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Everything posted by Alro
I wouldn't give him total control right off the bat. With a little supervision he would be the ideal candidate. There are no bad habits that other companies have taught him. He's idealistic and motivated because he is so young. Yes, putting him in charge completely would be risky, but surround him with the right people for a little while and you've got a great hire. I believe it would pay off more in the long run.
John had nothing to say (or so it was edited to seem) to Trump when he asked why Andy was in the boardroom and not the other guy responsible for pricing. No matter how it was edited, pricing was the issue and John should have been involved. Trump made a good decision this week. George is right in his assesment of Andy; he's raw and young, which will allow Trump to mold Andy exactly like he wants Andy to be. I've thought that from the beginning and that is one of the reasons I'm pulling for him.
I'm watching the game. The people that live above me have been going crazy for everything. And as much as it pains me, I'm pulling for Louisville, too. The Cards are looking far better than I thought they would. They are playing exactly like they should be: balls out with nothing to lose. And thus far it has paid off.
I recommend finding "Song for the Dumped" performed in a minor key. All of Ben Folds Live is good, too. It is just Ben and a piano. Plus you get a pretty sweet DVD with it.
Pamela's boardroom failre started at the beginning when she tried to spin her team's loss into a tie. That seriously pissed George off and things just went downhill for her after that. I'm pretty confident that the men will continue to win until the great reshuffle. I'm interested to see how the men work with the women.
On the subject of lifers, did you catch RR Rachel's comment about how she'll be doing the senior challenges when she's 65? While pathetic, at least she admits she plans on doing nothing with her life.
Pizza does it. Beer does it the morning after. The two strangest for me are popcorn and mint chocolate chip ice cream. No other ice cream does it. And it smells terrible, which is the price I have to pay for consuming my favorite flavor.
It looks there are hook-ups galore this season, which should make for a good show. And the girls always bring the drama. I want to see what the "no physical violence" statement shown in the season preview is about. You would think it would be one of the guys, but considering how catty the girls are, I qouldn't be surprised if two of them got into a fight. It sucks that Jaquese is gone, but at least the guys didn't make a big sobby deal out of it like the girls did. All those bitches do is cry when somebody gets voted off. Who do you think the new "lifers" are? I'm saying Derrick will be on every challenge from here on. Brad and Randy fit the stereotype, but I'm not sure about them. Robin could be the new one for the girls.
Kentucky (I live there), Indiana (I work there), Tennessee, Illinois, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Maryland, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Minnesota (just the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport), Missouri, Texas, South Dakota, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming, Arizona, Nevada, California, Washington, Hawaii, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.
What did she die of/from? Car accident a few years ago.
The only infomercials I ever get sucked into are the '70s singer songwriter collections or shit like that. But I can see where you're coming from.
Hell, at this point I would just fire all the women if I could. Those girls could fuck up a wet dream. Pamela didn't deserve to be fired. The women looked better in this mission because of her leadership. They actually worked together as a team, which speaks volumes about Pamela's abilities. She definately should have focused on that in the Boardroom instead of the faults of the other two. Stacy needs to shut the fuck up. My accounting teacher was right. You need to keep lawyers out of a business for as long as you can. Her overcomplicating of all the legal shit ("do you want another Enron?" Shut the fuck up) was bad, but it wasn't nearly as bad as Maria falling apart on the camera. Maria does have a good grasp on public speaking. However she took stupid when the cameras were on. Way too much blinking, too much hand movement and her rate of speaking was ridiculous. She didn't help anything by volunteering to go on camera. It was different to see the men get heated while planning. They usually seem cool and under control. Either way, getting to play at Ashe with McEnroe would be super sweet. And in a somewhat unrelated note, does anybody else find it bizarre that people actually sit and watch QVC and order shit from them?
I don't know if the "followers" pick the leaders or if it is determined at random. I want to say there are three new leaders for every mission, but I could be wrong. He didn't even show up for any of the reunion specials. I'm pretty sure we'll never see him again.
Anybody watch the BotS2 special last night? There is a different scoring system this time. Actually, there is no scoring system. Three members of the team are selected to be team leaders. As I understood it, if the team wins, the team leaders get to pick who they want to send home. If the team loses, the playes get to pick which team leader gets sent home. It is very different from last time where figuring out who was the worst was as easy as looking at the scoreboard. It should make for some good drama.
Fired 'Apprentice' loses her real-life job Nice. Can't say that I blame them for firing her. I believe her company took out a shitload of ads saying "We've got an employee on the Apprentice". Smart move by the company. Of course now she says her comments were taken out of context and that she is half Jewish and that she didn't deserve to be fired from her real job. Apparently she didn't learn a lesson from being on the show. It is always somebody else's fault and she is always right. No wonder she was a shitty leader.
I remember seeing the Battle for Endor on The Disney Channel years and years ago. I don't recall paying that close of attention to it then, so I'm betting on the same result now.
The US Title, for the reason stated above.
I'll second that. Add almost every Julia Roberts movie ever, too.
Per Zach Braff's blog: A DVD designed by a DVD junkie for DVD junkies should make for a sweet DVD. I want to see the scenes with Ian Holm that Braff said got cut. I hope he gets the release date pushed up because I want to get it as soon as I can.
What a generic episode last night. It followed the basic formula of black guy explains/experiences a negative aspect of being black. White guy proves his whiteness by saying or doing the exact wrong thing. Argument ensues. We saw it with Kevin and (name I can't remember) in New York, Mike and Coral is B2NY, briefly in San Diego with Jaquese and Big Boobs McGee... and the fight that comes from the incident had gotten worse and worse. At least it looks like the editors are letting this span a couple of episodes.
Accoring to IMDB, the word "fuck" and its variations were spoken 281 times in The Big Lebowski. In Pulp Fiction, the word "fuck" is used 271 times. In Casino the word "fuck" is said 422 times, including in the narration - 2.4 times per minute on average, blowing Lebowski and Pulp Fiction out of the water.
Here is the response I got from my cable company: Thank you for your programming inquiry. Although we do not plan to add WWE 24/7 to our On Demand lineup in the near future, we do consider customer requests when we have the opportunity to add new channels to the lineup. I will forward your message to our marketing department for future consideration. My email will most likely be seeing the "database".
This looks pretty sweet. I just sent my cable provider an email asking if they were going to be adding this to their OnDemand offerings. I would like to think that the WWE would make the effort to get this to the city that is home to their developmental territory, but that might be stretching logic.
When I try to run Sonic MyDVD, I get the message "Application Error: (17235) Unable to detect an ASPI manager." I then must CTL-ALT-DEL to get the program off my screen. Is there any way to get this program working so I can burn DVDs again?