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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 3~

    yeah, but even so, I think I would have beat most teams
  2. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 3~

    I think I've got a legit shot to win this. Mehmet Okur is my Jesus! And y'all shouldn't have let me got Odom, dude is NASTY
  3. Precious Roy

    2005-2006 MLB Offseason thread

    I would do that deal if I'm the Mets
  4. Precious Roy

    Rookie of the Year

    yeah probably, I would have voted Gomes first place personally, but like you said, it doesn't matter If Gomes can keep up his production though...look out!
  5. Precious Roy

    MNF for Nov 7: Colts vs Pats

    No, but you should, that's always fun
  6. Precious Roy

    MNF for Nov 7: Colts vs Pats

    - I meant the jammies.....it's still gay though....learn to Photoshop. I don't recall a bunch of lame flamebaiting sigs when we were owning the Colts - I've explained this MULTIPLE times here already, pay attention, it gets tiresome. Long story short, I've spent most of my life splitting time in New England/New York, or living in disputed territory. If you've ever lived in Connecticut/Western Mass you'd know how it is. Half the family supports NY teams, half Mass teams....that's just the way my alligences fell back in the day......I was a Pats fan back when the Giants were kicking ass, so don't give me any grief, if you feel like calling someone out there's some real bandwaggoners in this forum
  7. Precious Roy

    A.L. Cy Young

    I'm pretty sure I argued in this spot against a reliever winning, but seeing Colon actually win makes me rethink that and wish Rivera had won. C'est la vie
  8. Precious Roy

    Ugueth Urbina charged with attempted murder

    Owens SHOULD have tried the machete/gasoline route, on McNabb's chunky soup eating mom, or Andy Reid's chunky....just chunky
  9. Precious Roy

    MNF for Nov 7: Colts vs Pats

    GAY Can you at least get the colors on the baby right?
  10. Precious Roy

    Ugueth Urbina charged with attempted murder

    this is so awesome!
  11. Precious Roy

    The OaO Arrested Development Season 3 thread

    fucking a' the Godzilla fight scene had me ROLLING, god damn was that shit out of the blue hilarious. Like, so perfectly executed, that scene alone was worth the wait Tobias' random dialogue while he destroyed the minature development was great, and I didn't even catch half of it because I was marking out so hard, definitely need to download it and pay closer attention to what he was saying and yeah, the Bob Loblaw character hasn't really hit the mark, but it's made up for by SUPER DAVE owning every scene he's in
  12. Precious Roy

    T.O. suspended for the rest of the season

    Maybe ESPN should field a team
  13. Precious Roy

    MNF for Nov 7: Colts vs Pats

    I'd also like to add that, nothing outside of another Patriots championship would be sweeter than seeing Carolina beat Indy in the Super Bowl. That would be just....awesome...on so many levels
  14. Precious Roy

    MNF for Nov 7: Colts vs Pats

    This game was a huge monkey off Manning's back, there's no way of understating that. From now on, even if the Patriots put a better team on the field than the one's that Peyton couldn't beat, he's going to have a level of confidence that he didn't have before. Even as a Patriots fan, I can't help but like Peyton Manning. His post game interview was great just for him fighting to keep that smirk from breaking into a full blown shit eating grin. You know he went and got wasted on the flight back to Indy
  15. Precious Roy

    Rookie of the Year

    I'd say the top 3 in each league was pretty spot on. I liked Gomes and Cano better than Street, but no argument on him winning.
  16. Precious Roy

    MNF for Nov 7: Colts vs Pats

    Also, in a game like this the loss of Romeo really shows itself, I absolutely hated the playcalling on some of the series
  17. Precious Roy

    MNF for Nov 7: Colts vs Pats

    I said when Harrison got hurt that we were in deep trouble, and that whatever we did accomplish this year would be gravy. I also said I wouldn't make any excuses. Props to the Colts for an excellent game. That said, I'm not ready to write this team off yet. I'm not sure if we've got the horses to run with Indy on the road in the playoffs, but I still think we've got enough to put ourselves in that position. As for the game tonight, man, the injuries on defense really got picked apart. Also, I kind of liked the onside kick just for the balls it took to call it, not sure if it was the right call even though we almost had it, but it was like from the start of the game the Colts had us on our backs throwing bows and we were just fighting to avoid the Kimura. There was no sense of Belichick thinking we'd be in the game without throwing everything at the wall, no faith in the defense to make stops, no faith in the offense to pound the ball and burn clock. If Dillon doesn't fumble there it might be a different game, but I still don't think we could have outscored them the way things were going. Really frustrating to see the Colts get the play they need every single time, no big step up stops from the Pats, but turnabout is fair play, the Colts had been waiting a long time for a game like this. We'll regroup, reload....this shit ain't over
  18. Precious Roy

    T.O. suspended for the rest of the season

    crazy as it may sound, the Eagles are just punishing themselves. In TO's mind this suspension vindicates him, he's too far gone to take anything from it. as where he may go next season, teams will be lining up for a shot at him, don't kid yourselves. Hell, I'd like to see New England go after him, I don't care how stupid that sounds
  19. Precious Roy

    ESPN right now.. what the fuck?

    that song wasn't even good as part of the commercial. people like beer and hot twins, they couldn't give a shit about that annoying hack song. but when it goes from being part of an outdated promotion to plastered all over ESPN every monday it just makes me want to take a sliced up bud can to my ears I haven't seen these fake press conferences yet, thankfully
  20. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Knicks off to an 0-3 start....and the way LB is giving out run, and the units he's using, is really confusing me....
  21. Precious Roy

    The Ultimate Fighter 2

    I didn't pay super close attention to the fight, missed the first 3 minutes of rd. 2, but am I alone in thinking Luke would get the decision? I thought he clearly won at least one of the last 2 rds
  22. Precious Roy

    TO: Eagles would be 7-0 with Favre as QB

    hahahahahahaha....the Eagles are so fucked right now. I wouldn't be surprised if they fall out of the playoff picture and decide to shut down McNabb.
  23. Precious Roy

    NBA Week 1

    yeah, and Wally didn't even shoot well. The Minnesota situation is a tragedy of epic proportions. As much as I like Kevin McHale the player, the whole thing is his fault. He fucked up the Marbury situation, he fucked up with the Joe Smith thing...he's signed some awful contracts.....I think it might be time to part ways
  24. Precious Roy

    NBA Week 1

    Personally, I think Smush is legit on offense, and being coached by Phil, and playing with Kobe and Lamar his freelance tendencies will be reeled in....but his defense is truely horrid....and when it comes down to it if he can't improve on that he'll stop getting run, because the Lakers do not lack guys who can put the ball in the net.