretch in those companies, but he's been given shit to work with in TNA. With the atrocities that TNA's booking teams have done over the last three years, its hard to say that its Raven's fault that he can't get any traction. They let him drift around aimlessly, and on the occasion when he DOES have a good direction, they pull the rug out from under him at the worst time possible. Note: this has happened to every worthwhile talent in TNA at one point or another. Compare that to Jeff Jarrett's superstar treatment, and its easy to see why Raven (and damn near everyone else) has floundered in TNA as a big star. I'm not saying that Raven is a god, although I am a fan of his. Like I said, he's as useful as Jarrett, Nash, and the other name guys. He should be used to give the rub to others. He shouldn't dominate TNA, but if anything, Raven's character hasn't been used ENOUGH in the past. He's not been allowed to stretch his wings and have a bigger role in the ME as the psychopathic and violent heel mastermind that he plays so well. If they were to allow him to have a bigger role, like when he first came to TNA and before Jarrett squashed him, he could have some worthwhile fueds. This guy has had some of the best fueds ever with guys like Dreamer, Sandman, Benoit, and DDP. Give him a better platform, and he can have the same awesome fueds again in TNA, and legitimately put over new guys who can take the helm. Jarrett can't, won't, and hasn't done that, which is why it was a mistake to put the belt on him. Nash has redeemed himself in my eyes with his overall work in TNA. I think he could do just about the same job as Raven if he were NWA champ. He could have a solid, lasting fued with a new guy, legitimately get him over, and pass the torch. Whew, rant over.
I too am hoping that Raven interjects himself. JJ as champ is just ludicrous, and while I've no problem with Nash, having a one-on-one between the two is just plain stupid. Make it a three-way and for God's sake let Raven or Nash walk out with the title (preferably Raven). I give credit to Nash, he seems invigorated nowadays, and whether he drew or not, he is a "name". But like his fellow "name", Jeff Jarrett, he doesn't need to be at the forefront of a national wrestling promotion. Nash and JJ should work instead on giving the rub to guys like Monty Brown. The same could be said for Raven, but he's much more compelling, and its not the same-old-shit with Raven as it is with Nash or Jarrett. He's just as much a draw as Jarrett or Nash these days, but he's more talented and more interesting.
Of course we all want JJ to put lose clean, pass the title to someone more fitting, and thus put them over, but its just not going to happen. Jarrett just won't do it, and there's so many guys that will have to be involved with the ME that its just going to have interference out the ass. Here's what I'd do: Book Jarrett vs. Nash vs. Raven as the ME with Ortiz as the special ref, leaving Monty out of the PPV altogether. At some point, JJ tries to cheat, gets into a scuffle with Ortiz, and gets a punch. Nash and Raven brawl around until Monty comes out and gives the Pounce to Raven and runs off. Nash goes to cover JJ, who kicks out. Raven gets back up, knocks Nash out of the ring, DDTs Jarrett just as he's getting up, and makes the cover for the win. That can set up Jarrett/Ortiz and Raven/Nash at the next show, and Raven/Monty later down the line. Damn, just had a creative moment there.
Ortiz and Nash could be in Raven and Jarrett's corners, respectively. Personally, I think a triple threat of Raven vs. Jarrett vs. Nash is a good idea, with Ortiz as special enforcer. A good triple threat main event is a nice way to bring the audience in, and it sets up some good title matches for the future.