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Everything posted by Anorak

  1. Anorak

    English Football

    He's actually playing well at the moment but if he has to do much defending in his own half he'll be England's best player.
  2. Anorak

    English Football

    You play Bolton next don't you? That's a massive game, no use winning today if you lost that one.
  3. Dodgeball - 7/10 Not quite as inspiredly daft as something like Baseketball but still enjoyable. I particularly enjoyed Stiller's silliness.
  4. Anorak

    There's a mouse in my house.

    There's a railway track running along at the back of my house and it must be a paradise for hunting mice. There was a mouse under my parents bed the other night and after much difficulty we ended up bringing the cat back into the bedroom and setting it loose in there to get it. When she started pissing about with it instead of just eating it my dad managed to scoop the mouse up in a dustpan and chuck it out of the bedroom window. I don't know if they land as well as cats do.
  5. Anorak

    Albums Listened to Today

    The Jayhawks - Tomorrow The Green Grass The Afghan Whigs - Congregation Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning Richmond Fontaine - Winnemucca
  6. Anorak

    English Football

    Gillingham have won one more game than us as well, we've drawn 15 games in total this season. Connolly and De Vries couldn't hit a barn door and even the departed 'tricky' Trevor managed one off his forearm for Cov last week. Crewe are looking a bit crap just above us as well, they're missing Ashton's goals and hopefully they'll drop like a stone below us as well because god knows where our next win is coming from. It'd be so much easier to just be a rugby fan in Leicester sometimes. The Chelsea game was amazing. The English lads were all stars for them again (except Johnson, who was the luckiest person on the pitch with Et'oo's miss) and Cech was brilliant in goal. Barcelona's hissy fits at the whistle were good fun as well, especially after their trash talking leading in.
  7. Anorak

    English Football

    I wish Chelsea and Man Utd weren't playing on the same night, I think i'm going to watch the Chelsea game tonight. I hope Burnley lose tonight as well.
  8. Anorak

    Hockey is the most exciting team sport

    Baseketball is the best American sport in the world ever.
  9. Anorak

    Albums You Own But Don't Listen To

    How familiar were you with HD prior to hearing this. Warehouse was the last Hüsker Dü album I bought; it took awhile to sink in, but it's since become my favorite. Also, Willard Grant Conspiracy is bad. And Talking Heads is awesome, jeez. I've finished with Husker Du. Nothing sank in for me. I know Willard Grant Conspiracy is bad. Why do you think they made the list? Talking Heads just doesn't do anything for me but i'm glad you enjoy them. The rock critics comment was meant in jest. I'll put an exclamation mark in next time just to make it blindingly obvious for you.
  10. Anorak

    Hockey is the most exciting team sport

    Even with soccer? I find that hard to believe. -=Mike Believe it. Everybody else in the world does. I don't follow either but I can see the appeal of both Baseketball and Ice Hockey. There's a certain grace about how these athletes perform thier intricate skills in such a fast and furious setting. Baseball is rounders for drug addicts, a sport that even people in America joke about not watching sober. What kills American Football is there being no flow to the game. A game which stops and starts in such an absurdly frequent manner does nothing for me. Both these sports are justly ignored by the rest of the world while Baseketball and Ice Hockey are both proper international sports which people in several different countries find exiting enough to play and watch.
  11. Anorak

    English Football

    I'm getting stressed.
  12. Anorak

    Albums You Own But Don't Listen To

    Husker Du - Warehouse Songs And Stories As underwhelming as I found Talking Heads. Damn those rock critics. Royksopp - Melody AM. Heard it compared to Air's Moon Safari. Somebody was talking rubbish. Willard Grant Conspiracy - Regard The End As dreary as Alt Country gets. At The Drive In - Relationship Of Command Fooled by the hype. Aerosmith - Draw The Line Toys In The Attic and Rocks are the only albums anybody really needs. Nobody needs this mess of a record. Bad Religion - The Gray Race They made a couple of stinkers in the mid 90's. Good band, pretty bad album. Screeching Weasel - Television City Dream They were responsible for a couple of the best punk-pop albums since the Ramones heyday but they clearly phoned this one in.
  13. Anorak

    English Football

    Shut up.
  14. Anorak

    Hunter S. Thompson kills himself

    Oh god, is he one of those DVD collector scum? I can't stand those fucks; they dig through the Wal-Mart five dollar bin just to inflate their fucking collection. They don't care about what kind of movies they have as long as they have more than you. Horrible. My friend claims he has about 3,000. He's not totally sure.
  15. Anorak

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I love the last three songs on that album, none of them are overlong and just go together well. The album's slightly overrated but I wouldn't say hideously so like some albums are.
  16. Anorak

    The "What Are You Reading Right Now" Thread

    Just started... Peter Straub - Koko Various Authors - My Favourite Year: A Collection Of Football Writing Just finished the 4th & 5th Harry Potter books and loved them to death. Can't wait for the new one this summer.
  17. Anorak

    English Football

    I had to press 'add reply' on a different page to access it and I couldn't get back on it again after i'd clicked out. Still can't. I don't know why!!!!
  18. Anorak

    I think today is godthedog's birthday.

    That's the song that always comes in to my head when I have one of those especially meloncholy 'christ, i can't believe i'm this old' moments.
  19. Anorak

    Don't you just hate it when...

    I've forgot what half my cousins look like so I wouldn't hold my breath. My sister won £1300 recently. It needed to be a lot bigger for me to benefit. Luckiest person I knew was a lad I went to school and played on the same football team with (I wasn't friends with though). His family won 6+ million not long after the lottery started in the UK. His idiot stepdad wasted a good chunk of it on helicopters, speedboats and failing to manage a girl group to the top of the charts. The ink was barely dry on the cheque before some tart was in one of our nation's beloved tabloids decribing him licking champagne off her and promising her the good life. Heard he got beaten up once for burning a wad of notes in a pub and the other year he was on the local news again for driving a crane into a warehouse. He lives in Spain now I think. Hope he left enough behind for that lad I knew to enjoy the easy life.
  20. Anorak

    Cheer up emo kid

    I only recently became aware of this Chav term as well. When I was at school the word was 'dodgeite'. The word Dodge basically meant = Taxdodger/Unemployed/feckless yob etc but became more commonly used to describe a certain area (he/she lives WHERE? I'ts fucking dodge around there you know). As a result, the term 'dodgeite' came about to define you were talking about an individual. Acting like a braindead yob = Dodgeite. A stereotypical dodgeite would have had a baseball cap, big puffa jacket, closely shaved head and been a smoker. East 17 were the official pop group of dodgeite's because they all looked and spoke like one. A Chav seems more image-consciouss and define themselves by their lifestyle rather than just by their disorderly public behaviour at weekends or on the occasional schoolday. I've probably got it all wrong but i'm too old to care anymore.
  21. Anorak

    Charlie Sheen/Denise Richards Split

    I never even knew they were a couple. Surprised at the age difference, I would have guessed her being no more than late 20's and Sheen perhaps just past 40.
  22. Anorak

    Trish Stratus

    C'mon kids, go buy Wrestlemania 1 already!
  23. Anorak

    Recent Purchases

    The Fiery Furnaces - EP Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning
  24. Anorak

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    The latest UNCUT magazine has a really good article on Big Star that's well worth a read.
  25. Anorak

    English Football

    Still couldn't get on that last page. Thank goodness for page 57.