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Everything posted by Alro

  1. Alro

    What was your first film experience

    The first moive I saw in the theater was ET in whatever year that was released. The first movie I actually remember seeing in the theater was He-Man: Secret of the Sword. The theater where I lived was called the Alice Palace and there was some substance on the floor that was stronger than most industrial glues. I don't remember much about the movie, but I do remember getting a free comic book.
  2. Alro

    OVW Results Thread...

    Miz's ring attire sucks. I can't decide if I like him or not. Match was not that great. This was not interesting at all. The overness of the Boogeyman still baffles me. It is crazy. Is he this over on Smackdown? I've not been able to catch him when he's on there. And are The Throwbacks a Heyman idea or is this what Shade & Domino are going to be saddled with on WWE TV soon? Blah. I'm really starting to like Buchill. He's really grown on me the past few weeks. Dawber & Osama are always pretty entertaining, too. The Punk/Albright feud is what keeps me watching every week. I love the stuff they've done. I don't know if they are building to Punk finally shaking hands with Albright or one big double cross from Punk, but this has been the most interesting storyline I've seen from OVW I started watching again during the Cappotelli/Jeter blow-off, so I never saw the build up). On edit: Has there been any official word on Cappotelli's condition or the status of the OVW Title? Hill & Snow kept saying Matt would be there to give an update, but he still has not been on the show.
  3. Alro

    OVW Results Thread...

    Here is two weeks worth of the Punk/Albright/Doane feud. I might have Doane vs Burchill up later today, but no promises. Punk/Albright vs Doane/Burchill Build Up http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MURIQIM5 Punk/Albright vs Doane/Burchill http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CND94H85 Punk/Albright vs Osama & Robbie Dawber http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z5Q9VCK
  4. Alro

    Australian Open.

    That was a dick move by Kiefer. Hearing Gilbert going nuts about it during a change over was pretty funny, though. I hope Federer advances so he can beat Kiefer's ass in straight sets.
  5. Alro

    Nick Nemeth in OVW

    Do you know where I could find a list of OVW themes?
  6. Alro

    The WWE has spirit! Yes they do!

    I like Jeter better as a heel. He reminded me of heel Jericho, the past month in OVW. I've only seen Jeter as a heel and I thought he was fantastic. From what I've seen of Doane, which has only been his feud with Brent Albright and CM Punk, he's the most wasted talent of them all. I've said this before, but his character in OVW was a better Randy Orton than Randy Orton could ever pull off.
  7. Alro

    OVW Results Thread...

    I could do it, but I don't have the time. I've been meaning to get to last week's main event, but with school starting up I've not had a free second this week. I've been posting the main events for the past month or so. That's as good as you're going to get from me. You may get two matches next week. I'll put up the main event as usual and since I'll be capping the Punk/Albright tag match, it will probably go up, too.
  8. Alro

    24: Season 5

    What happened to President Keeler? Did he die or is still in a coma or what?
  9. Alro

    OVW Results Thread...

    I'm getting 30 minute matches down to 100 (or so) MB. I'm still tweaking the settings on the program I use to balance quality and file size. I'll have the tag team match up later this week. I won't promise anything before the weekend, though.
  10. Alro

    International Travel

    Paris is one of the dirtiest cities I've ever been to. I have absolutely no desire to ever go back there. London was OK. I really like Edinburgh, Scotland. Beautiful city.
  11. Alro

    Last movie you watched on VHS

    I think it was Fellowship of the Ring about 3 years ago. If you count TV shows, I watch tapes all the time. I don't have a DVR and night classes really fuck up your viewing schedule.
  12. Alro

    OVW Results Thread...

    The main event was good this week. I'm loving how the TV Title feud is being booked. Punk, Albright and Doane continue to impress me. This was the first time I've seen Burchill wrestle and I thought we was pretty good. While I'm not a fan of the gym shorts look, if what Doane wore is what he'll be wearing for his cheerleader gimmick, then they could have done worse. It wouldn't have surprised me if Vince put them in skirts. Doane was still called "The Golden Boy", so he's not completely gone yet. Jeter/Skyfire was pretty good, too. I hope those girls they showed crying when Jet and Skyfire were getting their hair cut were plants. That was just slightly over the top.
  13. Alro

    College Hoops: 1/2/2006 - 1/15/2006

    Un-fucking-believable. It has been five years since UK lost 3 in a row. If they have fewer than 12 losses this season, color me surprised.
  14. Alro

    College Hoops: 1/2/2006 - 1/15/2006

    So who is the best? The '76 Indiana team? I don't think anybody remembers Mashburn dunking over an overmatched Syracuse team since he left two years before that.
  15. Alro

    OVW Results Thread...

    It was another 3 way dance.
  16. Alro

    College Hoops: 1/2/2006 - 1/15/2006

    Vandy has never won a game at Rupp. Never.... until last night. I don't want to get lumped in with all the doomer and gloomers, but at this point UK is a fucking bubble team. The only bright spots were Randolph Morris looking like he wanted to play and Ravi Moss getting hot. There were a few stand-out dark spots. Patrick Sparks further proved that he has no idea how to play basketball. Perry and Thomas got more playing time than they deserved. Nobody can rebound. I have apparently been blessed with eternal patience, as I am not calling for Tubby's head yet. Three in a row may be my breaking point.
  17. Alro

    OVW Results Thread...

    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RQ2V62F7 CM Punk vs Brent Albright vs Ken Doane from Jan. 7, 2006.
  18. Alro

    OVW Results Thread...

    Doane is a lot better than some of the guys that have been called up. It may just be the guys he's been in the ring with (Punk and Albright), but I've never thought he was complete shit.
  19. Alro

    OVW Results Thread...

    He got called up to be part of the Spirit Squad. I figured that him getting taken out like he did would explain his absense.
  20. Alro

    OVW Results Thread...

    This 3-way dance was not as impressive as the first one. There were a few good spots, but it just didn't have the same big match feel like the other one. I know why they got rid of Doane, but what was the purpose of bringing in Stevens?
  21. Alro

    College Hoops: 1/2/2006 - 1/15/2006

    What is wrong with hoping for a Final Four every year? A 20-win season is a gimme at UK. If that is all you hope for, then you are setting the bar pretty low. A SEC title is almost a gimme at UK. Every few years they loan out the SEC title to another team, but for the most part it comes home to Rupp. We expect an SEC title and that is within reason. Twenty wins and the SEC title is your average season. A FF, and for that matter a NC, is the mark of an exceptional season. I also might add that the average Kentucky fan is completely and totally nuts and comepletely incapable of rational thought. Please don't judge me by anything you read on a UK message board. I'm not calling for Tubby's head. I think he's a great coach. Even if they did get rid of him, who would they replace him with? Something there needs to change, but I don't know what it is. They should not be losing by 30 to an unranked Kansas team.
  22. Alro

    College Hoops: 1/2/2006 - 1/15/2006

    I like to think of myself as above the typical UK fan, but this is bad. They can't hit the ocean. Fucking terrible. I don't want to even think about March now.
  23. Alro

    Scrubs season 5

    It's about damn time. I love this show.
  24. I don't go to the theater often, but I'll definately be seeing X3.
  25. I've seen all of those except the Ricky Morton one. I can't imagine why they would make one of those, though that company was never known for making any sense.