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Gary Floyd

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Everything posted by Gary Floyd

  1. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

  2. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

  3. Gary Floyd

    Your top 10 films of 2008

  4. Gary Floyd

    WWE Cuts

    Well, the economy is has seen better days, and employees are being fired and fucked in the ass (metaphorically speaking) on a regular basis. WWE is no different, so you know what that means-Talent Cuts! D'Lo Brown-Poor guy was never given a chance. He returns, only for nobody to recognize him. He goes nowhere, and hets fired. Why was he rehired again? Bam Neely-He was on ECW. I never had time to watch the show, so I'm sorry, I don't know how to react. Val Venis-First of all, whoever started the "Not Val Venis!" joke is an idiot. That joke was never funny. Second of all, I guess after all those years of not picking up the phone, he finally did it. I'm amazed he was employed as long as he was too. He'll porobably go to the Japanese promotions now (it would probably be a good idea), or try to get Ron Paul in the White house by 2012. Tim White-Well, he finally has a reason to commit suicide in real life. Kevin Thorn-Who? Oh yeah, the dude who played Mordeci. Gavin Spears Mike Kruel
  5. Venkman Cheech (Slayer's already won) Kinetic Edwin KOAB Agent Kreese 909 (Because he banned Deon)
  6. Gary Floyd

    Cuts are a comin!

    Goodbye Ladies.
  7. Gary Floyd

    "Regulate" by Warren G and Nate Dogg

    Only Built 4 Cuban Linx is my favorite Wu solo, with Liquid Swords coming in at second and Fishscale at third.
  8. Gary Floyd

    The feds got Blagojevich

    Well, he's been impeached.
  9. Gary Floyd

    TSM Universe Talks: Michael Cole

    That needs to be on a shirt pronto.
  10. A bit too slick, but I'm crossing my fingers that it does justice to the original.
  11. Gary Floyd


    Your buddy does. Though she does hate almost everyone here.
  12. Gary Floyd

    Byron, you're a fucking douche...

    You're offering him balls? Are they your balls? You've got your balls to the wall, man.
  13. I don't care thast it's on Cartoon Network: "The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack" is hilarious.
  14. Gary Floyd

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    Favorite Jay Z albums 5.) The Black Album 4.) In My Lifetime, Vol. 1 3.) American Gangster 2.) Reasonable Doubt 1.) The Blueprint
  15. Gary Floyd

    Your top 10 films of 2008

    1.) The Dark Knight 2.) The Wrestler 3.) Let The Right One In 4.) Iron Man 5.) Hellboy II 6.) Slumdog Millionaire 7.) Inside 8.) Milk/Burn After Reading (tie) 9.) The Lost 10.) The Signal
  16. Gary Floyd

    Best Metal Albums of 2008

    If only there was a thread for things like this...
  17. Ok. Unless you're using reverse psychology, and you do want me to vote for you. Unless you're using reverse reverse psychology, and you really don't want me to vote for you. Or you're using reverse reverse reverse psychology. Yes.
  18. Dandy (This one was really hard, i mean really. Dandy gets a nod though. Sorry Venkman) Inc (He may not care for me, but he's a legend) Cheech Slayer Kinetic (His Youtube vids are the best. Here comes shitty bob_barron!) Canadian Chris Bored Edwin KOAB (Good poster, great avatar. My fave was "We don't walk, we step" though) Smues Kamala Agent (Fellow Doom Metal fan, favorite to win) Kreese Lushus 909 (I like Milky, but he won last year. Plus, I'm a good sport. No hard feelings Milky) Vitamin X And now *Rides off into the sunset while the theme from "Midnight Cowboy" plays
  19. Gary Floyd

    More Middle East turmoil

    In these troubling times, only one man can be a war correspondent