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Everything posted by Anorak

  1. Anorak

    The most overrated albums in your collection

    Songs like Feeling Yourself Disintergrate and Waitin For A Superman are fantastic and the whole sound/atmosphere created is perfect but unfortunately too many songs are as hit and miss as Wayne Coyne's voice.
  2. Anorak

    English Football

    Everybody's going to beat each other this year, its unlikely the two automatic places will be secured half as easily as they were the past couple of seasons. The Leeds youngsters did look quite impressive at times but overall they were lucky to win, they don't look any better than 10+ other sides at the moment. With so many new players at a lot of those sides its pot luck guessing who gels the best and will be the most consistant. Can't believe how stupid Dublin was against West Ham, he's always had a big gob on him when he's playing but at 35 he should be past kicking out and butting heads. Shame because Connolly looked really good and didn't deserve to be so isolated, the sending off killed the game really.
  3. Anorak

    Rate songs on albums.

    Explosions In The Sky - The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place First Breath After Coma 8 The Only Moment We Were Alone 8 Six days At The Bottom of The Ocean 8 Memorial 8 Your Hand In Mine 10 The Replacements - Tim Hold My Life 8 I'll Buy 6 Kiss Me On The Bus 8 Dose Of Thunder 4 Waitress In The Sky 6 Swingin Party 8 Bastards Of Young 8 Lay It Down Clown 5 Left Of The Dial 9 Little Mascara 8 Here Comes A Regular 8 Red House Painters - Red House Painters Grace Cathedral Park 9 Down Through 8 Katy Song 9 Mistress 8 Things Mean A Lot 7 Funhouse Take Me Out 9 Rollercoster 7 New Jersey 9 Dragonflies 7 Mistress (Piano) 8 Mother 7 Strawberry Hill 7 Brown Eyes 8 The Replacements - Let It Be I Will Dare 8 Favorite Thing 7 We're Coming Out 5 Tommy gets His Tonsils Out 6 Androgynous 8 Black Diamond 6 Unsatisfied 9 Seen Your Video 6 Gary's Got A Boner 7 Sixteen Blue 9 Answering Machine 9 Air - Moon Safari La Femme D'Argent 9 Sexy Boy 7 All I Need 8 kelly Watch The Stars 9 Talisman 8 Remember 8 You Make It Easy 7 Ce Matin La 7 New Star In The Sky 8 Le Voyage De Penelope 7
  4. Anorak

    The Perfect Pop Song

    Some people hated it (it was overplayed in the UK) but 'Wake Up Boo!' by The Boo Radleys was a perfect single. Direct and catchy but with a slightly deeper undercurrent running through it. Slightly underrated band actually. Other great pop singles like 'Common People' & 'Sparky's Dream' were around at the same kind of time. Blur were kind of like The Jam in this period, endless great singles but no definitively great album.
  5. Anorak

    TSM Official Fantasy Football League

    Bad news about Kezman getting sent off and i'm sure I read Davies is injured at Spurs. Good news is seeing Izzet scoring a few in pre-season.
  6. Anorak

    English Football

    Some of us City fans are already trying to think of a chant for the Torquay Home game which involves Helen Chamberlain(who apparently has bedded a few of the Torquay players in recent years). Really? Where did you hear that? I'm sure you'll come up with a good one. We just signed Nathan Blake, not sure about that one. Bad news for 'Tricky' Trevor Benjamin and young Tommy Wright anyway. Dublin Connolly Blake Wright Benjamin Morris That should be enough strikers. Worst thing Leicester did in the last 5 years was to appoint Peter Taylor as successor to Martin O'Neil. Despite his record for the U-21's and good coaching reputation the board didn't consider the factor of him having zero experience managing a Premiership side. We were top of the league around October time during his first season but that was with the side O'Neil had left, as time went on and Taylor assembled his own players and tactics we went downhill badly. Losing about 9 of the last 10 league games (and the horrible FA Cup Q-Final loss to Wycombe) to finish 13th should have sent the alarm bells ringing but the board and many fans had becoming so used to being a top half side that it didn't really sink in that we were rapidly turning into a really poor side. The first game of the following season saw us 5-0 down at home to newly promoted Bolton (that was the half-time score!) and it never got much better. Money troubles soon followed as we went down and stumbled into administration. O'Neil's success had made what was traditionally one of the tightest/stingiest (size-wise) clubs in the country loosen the purse strings a bit and they weren't cautious enough to guard against that success evaporating when O'Neil finally left. Best thing would be getting ourselves out of administration and changing some faces in the boardroom while installing future plans to avoid anything like that happening again.
  7. Anorak

    TSM Official Fantasy Football League

    I thought this was pinned?
  8. Anorak

    The week in football

    HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!! I agree with Chave actually. Vanhalen could make it his own little corner of that long running thread and dress it up how he likes, it would be really good for generating some different discussion on various aspects of the week's footy news. What happened to some of the posters in that thread anyhow? Did Morrisey Is God fall off a cliff? Where did those other couple of Saints fans whose names I can't remember go to? As long as there's somebody else willing to have a chat i'll be there, most of the posters and content in that thread are good value.
  9. Anorak

    Rate songs on albums.

