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Everything posted by Anorak

  1. Anorak

    English Football

    How's Matt Elliott doing on loan? Have you seen him play? Wolves look absolute certs for relegation after losing to Bolton, massive win for Pompey. Derby's win means they just might be around to give Leicester 6 points next season . Man Utd away tomorrow night, god knows what the final score in that one is going to be.
  2. Anorak

    We need a sarcasm button around here.

    Its also very easy for somebody to say something ignorant or offensive and pretend they were being sarcastic but there's nothing you can do about that. Smilies work well for certain kinds of sarcastic posts when a poster wants to make sure his or her comments are taken in jest by another.
  3. Anorak

    If I could fuck a mountain...

    I'm sure Kinetic backed me up once when i said Stereolab sucked. I'm pretty certain Inc/Squirtle has featured that band more than once when he's posted in the classic 'shit you listened to today' thread. Maybe he changed his mind or something.
  4. Anorak

    A Rare Discussion of Things I Find Interesting

    Don't be silly Van Halen covering The Kinks is just wrong.
  5. Anorak

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    Gene Clark - One In A Hundred Scud Mountain Boys - A Ride The Shins - Mine's Not A High Horse The Shins - Saint Simon Explosions In The Sky - Six Days At The Bottom Of The Ocean
  6. Anorak

    If I could fuck a mountain...

    There's a fair bit of early Oldham i've not heard, releasing stuff under half a dozen different names etc doesn't always make things easy either. So far i haven't heard aything of his i'd remotely call 'bad' although i can understand him being an aqquired taste. I See A Darkness is indeed a great record. Can't say i've ever thought of Cohen when i've listened to him to be honest.
  7. Anorak

    A Rare Discussion of Things I Find Interesting

    I'd say Waterloo Sunset is another song they are linked with, it finished 2nd in a 100 greatest singles of all time list a few years back (i think it was MOJO so nobody under 30 would have voted). I've been listening to The Village Green Preservation Society a lot recently and i'm enjoying it like new because its timelessly good pop music. I'd be here all day listing my favourite songs. As for T. Rex, i've always liked every single song i've heard, not just the big hits, but i've never got round to getting an album even though i'm 99.9% sure i'd love it. I like The Who, they definately did some great things but they did some pretty ropey stuff as well IMO. They were a great band straight from their early singles and although i like certain stuff from well past the 70's they never captured me in the same way The Kinks did. I think it lay in how Ray Davies was one of those gifted songwriters who songs existed in their own little world, musically and lyrically those songs were perfectly formed gems, clever but not smug and regularly mixed humor with pathos.
  8. Anorak

    English Football

    Time will tell (if he continues to improve and actually gets a proper chance) whether or not Wright-Phillips is truly a top class player capable of being a key England member but at the moment i love to see him play, he's so positive in how he attacks defenders and uses his pace and trickery. Personally i agree 100% with what Caboose said about Eriksson, i don't think he has the tactical nous or imagination to get the full results from a potentially very good England team. Alan Smith needs to figure in the summer as well.
  9. Anorak

    Recent Purchases

    Gene Clark - Roadmaster Explosions In The Sky - The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place The Shins - Chutes Too Narrow
  10. Anorak

    What are you listening to right now?

    Explosions In The Sky - First Breath After Coma
  11. Aerosmith - Draw The Line Amazing that they went from Toys in the Attic & Rocks to this empty mess of a record (bar the title track). They were good when they were doing a lot of drugs but this record was the point where they did too many (ie. an insane amount) which resulted in shitty albums and career downfall.
  12. Anorak

    Reading/Leeds 2004

    Doesn't exactly fill me with exitement, I think i'll give it a miss this year.
  13. Anorak

    George W Bush makes joke about lack of WMDs

    Why don't you mock some people in this thread?
  14. Anorak

    Somebody make me like punk rock again.

    I've always liked the general Lookout records sound (more punk-pop than 'Punk' really) and been fond of The Queers, alongside Screeeching Weasel, MTX, early Green Day etc. Never heard any live Queers stuff, i've always thought they did the poppier bubblegum stuff particularly well rather than their shoutier side.
  15. That's one of the best Bill Murray films, very funny and expertly mixes in the pathos and eventual redemption of Murray's character, great film. This Is Spinal Tap - 10/10 Can't find any fault whatsoever with this film, its brilliantly written and performed from start to finish and it doesn't drag at any point, just one great scene after another. A classic comedy.
  16. Anorak

    Somebody make me like punk rock again.

    GG Allin?? The guy was a no talent loser and his band was shit. He was more freakshow than 'performance artist'.
  17. Anorak

    Double Albums...

    Couple more good ones. Bruce Springsteen - The River Wilco - Being There
  18. Anorak

    English Football

    If we do get relegated I hope those two teams come down with us.
  19. Anorak

    Listening to artists who no longer

    I only find it slightly weird listening when the artist has died very recently and I own some of their work. Elliott Smith would be the biggest case I can think of in recent times, listening to somebody you know stabbed themself to death in his thirties only months ago obviously brings up certain thoughts and emotions.
  20. Anorak

    What are you listening to right now?

    Wilco - That's Not The Issue
  21. Anorak

    1 member is celebrating his/her birthday today

    Many happy returns to you Franchise.
  22. Anorak

    New poll -- contempt for U.S. growing

    I think you all overestimate how much time people with ordinary everyday lives around the world devote to thinking about America, much less 'hating' it. Some of you act like you're obsessed with believing they do and seem to actually want to believe you're 'hated' so you can 'respond' with disdain to 'them' on an internet wrestling message board, whatever floats your boat I suppose. The fact is this mass hatred/resentment of America thing doesn't actually exist to the extent you seem to believe/want to believe, anti-Americanism may be rife among the left in Europe but as far as ordinary people are concerned (lets call them non-politicians) there's shockingly little outside of the usual banter/stereotypes which all nations have to endure a part of. On that note its probably fair to say American sport suffers more passionate derision than its foreign policy does if you held a 'lets discuss America' seminar in Western Europe, the attendance probably wouldn't be too hot either.
  23. Anorak

    Seinfeld vs Curb Your Enthusiam

    More and more comedy is going down that route, when the American version of The Office comes out you will see a perfect example of it (if they don't fuck it up). Most of these kind of shows (of which CYE is perhaps the most fully realised American effort) go for the 'painful' kind of laughter, rude and dislikeable characters acting innapropriately and causing embarassment or conflict.
  24. I used to like Eddie Murphy (BH Cop, Trading Places, 48 Hours) and Steve Martin (The Man With Two Brains, The Lonely Guy, Planes,Trains & Automobiles) but that was all way back in the 80's, the last decade plus has seen them both make some awful films. Murphy's best performance in semi-recent memory was as a bloody donkey. Jerry Seinfeld and his horribly overated sitcom can fuck off. Oh, and Martin Lawrence, absolutely terrible. I wouldn't know who George Carlin was if it wasn't for this forum, maybe his stuff doesn't travel well or he simply sucks like some of you say.
  25. Anorak

    U.K. terror attack ow inevitable

    Exactly, hell will freeze over before we 'do a Spain'. Its silly to even suggest otherwise, not to mention cheeky.