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Everything posted by chuck415

  1. chuck415

    Biggest fears? What are they?

    It was funnier when Dane Cook said it. GET BACK IN THE FIERY WATER. Dane Cook is a silly bitch
  2. chuck415

    Biggest fears? What are they?

    The fear of drowning... oooow thats a bad one. I'm also afraid of fire, like being fully engulfed in flames. Ya know what would be the worst? If you went underwater and thought you were drowning. While you were under someone pours oil on top of the water and lights it on fire. You have to swim around looking for a clear spot Then when you find a hole where theres's no fire you come up and a big dude punches you IN THE FACE!
  3. Another casualty of the stringent steroid testing program.
  4. chuck415

    If you had to pick one....

    I would like to fly planes and have a cool nickname like Maverick or Iceman
  5. chuck415

    Guys who paint themselves

    "I just blue myself"
  6. chuck415

    On old people in restaurants...

    Is it wrong that I am more likely to give a waitress a tip that a waiter? I would much rather prefer to be waited on by a female. Why is this? Also my left nad seems to be larger than the right.
  7. chuck415

    On old people in restaurants...

    You do know that base pay for servers is like $3/ hr. And why is this the customers fault?
  8. chuck415

    Undertaker unhappy because of his HIAC match?

    Its well known that none of the boys are very happy with Ace anyways. So, do you think Taker has the swag to get him in deep shit with Vince?
  9. chuck415

    Stacy Carter

    Fuck this lets see the BJ pic instead
  10. chuck415

    Ten Most Misused Wrestlers

    RVD by far
  11. chuck415

    Requesting help with an essay

    I did the same thing for my Eng 101 class first semester of college..... Sadly I never made it to the second semester.
  12. chuck415

    Two Warrants out for Ric Flair's Arrest

    The Nature Boy's had more warrants for his arrest than you've had pieces of ass! Do NOT fuck with the dirtiest player in the game
  13. chuck415

    Most idolized wrestlers

    Hogan, Flair, Foley and Harley Race
  14. chuck415

    Forever Hardcore- The Documentary

    Thanks for the info. And to answer an earlier question, on the Forever Hardcore DVD the workers refer to ECW by name numerous times.
  15. "No Leon, I don't want a bite of your sammich"
  16. chuck415

    Chris Kanyon speaks out on his arrest.

    Bam Bam Bigelow could be their manager.
  17. chuck415

    Forever Hardcore- The Documentary

    Is the Hardcore Homecoming DVD out yet? Has anyone seen it?
  18. chuck415

    Forever Hardcore- The Documentary

    Well i watched this DVD over the weekend and to me its just as good as rise and fall. Its definitely a video for smart fans. They talk more about the crucifixion "Angle" and the mass transit incident. Everyone comes off as smart and interesting personalitys except for New Jack who just shows how fucking crazy he really is. He pretty much confesses to attempted murder. TWICE! Its defiitely worth the $16 i paid for it.
  19. chuck415

    Share Your Live Show Stories

    was he pissed because you hugged him or because security pulled you away?
  20. chuck415

    The Greatest Tag Team ever....

    they wrestle a 1 hour broadway at which point the road warriors hit the ring destroy everyone and claim their rightful title.
  21. chuck415

    WWE Celebrity Rumor

    Yeah but who would they ''wrestle''
  22. chuck415

    So someone threatened to kill me today...

    WHy? are you a cop?
  23. chuck415

    So someone threatened to kill me today...

    take my advice bring your own gun and fight him if he has the pouch to pull a pistillero you do the same and exterminate his mark ass been there done that
  24. chuck415

    Best Austin/Rock Wrestlemania Match?

    X-7 The greatest match in WM history. Dueling finishers, Austin busting the hell out of the Rock, siding with McMahon, and the fans still going apeshit for him. Pure Awesome.
  25. chuck415

    Favorite Rock Moment

    about HHH "Here's a guy who looks like Tarzan and wrestles like Jane" Didn't JBL use this same expression to describe Batista after he won the Royal Rumble?