    This is a smart thread. Just two ratings that made me frown..... Radiohead - High & Dry 6 Weezer - In The Garage -5 I'd give both an 8.
  10. Anorak

    English Football

    Yeah, ill catch some of that. I love the different European football, it was the deal with the Champions League last season when I finally started to seriously consider getting it. I like my Rugby and Tennis as well so i'm well set for those too. They're crafty gits at SKY, stealing MOTD's thunder with that new Premier show. Sounds really neat though.
  11. Anorak

    The Mod Freedom Day

    I vote we have a "freedom from sucking day". Today. So post less. The mods here are pretty damn awesome. They let a LOT of crap slide and the recent 'tard banning campaign has been awesome. Miaow! I can't see the point in LaParka's suggestion, they do those things all the time anyway! Fair enough, most of the time they get it right but there's still times they get it badly wrong as well.
  12. Anorak

    The week in football

    Don't make it all about the Saints though ok?
  13. Anorak

    Rate songs on albums.

    Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska Nebraska 9 Atlantic City 10 Mansion On The Hill 8 Johnny 99 7 Highway Patrolman 8 State Trooper 7 Used Cars 10 Open All Night 7 My Farther's House 8 Reason To Believe 10 My Morning Jacket - At Dawn At Dawn 7 Lowdown 7 The Way That He Sings 9 Death Is The Easy Way 9 Hopefully 8 Bermuda Highway 9 Honest Man 5 X-Mas Curtain 9 Just Because I Do 7 If It Smashes Down 7 I Need It Most 8 Phone Went West 7 Strangulation! 8
  14. Anorak

    English Football

    After all these years i'm finally getting hooked up to SKY tomorrow so I get to see everything. I'm the kind of person who will watch ANY football if its on so its about time. West Ham should be a cracking first game. I'm giving the weekend tournament involving City, East Bengal, Maritimo & Mallorca a miss though, i'd rather go to the other 23 that matter.
  15. Anorak

    TSM Official Fantasy Football League

    That took bloody ages! Always takes me a long while to decide, nice to see a good few teams in our league as well, i didn't know how many to expect. Team Name: Down by Xmas (yep, i do have a nice Welsh name) Niemi Bennett Volz Upson Hreidarsson Samuel Stefanovic Wright-Phillips Jensen Davies Holland Izzet Kezman Cisse Dickov I'm banking on two high profile new boys up front but I reckon they can do the buisness.
  16. Anorak

    Bands that could have been bigger than they were

    There were definately some throwaway tracks off that first Ooberman album but I don't think you make the same criticism of the Running Girl album. They were really progressing in the right direction before they went up in a puff of smoke.
  17. Anorak

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    The Kinks - The Village Green Preservation Society The Boo Radleys - Martin, Doom! It's Seven O'clock My Morning Jacket - X-Mas Curtain Explosions In The Sky - Your hand In Mine East River Pipe - Silhouette Town
  18. Anorak

    Bands that could have been bigger than they were

    Spine of God is too much fun to be just ok.
  19. Anorak

    Bands that could have been bigger than they were

    Spine Of God is one great big fuzzed up gem of an album. Wyndorf's lyrics always make me smile, he's the shameless spaced out rock god spouting the hilariously dumb with the wickedly cynical. Rarely has a band picked a more perfect album title for themselves than they did with Dopes To Infinity. I thought Ooberman might have made it big in British indie circles at least if not the mainstream but it never happened. They were as twee and student appealing as Belle & Sebastian but in a somewhat more goofy & overeager sort of way that kind of left them in a funny middle ground where even twee guitar pop lovin indie kids wouldn't adopt them because they lacked that self-conscious air of detachment. Their sound was also a bit more upfront and immediate as well so that didn't give them a cultish appeal to fall back on either (that's grown ever so slightly after their demise, most people struggle to recall them). Shorley Walls should have been 'the' song for them but it didn't work out. B&S have pretty much had this particular cul-de-sac of British indie tied up for years as a result, a band like Gorky's Zygotic Mynci sang in Welsh about wizards too much to challenge despite being totally great and releasing stuff for longer. Some people despise B&S and their 'club' of fans but Ooberman seemed to inspire total love or hate with their happily bouncy childlike innocence. If they just could have broke big in time the whole world could have had chance to sit on either side of that fence.
  20. Anorak

    T-shirt sayings that you can't stand

    Has there ever been a wrestling t-shirt thread? My friend owned a hideous Goldust one once.
  21. Anorak

    English Football

    About time you lot went up this year isn't it?
  22. Anorak

    English Football

    Leicester lost 2-1 to Barnsley! Don't we all love pre-season friendlies? At least 'Tricky' Trevor Benjamin scored, he always tries hard. Other results... Barnet 1 Arsenal 10 Completely forgot about Francis Jeffers. Team Halden 0 Derby County 15!!!!!! The Barnet lads can hold their heads up high compared with that Halden lot.
  23. Anorak

    Recent Purchases

    REALLY FUCKING GREAT ALBUM ALERT Was just listening to this again this afternoon. The opening salvo of tracks is incredible, and "Faded" is the best closing track they've ever done. Which is saying a lot. I'm on a big Whigs kick of late, this album especially. I love the beginning of 'Bulletproof'. Even though I agree its good that's only really my 4th favourite Whigs album. The brilliant 'Congregation' album never got pimped the way 'Gentlemen' always has and it damn well should have been! That album must have the best title track and hidden track they ever did.
  24. Anorak

    The year's half over

    That's two albums I need to get. Didn't even know Fiery Furnaces were releasing another album so soon.
  25. Anorak

    The year's half over

    Sun Kil Moon - Ghosts of the Great Highway (UK release 2004) Richmond Fontaine - Post To Wire