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Human Fly

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Everything posted by Human Fly

  1. Human Fly

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Warrior is on Hannity & Colmes tonight, right? I am looking forward to that one most of all. Has anyone noticed Hulk Hogan has been absent from the proceedings this week? Probably too much roid talk going around for the Huckster to get in the pool...
  2. Human Fly

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Our society loves to blame people and have someone we can trot out in public and say "There is the bad guy!". Since the bad guy is dead in this instance blame will be assigned where it does not belong in an attempt to have someone that can be held accountable. I am sure that WWE will get sued somehow out of this. Saying that they fostered the environment by having Benoit use roids
  3. Human Fly


    If WWE were to rotate brands then guys who were on break would just get permission to work independent dates to make up for lost revenue with polaroids and wrestling in front of 300 people. Wrestling is a tough business but these people only have a limited amount of time to make their money, they need to make hay while the sun is shining.
  4. Human Fly


    What about storyline changes? ECW is now without a top face. CM Punk can just slide into the top spot, but there is a big hole at the # 2 spot. Do you think WWE has called RVD yet? Obviously the Vince storyline is gone. Johnny Nitro how long can his title reign last with one legit in brand challenger? Will we see another "visiting superstar of the week" like we saw with Big Show? The townspeople have lit the torches, it looks to me like the steroid witch hunt is on. I hope the E is ready because their policy is going to come under a lot of scrutiny.
  5. Human Fly

    ECW 6.19

    Good point. They could have Benoit win and then lose it to either Burke/Cor Von/Nitro in a few months who could then lose it to Punk. Punk and Benoit would then have a built in program of Benoit holding the edge over Punk and trying to reclaim the title and Punk trying to overcome his final hurdle.
  6. Human Fly

    ECW 6.19

    And if CM Punk turns heel after the match who is going to be in the upper card as a face besides Benoit? You already have Burke, Cor Von and Nitro in the upper card. Thorn will be breaking through soon and then you have the Miz as well. If you add CM Punk into the heel mix are you expecting The Boogeyman to carry the load as the # 2 face? I think Benoit wins on Sunday. They do the mutual respect thing and then go their seperate ways for a few months before Punk eventually takes the title from Benoit. Young up and comer CM Punk chasing future HOF veteran Chris Benoit for the title works as a storyline. HOF veteran chasing young up and comer does not.
  7. Human Fly

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    Meltzer is saying that tonight on ECW will be Punk v. Cor Von and Benoit v. Burke with the winners advancing to Vengeance. So, Cor Von v. Benoit, Punk v. Burke or Punk v. Benoit for the title. I am fine with any of those.
  8. Human Fly

    OAO RAW thread - June 18, 2007

    The Hardys are too over to be dicking around with the tag titles any more. One of them should have probably got the Benoit spot in ECW and been given a chance to be the top star of a brand.
  9. Human Fly

    OAO RAW thread - June 18, 2007

    Cade and Murdoch are the best characters of the last 3 months. I always laugh when they show Murdoch right after they won the titles. I second the Daivari piss test.
  10. Human Fly

    Supplemental Draft

    ECW is a bit short on faces, I would not mind an expanded role for Tommy Dreamer. Maybe the E has an under the table deal with RVD after he takes the summer off and will plug him back in to the top when he returns? I would like to see a Benoit - Nitro program. Nitro could really benefit. Too bad Heyman is not in an active role with the company anymore. I think Nitro with mic skills would be a rocket ship to the top.
  11. Human Fly

    Supplemental Draft

    They are going to need to build Khali up some after having him job to John Cena every way possible. Switching Kennedy from SD to Raw is mind boggling.
  12. Human Fly

    Supplemental Draft

    After Batista the only face guys who can even hope to sustain a Main Event program are Kane, Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio. Undertaker will be back around the Rumble, but does anyone think he will ever be a full timer again?
  13. Human Fly

    Supplemental Draft

    I guess the idea of an ECW tag division has been put on hiatus for the moment... I am really surprised that they moved Lashley to Raw. They could have had him feud with Benoit, then with Burke, then with Cor Von, then with Nitro and then with Punk. That is a solid year of feuds. Someone joked last Monday about Sandman going to Raw and then putting himself in the Main Event. That would be fantastic. Guys would all be hitting their finishers on him trying to be the one to get the pin.
  14. Human Fly

    Supplemental Draft

    They probably need the extra time to figure out who is going where... I am figuring that London and Kendrick will get split up with one going to ECW, Michelle McCool will go to Raw, Matt Striker to SD, Super Crazy to SD.
  15. Human Fly

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    greaat. Unless they kill his mic time, on a live show with no piped in boos Kennedy will be over as a face within 6 months.
  16. Human Fly

    Smackdown spoilers

    Sounds like they are just building up Flair to be fed to MVP at Vengeance. This is probably the hottest Flair will ever be on SD so it makes sense to take advantage of it now.
  17. Human Fly

    OAO ECW Thread for 6/12

    Good to know the writers have not figured out what to do with the ECW title and that paper napkin booking is being used for every angle not involving Vince. I know Vince "died" but shouldn't the fact that the ECW World Champion was drafted to another show and the brand is currently without a champion have been mentioned other than being glossed over during main event intros? Why are the announcers jizzing their shorts about the Boogeyman while their champ is on Raw?
  18. Human Fly

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread- June 11, 2007

    I wonder how many derelicts in the area have called the police?
  19. Human Fly

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread- June 11, 2007

    Do not give them any ideas. The booking of that battle royal where guys from the same brand were fighting each other was moronic. Also moronic that they ruined at least a 2 PPV built in storyline with Kennedy and Edge.
  20. Human Fly

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread- June 11, 2007

    Benoit | Striker Cor Von | Sandman Burke | Dreamer Punk | Richards Would make a nice little tournament.
  21. Human Fly

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread- June 11, 2007

    A Benoit - Lashley program for the title could do a lot for Lashley and the ECW brand. Not to mention Benoit v. Burke, Benoit v. Cor Von and Benoit v. Punk.
  22. Having matches decide who gets to pick is interesting, does that mean that (in theory) Raw could end up with 8 picks, SD with 5 and ECW with 2? I was hoping for 4 or 5 picks for each brand. I will still predict with 4 people going to each brand Raw 1. Chris Benoit 2. Mark Henry 3. Michelle McCool 4. Snitsky SD 1. Umaga 2. Randy Orton 3. Ric Flair 4. Kevin Thorn ECW 1. Jeff Hardy 2. Carlito 3. Chavo Guererro (CW Title) 4. Jamie Noble
  23. Human Fly

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    I am reserving judgement on this Jackass angle until it plays out. It does not sound good on paper but if it gets some good publicity and used mostly mid-card guys it could be harmless. One would think that the Jackass guys will get beat up and not go over, but I suppose stranger things have happened.
  24. Who is going to be your top face in ECW? Tommy Dreamer or The Sandman is not going to get it done in 2007.
  25. Human Fly

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    Is Lillian Garcia gone? Have not seen her for a while.