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Everything posted by Anorak

  1. Anorak

    American troops shoot Iraqi child

    OK, since Marney had to explain what "irony" was to you a while back, I'll gladly explain the context of my previous post. I was just relating back to earlier in the thread when dipship Duo called me a racist because I dared make a "Iraqi growing up to become a suicide bomber crack." Do we understand now, or do I have to draw you a picture little man?... You mean when she tried to explain away on your behalf an unfunny racist remark as being a satirical little post critiqing such attitudes which came drenched in irony? Do you really put that much careful thought into your one-liners? Of course you fucking don't and unless that hypocritical bitch (let me just look that up in a dictionary!) can read your feeble mind her opinion on what you meant by your words is worthless. Even from you that 'explanation' would hardly be credible but if you can't defend yourself and have to rely on somebody who quite openly shares similar views serving a load of bollocks in your defence you look as guilty as a puppy sitting beside a pile of poo. Witless xenophobe? I nailed you in two fucking words and you know it so you can drop trying very badly to be a smartass and shut the fuck up. Wait a sec, that suicide bomber remark was just a 'crack'? You mean it wasn't a subtle parody of a stereotypically ignorant statement designed to expose and thus help eradicate racial prejudice? My sincere apologies you cunt. You really do have a big chip on your shoulder you know, that must be the 1000th time you've whined about being called a RACIST, as you so amusingly type it.
  2. Anorak

    American troops shoot Iraqi child

    I think you could do with that chip shooting off your shoulder.
  3. Anorak

    English Football

    I don't think that we can be confident of beating the French at all but we should get 6 points from the other two games if we play to our ability.
  4. Anorak

    English Football

    Pompey got fucked by Leicester again, exact same scoreline as in Div 1 last season. that makes 3 wins and a draw from the last 4 games. Looking forward to Arsenal next week, Henry vs Howey & Scimeca = its showdown time. England got France, Croatia and Switzerland in their Euro 2004 group. Group D is the group of death with Czech Republic, Holland, Germany and little Latvia.
  5. Anorak

    An Opinion Or Two...

    That final list was missing a few key bands The Small Faces - Essential for any representation of the best 60's groups alongside Beatles/Kinks/Stones & The Who. They would cover the 'mod' angle as well. The Undertones - Need to stans alongside The Buzzcocks in place of those few 2nd division punk bands that were included. 'Teenage Kicks' is one of the most obviously essential songs you could come up with outside the 60's groups. The Pogues - Really unique and important band who stand out for obvious inclusion. Shane McGowan was a classic lyricist and key figure in British music. The Specials - You can't leave out the best of the ska bands. A number of their songs were politically/socially conscious, 'Ghost Town' hitting number 1 was a crucial moment. Echo & The Bunnymen - You can't be serious! One of the most popular and critically acclaimed bands of the 80's are worth one track aren't they? You could do a really good 90's one on a smaller scale.
  6. Anorak

    Pitchfork's revised 100 Best Albums of the 90's.

    There's some incredibly overrated albums in that list for me but I guess we would all hold that opinion for a selection of choices. Belle And Sebastian at number 14 especially baffles me, is Pitchfork an American website? I would have picked a Super Furry Animals or Gorky's album above them for the sake of a British indie vote and still placed either of them a decent bit lower for decade best list. I like Pavement and Weezer but having 2 albums each on the list seems rather generous. We could all be here for days debating omissions etc but I was a little surprised not to see names like Red House Painters, Uncle Tupelo (Wilco got their vote I assume) & Afghan Whigs. Some albums I love from recent years ('I See A Darkness') are very high while others (Eels: 'Electro-Shock Blues) are nowhere but its got a nice bit of diversity to it as it wisely covers the more influential albums in hip-hop/Electronica etc. There's definately a few bands on there who only a boorish indie stereotype would love but it is Pitchfork I suppose.
  7. Anorak

    Soham Girls Died in Huntley Bathroom

    Strange how some cases get so much national headlines for weeks and months on end while others are only covered on local news. There's another court case being heard in Leicestershire at the moment about 3+ people (I think around half a dozen were involved indirectly) accused of beating, torturing and murdering a 14 year old boy whose body parts were found in a canal. I've no wish to hear the details of this horrible case but it struck home to me how the tabloids and national news deliberately 'select' the murder cases they will follow from beginning to end. I can't see any jury buying Huntley's defence.
  8. Anorak

    What are you listening to right now?

