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Everything posted by Anorak

  1. Anorak

    Albums With Only One Good Song

    American Idiot is mostly pretty good. Pitchfork normally shits on bands like Green Day but I was pleasantly surprised to see an almost spot-on review (they gave it 7. something). 'Boulevard Of Broken Dreams and Wake Me Up When September Ends' are plodding lows for me but most of the rest most of the rest of the album (especially the second half of the where they pull the strands together surprisingly well) is either decent/good. The two long tracks couldn't be described as amazingly sophisticated patchworks of sound or anything but they allow the band to pull off simple but tight sketches of story which they prove able follow through successfully. The most undervalued album album remains 'Kerplunk'. Apart from 1 silly comedy song and a couple of filler tracks left over from earlier recordings near the album's end it's one of the most endearingly adolescent pop-punk records you'll hear.
  2. Anorak

    The Replacements

    I've got the main three albums but how good is 'All Shook Down'? I've heard it mentioned in the same breath as such magnificently gloomy albums like 'Sister Lovers' and Red House Painters s/t more than once. Does it deserve this kind of praise?
  3. Anorak

    Election in the Ukraine

    Not sure but Dynamo Kiev won 2-0 last night so everybody should be in a jolly mood to revolt.
  4. Anorak

    MP's move to impeach Tony Blair

    Exiting stuff.
  5. Anorak

    English Football

    You get Hinckley United if you win I think, you know i'll have to cheer on a Leicestershire non-league side i'm afraid. I'm sure that's on TV as well.
  6. Anorak

    Spain face racism inquiry from FIFA

    You're a racist cunt yourself so please spare us your utter stupidity, ignorance and hypocrisy in future threads of similar nature. Thanks.
  7. Anorak

    What the fuck is this full house shit?

    Glad to hear it.
  8. Anorak

    English Football

    Leicester played really well on monday. I think we needed a fresh start and hopefully the new manager will be given plenty of time to get things right without the more fickle element getting all impatient expecting instant miracles. They almost forced O'Neil out before he got started properly a few years back.
  9. Anorak

    Beatles song voted worst of all time

    These two are probably in my 'top 5 songs I sing to myself most' list. One of my favourite videos as well. The original Goldie Lookin' Chain.
  10. Anorak

    What the fuck is this full house shit?

    There's been more great British comedy shows in the the last 15 years alone than the US has ever produced. There's a lot more variety and imagination present over here and less of a ridgid formula when it comes to what a sitcom can be. I love a lot of American comedy (the animated shows, stand-up & films both old & new) but the average American sitcom normally leaves me cold. Red Dwarf 7 was pretty feeble stuff. Shame.
  11. Anorak

    English Football

    It was worth it. Hooray for Dublin being dropped. Boo for Pressman still being in goal. Useless fat bastard.
  12. Anorak

    Baseball World Cup

    I'd be ashamed if the UK sent a team.
  13. Anorak

    Bands you miss

    Soundgarden The Posies Afghan Whigs Screeching Weasel Quicksand
  14. Anorak

    Another Aussie heading to the NFL

    Now he gets to look stupid while still playing a stupid sport. I bet he gets paid more as well.
  15. Anorak

    Recent Purchases

    The Kinks - The Village Green Preservation Society (the new 3 cd job) The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead Nina Nastasia - Dogs Ron Sexsmith - Retriever Green Day - American Idiot Richmond Fontaine - Winnemucca
  16. Anorak

    English Football

    You would have thought Van Nistelrooy had just scored the winner in the world cup final or something. I'm still not convinced that Man Utd won't drop too many points away from home though, i'd love to see them finish behind both Arsenal and Chelsea.
  17. Anorak

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    Hooray for you. Gene Clark - In A Misty Morning M Ward - Dead Man Scud Mountain Boys - Scratch Ticket The Strokes - 12.51 Green Day - Redundant
  18. Anorak

    English Football

    I hope the rest of Div 1 is ready for the 21st century football Bassett and Wilko are planning to unleash on them. You have to laugh sometimes.
  19. Anorak

    Albums Listened to Today

    East River Pipe - The Gasoline Age M Ward - Transfiguration Of Vincent Screeching Weasel - My Brain Hurts Low - Secret Name
  20. Anorak

    Saddest Songs You've Ever Heard

    He wasn't exactly the saddest lyrically but his voice seemed to carry a sadness most of the time to my ears. The mood seemed weary and resigned a lot of the time. Matthew Sweet - Nothing Lasts. A great closing track.
  21. Anorak

    top 10-20 bad angles in WWE/WWF

    What about the 'kiss my ass' stuff? Only Katie Vick was worse in my mind. Anybody care for an explanation/analysis of the whole nightmare because words just fail me on that one. Has McMahon ever revealed more of himself (not just his arse) than we wanted to see than he did in those segments? Good shout on Stephanie undermining Jericho's title run as well, it was incredibly frustrating to watch that happen and you truly felt for Jericho. A bloody pet made its way into that sorry spectacle as well. Oh for the love of animals and wrestling angles!
  22. Anorak

    Saddest Songs You've Ever Heard

    His stuff can't help but sound even sadder since he passed away. Too many songs to list. Anything by Red House Painters, American Music Club or Richmond Fontaine qualifies in my mind.
  23. Anorak

    Favorite Horror Movie Moments

    The end of Carrie. One of the original 'not really dead' moments. The prom scene bloodbath is memorable as well. Donald Sutherland's demise in a Venice back alley in Don't Look Now. The scene in My Sweet Satan (a very low budget short) where a guy is kicked to death in an amazingly over the top style. The camera doesn't flinch for a good few minutes if memory serves me while his head is just mashed completely. His brains are stamped on until there's nothing but mushy goo left. Directly based on a true incident supposedly. The witch trial tortures depicted in Witchfinder General.
  24. Anorak

    Regarding Name Changes

    Changed my mind. Don't bother.