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Everything posted by Anorak

  1. Anorak

    English Football

    I bet Ade Akinbiyi scores
  2. Anorak

    Bands That Have Improved As They Went

    Please back that statement up. If anything they've evolved from the one-dimensional funk fusion band they had been before Frusciante's re-appearence. Well, we'd take anything on 'One Hot Minute' over anything off 'By the Way' in a second. With their collective musical talents they have no excuse for producing such middle of the road garbage. In terms of musical significance, they've been worthless for quite a while now. 'By The Way' made little to no impression on me when I heard it but I really liked Californication before it.
  3. Anorak

    Bands That Have Improved As They Went

    Jeff Tweedy was a great songwriter and performer from day one, I think the further they have got from sounding like an alt country band the more a lot of indie critics have embraced them You could make a good case for YHF being their best album (it certainly contains some of their absolute best songs) I know i'll be going back to Being There and Summerteeth for just as long.
  4. Anorak

    Who's greater

    Cash. Jazz is the one genre of music that just doesn't move me in any way at all, give me a classic country, soul, or rock'n'roll record any day of the week.
  5. Anorak

    Bands That Have Improved As They Went

    Afghan Whigs - Never recorded anything close to a bad album and their last record was arguably one of their best. Uncle Tupelo - Influential and consistant with a progression which resulted in them peaking with their final two albums where they perfected & refined their sound to write their best songs. As for consistant artists still going strong you could pick stuff as diverse as Tom Waits and Fugazi. Steve Earle would be a good shout for a country artist.
  6. Anorak

    English Football

    Do teams have any away support in scots div 3? Even if its around 30-40 people or something?
  7. Anorak

    English Football

    I haven't watched that much Div 1 this season with Leciester being in the Premier but I caught Norwich vs Forest the other week and it wasn't exactly great. Not that Leicester play great football by any stretch of the imagination but our surprisingly good goalscoring record must be an encouragement to div 1 teams if they have a promising defence already intact.
  8. Anorak

    English Football

    Alex Ferguson used to play for Queens Park didn't he?
  9. Anorak

    Soldier writes letter to Michael Moore

    I'm wounded after that, fucking wounded , please go easy on the flames mate. Wait a second, aren't stalkers supposed to be somewhat fond of their targets? Makes all your lame attempts to make light of this a little weak doesn't it? Anyway, I'm honestly sorry if I upset you.
  10. Anorak

    Shit You Listened to Today

    Noahjohn - Had A Burning The Mr T Experience - .. And The Women Who Love Them Silver Jews -American Water The Fiery Furnaces - Gallowsbirds Park
  11. Anorak

    Soldier writes letter to Michael Moore

    Absolutely. Not many posters get made fun of on boards where they don't even post, it must be a very exclusive club.
  12. Anorak

    Soldier writes letter to Michael Moore

    I've seen some posters at other boards call you a loser before but I don't think you're getting your own stalker in this lifetime.
  13. Anorak

    Bob Dylan

    The Byrds covered a lot of Dylan on their first few albums but avoided them completely soon after. I suppose they chose Dylan covers because he was just as respected and influential in the mid 60's. The fact that bands own sound didn't imitate Dylan directly meant that they made the songs their own (especially in the case of something like Mr Tambourine Man) and made them sound different to a Dylan version.
  14. Anorak

    What are you listening to right now?

    Monster Magnet - Bummer You're looking for the one who fucked your mom/It wasn't me
  15. Anorak

    Dean sez, "We're no safer now...

    What a fucking dick post this was by you. I mean, really. You weren't trying to make a point, you were just trying to be a fucking asshole. I've seen you flamebait several times in other threads so I think you should zip it.
  16. Anorak

    Bob Dylan

    There's loads of modern songwriters who want to be Brian Wilson. He's probably the most openly influential artist in terms of how so many bands strive so directly (even including BB references in lyrics/song titles in quite a few examples) for his combination of melodies and vision. Pet Sounds and Surf's Up are regularly cited as major influences by songwriters who have so often deliberately set out to expand/make their own version of Wilson's music its almost become a new sub-genre in rock music.
  17. Anorak

    NMEs Top Singles And Albums Of 2003

    Do many people even read the NME these days? I remember hearing a few years back that their readership was declining at an alarming rate.
  18. Anorak

    What are you listening to right now?

    The Jayhawks - Nevada, California
  19. Anorak


    I don't think those artists particularly fit into that category as well as those Special K mentioned. Most people seem to pull a face at the mention of The Cure because of they recall that 'weird looking singer bloke' rather than any musical reasons. Silly but true. I can't see the appeal of a band like Primus but each to their own.
  20. Anorak

    What are you listening to right now?

    The Fiery Furnaces - Two Fat Feet
  21. Anorak

    The best of 2003

    M Ward - Transfiguration of Vincent My Morning Jacket - It Still Moves Calexico - Feast of Wire Four Tet - Rounds The Sleepy Jackson - Lovers Bonnie Prince Billy - Master and Everyone Willard Grant Conspiracy - Regard the End The Handsome Family - Singing Bones Jay Farrar - Terroir Blues Nina Nastasia - Run To Ruin
  22. Anorak

    Funniest people of all time

    I don't think there's ever been a British comedy show that came close to be being as overated as something like Seinfeld. As far as quality and diversity go the last ten years of British television comedy is far superior. I don't know what shows you get in America and there's no doubt we produce our share of absolute crap as well but i'm just referring to our good stuff. I have to nominate Ronnie Barker for this thread because he was possibly the finest comic actor the small screen has ever seen. His double act with Richard Beckinsdale in Porridge was as good as any in sitcom history.
  23. Anorak

    Favorite Christmas songs

    Saint Etienne - I Was Born On Christmas Day Jona Lewie - Stop The Cavalry The Ramones - Merry Christmas (I don't want to fight tonight) Fountains Of Wayne - Man In The Santa Suit Fountains Of Wayne - I Want An Alien For Christmas The Heavy Blinkers - Chaplin's Christmas Saint Etienne & Jona Lewie should be on every good Xmas comp along with your Lennon, Pogues and Slade. I'd also recommend Low's christmas album from a few years back.
  24. Anorak

    Sharpton SNL appearance to be blacked out in Iowa

    Many a true word spoken in jest.
  25. Anorak

    American troops shoot Iraqi child

    I like you slightly more after that post believe it or not.