    Warren Zevon - Porcelain Monkey
  9. Anorak

    English Football

    Is Iwan Roberts still at Norwich?
  10. Anorak

    The 2003 Rugby World Cup thread

    SWING LOWWWW SWEEET CHARIOTTT!!!!!!! Its time to honour a proper sporting acheivement in this folder and acclaim the new world champions. The Aussies suddenly try to act all humble in defeat after slagging England off from the minute they got off the plane. I heard one newspaper over there pathetically trying to save face by declaring the final the best game ever played!!?? Yeah, right. If it would have been at Twickenham England would have won comfortably. Anyway, god bless Johnny Wilkinson, Martin Johnson (great to see a Tigers captain lifting the trophy) & the other players and Clive Woodward for their ahievement. 40,000 England fans were in attendance along with an estimated 50,000 extra in Sydney itself = The best fans and the best team.
  11. Anorak

    Rolling Stone magazine's newest list

    Completely agreed on both points there. They easily have to be one of the top 10 bands of the 60's in most people's eyes. REM's placings are way too low as well, Automatic For The People is a modern classic and its about 247 on the list? Madness. How either band misses the top 50 let alone nearly the top 200 is beyond me.
  12. Anorak

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    I'm too confused to remember but WCW was easier to follow.
  13. Anorak

    Bush vist to the U.K.

    Because Bush is like ... HITLER!... The lead singer of Primal Scream (British band) angrily declared 'What's the difference between Bush and Hitler'? = Example 11189 of why celebrities should never be allowed to talk about politics. Especially very thick musicians. It surprised me to hear on television last night that even The Guardian had printed a poll which declared pro-Bush sentiment to currently outstrip the hostility. You won't see much of that silent majority on the news though. Due to the long running 'Bush is thick' propoganda which became very widespread when he became President he has the same unflattering image as anywhere else among people with little active interest or knowledge of politics (people who believe everything they read). Stereotypes of Texans have travelled and firmly settled over here it is perhaps worth mentioning, any slurs or 'explanations' for his actions based on behaving like a Texan in America will definately be repeated over here to some degree. Among the rest I would argue many respect his firm and consistant stance on terrorism. His post 9/11 speeches I think won him some of that respect as well as he showed some real character when many observers doubted he could pull through convincingly. The fact he has shown himself to have a sense of humor at certain points (little quips here and there, sometimes to skillfully diffuse hecklers won't have done him any harm either) has shown a more personable side to his character. As far as answering why protestors will focus on Bush so much T. Tomlin nailed it in his first paragraph. Bush's face is just as familiar to everybody as Blair's over here really, a lot of people wouldn't know Putin by sight because he's never been on the front page of The Sun or had a visit that recieved any real in-depth coverage, let alone hype.
  14. Anorak

    It's Ok To Drink And Drive??

    Oh, we could get MUCH more offensive about the French. Somebody got the wrong end of the stick.
  15. Anorak

    It's Ok To Drink And Drive??

    Can ANYTHING that reduces the number of Frenchmen be a bad thing? -=Mike Even by the standards around here that is appalling
  16. Anorak

    Bush vist to the U.K.

    Nobody cares what old Ken has to say about anything, probably because of lines like that.
  17. Anorak

    Bush vist to the U.K.

    I think he will get a mixed reception but his opponents will make sure they are ten times noisier to make more headlines. Any egg chucking anarchists should be careful, I bet the old guy has a decent swing on him. If he did do a Prescott his popularity over here would probably go through the roof.
  18. Anorak

    Bush vist to the U.K.

    Zero. Zip. Nada. Your mom. Your mom???? Dear me, you have to toss that old chessnut out with care or you sound silly. 'Ya mam' has so much more character about with a regional accent as well. I want to see Bush get into a fist fight with some egg chucking protestor like John Presscott did that time. Not many politicians can have a better right hook than him.
  19. Anorak


    Leaving the race issue to one side it has to be said this game is equal parts unfunny and terribly unoriginal. A parody of hip-hop culture hardly passes for cutting edge 'hilarity' in 2003 does it? Maybe for the easily amused who somehow missed out your average decade's worth of popular culture.
  20. Anorak

    What is the funniest TV show ever?

    Too many to mention.....no order Blackadder Red Dwarf The Simpsons South Park Brass Eye Spaced Family Guy Father Ted Alan Partridge Monty Python The Young Ones The Office and Phoenix Nights have already just about gone down as modern classics as both have near faultless scripts and excellent supporting characters. An American version of The Office (Phoenix Nights would be impossible) appearing wouldn't surprise me in the least.
  21. Anorak

    Guilty Pleasures

    My Dad loves the Quo
  22. Anorak

    English Football

    Fingers crossed we won't, looks like you might have a relegation battle on your hands as well but I don't think you'll go down if you stop dropping points at home.