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Human Fly

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Everything posted by Human Fly

  1. Sometimes things just seem to work out despite how things are being run. This Hogan - Lashley situation is one of those things. To blow so many rubs in one match on Hulk Hogan would have been idiotic. What is the latest Hogan - Vince falling out over? The HOF phone call? The HOF phone call and other little things? Or just Hogan asking for an obscene amount of money? Will be interesting to see if Hogan and Big Show try and go to TNA in a package deal.
  2. Speaking of unintentionally hilarious: In her latest blog on wwe.com Candice talks about pissing on the side of the road and then uses the sign off at the end of the blog: "stay classy".
  3. If they build the ECW Original v. New Breed story to Wrestlemania then they should add one more person to the New Breed and have the Originals bring in Terry Funk. Also, I find it interesting that the Office thinks Monty Brown has to get over before he can be put into the ECW WM title match but they are seemingly willing to throw Snitsky of all people into that spot after not being over on Raw for 3 years.
  4. Human Fly

    OAO 02/05/07 Raw Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57HbCGhhL7o I do not know why but I love the fact that Flair has been wearing DX merchandise as of late.
  5. Human Fly

    OAO 02/05/07 Raw Thread

    ECW on Raw last night is nothing more than WWE trying to get the brand exposure to a wider audience to get the ratings up going head to head with WSX.
  6. In Scott Hall's shoot with the Torch approx. 6 months ago he talks about how when he first pitched the Razor character Vince thought it was great and that he had never seen Scarface so he thought that Hall had come up with it himself.
  7. It will be interesting to see what kind of shape HHH shows up in when he comes back. If I am not mistaken he has said that steroids were prescribed to him the last time he tore his quad. Someone should teach Edge how to beat the test. As of late he is looking more like a guy who you would see at the local Y trying to relive past high school glory in pickup basketball games.
  8. I have noticed that as well. Other instances that have caught my eye: Taker pulling down his top at the Rumble and having six pack abs for the first time I can remember and looking more muscular than he had in a long time. Of course being part time and flying under the radar for the last 3 or 4 years could have helped with this. I was watching the 2004 Rumble last week and then watched Raw the next day, Randy Orton looks to be about 10 - 20 pounds heavier now in his upper body and he has not been this cut since 2003. Anybody else noticed anything similar?
  9. Has anyone heard the latest on the Wellness Policy? I have not heard anything about tests for a long time and was wondering if it has been quietly dropped.
  10. Human Fly

    OAO ECW Tuesday January 30th

    Not with this again. Just like "nobody got" the Punk - Hardcore Holly feud which ended with CM Punk jobbing clean? I am taking the Missouri approach from now on and will only admit I am wrong after the fact.
  11. Human Fly

    OAO ECW Tuesday January 30th

    Probably not a big pop for Taker because he most likely came out during the Smackdown tapings already. Edit - Beaten a couple posts up.
  12. Human Fly

    OAO ECW Tuesday January 30th

    When is that exemplary athlete, that grappler with unmatched technical prowess, that dynamic man with charisma to burn, the epitome of the new ECW: Snitsky going to debut?
  13. Human Fly

    OAO ECW Tuesday January 30th

    Ha! There is your number one heel! Oh, in case anyone was wondering who the # 2 face is behind Lashley. It is Kelly Kelly. Seriously, I want someone to tell me who it is if it is not her and I want evidence.
  14. Human Fly

    OAO ECW Tuesday January 30th

    A lot of people in the back probably think that Holly is one of the few guys in ECW "that knows how to work". Also, he likes Elvis and is rumored to give a great handjob.
  15. Human Fly

    OAO ECW Tuesday January 30th

    Is there any other credible top level face in ECW right now besides Lashley?
  16. Human Fly

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-1/29/2007

    I thought it was just me who thought that. Wait I missed that- what? I missed the Jericho to ECW hint as well. Can anyone fill us in?
  17. I will go ahead and guess that Vince is thinking about putting Khali in the Raw main event at WM. He is obviously hard about the guy as he has been on all 3 brands and the only person from the 3 shows who has been booked to put him in more discomfort than taking a medium sized dump is the Undertaker. Honestly, if they intend to do anything with Khali the time is now. He is over and since moving him to Raw and live television every week it is only a matter of time before he exposes himself beyond redemption and the fans turn on him totally ala Scott Steiner at the Rumble (2003 I think).
  18. Human Fly

