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Everything posted by Alro

  1. Alro

    Holiday Traditions....

    The Sunday before Thanksgiving, I have Thanksgiving dinner/celebrate my grandfather's birthday with my mom's side of the family. We have Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving with my dad's side. The day after Thanksgiving we always put up Christmas decorations. We don't have one of the fancy trees that you see in stores. All of our decorations are from some place we've been or from something we've done. Now that I think about it, I don't think we've put a star or angel on the top of the tree in years. Yeah, our tree might be a little commercialized, but it all has meaning to us and I wouldn't change it for anything. Whenever "Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown" comes on, I'm always there to watch it. Same for A Christmas Story. Even though I own the movie, I'll still watch it on TNT. Christmas Eve is spent with my mom's side of the family. Then on Christmas morning, we're up a 6am to open presents, despite the fact that the childhood novelty of waking up that early to open presents has worn off. Then it is off to Christmas with my dad's side of the family. And the day after Christmas, all the decorations come down.
  2. Alro

    Worst Concert You've Gone To On Your Free Will?

    As far as local bands go, the Lexington group C.O. Jones sucked ass. Hands down the worst local band I've ever seen. For big names, John Mayer. He toured with Counting Crows (who I actually wanted to see) last summer. The Crows went on first, so in theory I could have left early. However the girlfriend wanted to see Mayer and thus I had to suffer.
  3. Alro

    Pixar poll

    I've not seen The Incredibles yet, so my vote goes to Toy Story 2, though it was close. I really liked Monsters Inc., but Toy Story 2 just seemed to have something that Monsers didn't.
  4. Alro

    Tonight's South Park...

    It was funny because it is true. All of the Wal-Mart stereotypes got a huge laugh from me. I grew up in small town Kentucky, which has given me a greater appreciation for the grossly overweight Wal-Mart employee and Wal-Mart stereotypes in general. Awesome episode.
  5. Alro

    Real World/Road Rules Challenge

    I was kind of surprised that they actually sent Abe home this week. At least they stuck with the rules they laid out at the beginning. I must agree with the dismissal of Ayanna. She was crazy and her speech at the end pretty much proved it. I read Katie's review of the episode over at Inside Pulse and she said Ayanna's speech was longer and crazier than what they showed. Does anybody else think Abe and Coral are a weird couple?
  6. Alro

    The O.C.

    I found the Chrismukkah mix on iTunes by accident this morning. I didn't pay close enough attention to see if it was officially out or just an iTunes presale. I've been waiting all summer for this and I'm going to be in meetings all night. I'll have to watch via the magic of video tape.
  7. I voted early this morning (around 6:45) and I think I spent more time filling out my ballot than I did waiting to vote. There seemed to be one tiny incident. There was a very small group of people supporting some dude for the school board and a very small group who wanted you to vote no on the gay marriage amendment right where you turn to get in the polling place parking lot. A couple of cops were taking measurement to make sure they were far enough away from the polls. They seemed to move about 5 feet further from the polling place. Like I said: tiny.
  8. 1.) Favorite world title match at the PPV? Bret Hart vs. Bob Backlund 2.) Favorite SSeries team elimination match? The Million $ Teams vs. The Dream Team SS '90. It had the debut of The Undertaker who nailed his character from the start and a pretty sweet Bret Hart/Ted DiBiase segment at the end. 3.) Favorite face / heel (or both) SSeries team assembled? The Teamsters - Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart, Shawn Michaels, Diesel, and Jeff Jarrett The Hulkamaniacs - Hogan, Jake Roberts and Demolition 4.) Favorite non-world title, non-team battle match other than Austin / Hart? Randy Savage & Mr. Perfect vs. Ric Flair & Razor Ramon 5.) Favorite segment? I barely remember any segments, so I'll go with The Vipers interview. 6.) Things you hated besides the Montreal Screwjob? The complete lack of Survivor matches in 1992. Despite the tag match and Bret/Shawn, I was disappointed that the Thanksgiving (Eve) tradition had no traditional Survivor matches.
  9. Alro

    NCAA Basketball ESPN/Coaches poll

    Bama severely underrates themselves. Listen to their coach at press conferences. He seriously downplays his team. If anybody overlooks Bama, they will be in for quite a surprise.
  10. Alro

    NCAA Basketball ESPN/Coaches poll

    You're kidding about not winning the SEC, right? Chuck Hayes will be a great team leader. Azubuike and Carrier both should be stepping up big and I'm looking forward to see what Patrick Sparks can do. Losing Daniels, Fitch and Hawkins sucks, but it's not like there's not plenty of guys who will step up when they are called on. Louisville is probably unrrated and barring another tremendous late season meltdown, Little Brother could be sitting pretty in March. It is scary to think how tough the Big East could be next year.
  11. Alro

    Florida fires Ron Zook and coaching staff

    Miss State's win over Florida gives me hope that Kentucky will only win one game this year. I don't recall seeing Miss State play this year, but we'll find out this Saturday who really is the worst SEC team when the Bulldogs host the Wildcats. It makes me wish that the game would be broadcast just to see how bad the two teams are.
  12. Alro

    When you were a kid...........

