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Gary Floyd

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Everything posted by Gary Floyd

  1. Gary Floyd

    A Day in the Blagojevich Trial

    Well, at least when he starts showing up .9:30-Blagojevich enters building .9:45-Jesse Jackson's kid comments on accusations while under oath. He begins to speak like his father, saying "I wanna cut (Rod's) nuts off." .10:00-Blagojevich saddened when he learns Sifl and Olly can't be a part of his defense team-and that they are fictional characters. .10:25-Blagojevich tries to defend his "Harry Potter" slash fan fiction. .10:35-Blagojevich and prosecutors come to agreement that "Blagosphere" is one of the most retarded things ever to be uttered by the news media. .10:55-Blagojevich compares self to The GZA. .11:30-Judge giggles and titters like a schoolgirl when he discovers Zach Effron is one of the prosecutors. .11:45-Awkward moment in which Rahm Emanuel says he can still smell wife on his index and middle fingers. .11:50-Things become more awkward when someone says they "smell a little bit of the gay around here." Enigma is then expelled from the building. Sadly, he still posts at TSM. .12:00-Lunchbreak! Today it's Dominos. Rahm's wife thinks it's too much like wet cardboard with cheese and Pizzasauce. .1:00-Trial resumes. .1:45-Illinois Senator Dick Durbin tells us us of his anger over "The Wrestler" and "The Dark Knight" not being nominated for best picture. .2:15-Robert Byrd shows up for no reason-it happens from time to time. .2:50-Burris says something about a "serial pillist" .3:15-Harry Reid disagrees with Blagojevich's "National Jingus Sucks Week" initiative. Nation mourns. .3:50-Senate confused when Blagojevich says "she rolled on my dick like an ectasy pill." .4:00-Trial ends for the day.
  2. Gary Floyd

    2009: The Year in Music

    On the new Dalek album: Love the production. That out of the way, while they bring up some good points in their cultural critique, that aspect is starting to become repetative. You're angry about the state of Hip-Hop and the atrocities committed by the American government-We get it guys. You've told us that so many times before, it's starting to become uninteresting, no matter how correct it is.
  3. Gary Floyd

    Filling Senate Vacancies

    Filbert: Citizens of Conglomo, repeat after me: Wee-Wee! Workers: Wee-Wee! Heffer: SAY IT AGAIN! Workers: Wee-Wee! Wee-Wee! Wee-Wee! etc.
  4. Gary Floyd

    Brody's on Ignore.

    Brody: Take your 9/11 truther bullshit out of the CE folder. I'm as Anti-Bush as you'll get, and even I don't believe that "9/11 Was an Inside Job" bullshit. If you do, then congrats! You're retarded. Seriously, I fucking hate truthers.
  5. Gary Floyd

    Brody's on Ignore.

    Also, most of the pictures he posts in the "Pictures I Like" thread are really lame. Wow, a picture that says FAIL! I never see that!
  6. Gary Floyd


  7. Gary Floyd


  8. Gary Floyd

    The Dunwich Horror

    Dunwich child you know not your fathers name dope numbs the pain ascend dark wooded hills to kane your mothers witches burnt at the stake for sorcery you were conceived upon the altar, rites obscene child of Dunwich rise you have your fathers eyes child of Dunwich rise end the world that you despise Dunwich child, of whispered past now they'll learn high on the hill black clouds gather, now they'll burn bay at the stars why was I born at all? hear voices of doom from other world your fathers call our time has come the end has begun.....
  9. Gary Floyd

    Brody's on Ignore.

    Brody will never get banned. At this point, he's just a poor man's Milky. A part of me doubts he's really a truther-he's just saying he is for a reaction. Either way, he's a terrible poster, and his act is increasingly annoying.
  10. Gary Floyd

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    Parenting by Randy Orton: Baby shits self, Orton punts it's head. Come on, book it WWE.
  11. Obama was happy until he noticed the vampiric bite marks on his neck, Damn that Blacula. Damn him!
  12. Gary Floyd

    FOX Sunday Night 08/09 - now in HD!

    Am I the only guy who recognized tonights episode was pretty much a tribute to the movie "Heavenly Creatures"?
  13. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

  14. Gary Floyd

    The Youtube thread

  15. Gary Floyd

    The YouTube comments thread.

    What kind of person do you have to be to make fun of the Family Circus?
  16. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

    "My God, it's full of stars!"
  17. Gary Floyd

    FOX Sunday Night 08/09 - now in HD!

    It's still better than newer "Family Guy", though that's not saying much.
  18. Gary Floyd

    List things that don't interest you

    Animal Collective MMA Facebook
  19. Gary Floyd

    Obama Sides with Bush

    Narcoleptic Jumper seems to be gone, so that won't be happenng anytime soon.
  20. Gary Floyd

    Albums gary floyd Listened to Today

    I just noticed something-one of the guys from Kraftwerk looks like Will Forte from SNL.
  21. Gary Floyd


    Hey, it's Danny Husk!
  22. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

  23. Gary Floyd


  24. Gary Floyd

    Obama Sides with Bush

    I thought you didn't visit this part of the board.