    WON News + Notes, 29th January Issue

    Thanks for posting these as always. If WWE really wants to keep RVD it will be interesting to see what it nuts up with in terms of negotiations. Of course the bucks first of all, then RVD winning the title at WM 23, and inducting The Sheik into the HOF and having RVD and Sabu induct him would all be things that could be used to persuade him. If they hold any hope for the brand they have got to do what it takes to keep him. ONS is already shaping up to be a "can't miss" trainwreck can you imagine if RVD is not there? I would wager that a good portion of the audience that watches ECW also watches TNA. If RVD, Sabu and Sandman show up in TNA combined with Angle, Christian, Sting and maybe Jericho and Lita I think TNA could have a real shot at overtaking ECW by the Fall. An ECW whose top stars consist of Hardcore Holly, Lashley, Test, Marquis Cor Van and Snitsky...
  19. Human Fly

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    I think that might be a reason why he will not be in there against Cena. I think WWE is looking to make Wrestlemania 23, like Wrestlemania 3, one of it's signature historical events. In 4 years they are going to want to be able to play clips of Cena beating up Rated RKO and the fans going buck wild not Cena beating HBK and getting booed out of the arena or even HBK winning the title.
  20. Human Fly

    Predict-a-card: Wrestlemania 23

    I was thinking about MITB this year, if they have it I would have Jeff Hardy win. He is over enough for a main even slot, has been 100 times better since his return and would be another new face in the scene. I would have him win MITB at Wrestlemania feud with Umaga over the IC in the next month or so to elevate Hardy and then have him challenge Cena for the title at Summerslam in a ladder match (the MITB winner can pick when the match is, so why not what kind of match it is). I would book Cena to win, but having Hardy win in a "title v. title" ladder match and have a short reign like Edge last Summer could work as well.
  21. Human Fly

    The OAO ECW Thread for 1/23/07

    You think the WWE cares about putting a bad match on PPV? Well supposedly Vince bitched out everyone backstage after New Year's Revolution because he thought it sucked so maybe they are putting a little extra effort into this one.
  22. Human Fly

    The OAO ECW Thread for 1/23/07

    That did not make any booking sense to me as Test got pinned clean, after that Hardcore Holly promo I expected Holly to interfere and get inserted into the Rumble title match. Maybe some worries from the office that the match was going to suck and they wanted to get them some ring time in front of a live tv crowd?
  23. Human Fly

    WON News + Notes, January 22nd Issue

    Much respect for posting these... For everyone saying that CM Punk would get heat for coughing backstage I think you have the wrong perspective. If you happened to work in the same company as your girl and the company went on a high profile business trip and you spent the whole time making out with your girl after you had already been talked to about it last year (by the owner's wife) then it is on you. Save that stuff for private time and use a little common sense. I am amazed that they are preapared to blow two big loads in Donald Trump and slamming Khali (I agree with HTQ, Hogan physically could not do it and Khali physically could not help him enough to make it look halfway respectable) on a 50+ year old special attraction. Someone at Titan needs to dig out those old Huckster and Nacho Man videos (from 11 years ago!!!!) and realize the joke is on them.
  24. Human Fly

    The Annual WWE Mass Firings Thread

    Do you think ECW will get fattened up any or are they going to keep it at around 20 on the active roster (not counting announcers and women)? According to reports Sabu will probably be gone in the next few days and RVD in a few months when his contract is over. With such a small roster I would think it is making a profit even though the ratings have dropped 50% from when it first started airing. One Night Stand in NYC is starting to look more and more like a train wreck of epic proportions.
  25. Human Fly

    The OAO ECW Thread for 1/16/07

    Unless he resigns I would guess this is the last we will see of RVD in the main event of ECW. It is too bad that the match will suck and there will be no heat, because the slow progressing build to Lashley - Test has been good. Is the Holly - Punk program over now? Holly was only mentioned in passing in the beginning of the match and they made it sound like there is no ongoing issue. Given what we have learned in the past week it kind of makes everyone "who did not get the feud" seem a bit smarter than pundits claimed. Is Monty Brown the replacement for Khali in Wrestlemania? They cannot possibly still be thinking of having One Night Stand (ha) 3 in NYC. I could see those fans organizing a walkout and leaving halfway through the event.