    My heel supergroup, inspired by The Dangerous Alliance, was led by Jake Roberts. Rick Rude, Ax and Smash were always members. Crush would pop in every now and then. Their manager was some red superhero guy. I never remembered his name, so he became known simply as Redman. I believe I called them The Super Destroyers. The only feud I can remember without thinking too hard is Bret Hart vs. Rick Steamboat. Steamboat had turned heel on Hart after losing a face vs. face title match. He went on to steal the WWF Title and forced the announcers to call him champion. Bret won the blow off and Steamboat turned back face after it was over.
  13. Alro

    Ipod Help

    Other than iTunes and Music Match, I don't remember what else was on my CD. If your computer recognizes that you plugged the iPod in, then all you should need is iTunes. That was all I installed at my office and it works fine there.
  14. Alro

    Worst show you ever saw live?

    USWA at my high school gym around 1993-1994. It was around the time Crush turned on Randy Savage. The main event was The Undertaker vs. Crush, which considering I was 12 or 13, was awesome. I was excited to see two big WWF superstars at my high school. The rest of the show was pretty shitty. Nothing on the undercard was terribly memorable. There was no Jeff Jarrett, Jerry Lawler or Bill Dundee. However, I did get to see an epic war between PG-13 and the American Eagles. It started with a Midget Crybaby Match between each team's respective midgets, Midget D and Little Eagle. Let's say it sucked and leave it at that. Then PG-13 and the Eagles had their tag match. It sucked, too. Even being a 12-year-old who had only been a fan for a couple of years, I knew that this was shit.
  15. Alro

    What radio stations do you like to listen to?

    Cox Radio changed my 80s station to country over the weekend. Sons of bitches. Oh well. That is one less station I have to flip through now.
  16. Alro

    What radio stations do you like to listen to?

    In Louisville: 95.7 WQMF for Bob & Tom on the way to work. 840 WHAS for Terry Meiners for the drive home. If I'm not listening to my iPod, I listen to: 95.7 WQMF - classic rock 100.5 WTFX - The Fox, modern rock 105.1 WLRS - The Walrus, modern rock 103.9 The Point - Louisville's Home for the 80s and More.
  17. Alro

    Apprentice 2

    Touche. Stacy and Jennifer had the same problem; they couldn't see that they contributed nothing and were ever wrong. All three had good reason to be fired. Stacy did jack shit. Wes wasn't that great of a leader. Andy lost the cell phone. All were very good reason to fire someone, but Trump (and Mark Burnett and company) finally saw how worthless Stacy was and she got the ax. Even after she was fired, she couldn't see the reasons why she was fired. I hate people like that. Take some damn responsibility.
  18. Alro

    Real World/Road Rules Challenge

    Oh yeah! I forgot about that! I forgot about Eric Neis's workout videos from about 10 years ago, too. I guess some truely did find success. But seriously, how sad is it when your only ambition is to be on MTV reality competitions for the rest of your life.
  19. Alro

    Real World/Road Rules Challenge

    I'm going to go with "no, they don't have real jobs." RR Rachel even said something to the effect of she would do these things until she was 65 so she doesn't have to get a real job. I think most of them are out in Hollywood trying be make it as an actor. As far as the current cast goes, I think Cynthia from RW Miami is the only one that has really done anything with her life.
  20. Alro

    Real World/Road Rules Challenge

    Allison and Shelly were the other two. Kit and Mark was the first Road Rules hook up. Of course now what those two did would be considered minor as compared to today's threeways and whatnot.
  21. Alro

    Real World/Road Rules Challenge

    I've avoided the spoilers, but if you want to know, search around on The Real World/Road Rules Blog. They have spoilers for the whole season.
  22. Alro

    Real World/Road Rules Challenge

    I was starting to like Ace and they go and vote him off. But it was expected, as I knew they wouldn't vote Abe off. I wasn't sure about the girls vote. Coral made it clear that she was counting the chips and they came out over, so she earned them a penalty. Cameran got a penalty, too, so it was between the two of them. In the end though, it came down to who was a veteran and Cameran got the boot because of it. Coral and Abe hooking up is weird to me. It would seem like their personalities would clash, but I guess not. I definately think Abe will be the bitch in the relationship.
  23. Alro

    Wrestling-related Halloween costumes

    I went as The Undertaker in 1992. And though it wasn't Halloween, I did dress up as Al Snow for "Wrestlemania Wednesday" during homecoming week my senior year of high school.
  24. Alro

    Apprentice 2

    I do realize that I'm doing that, but I see it as a long term investment. I would much rather shape somebody the way I want rather than have to break old habits. He wouldn't be bad as long he had someone to answer to for a period of time until I'm confident that he can go it alone. Either way, Trump will do what Trump will want to do. When it comes down to it, George is just another yes man.
  25. Alro

    Apprentice 2

    Call me on what? Saying giving him total control from the start is a bad idea and turning right around to say I would hire him?