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Everything posted by Anorak

  1. Yeah, Martel always got the better of him. I'm sure he eliminated Tito at Survivor Series 89 as well if memory serves. I marked for Tito and it used to piss me off.
  2. Anorak

    English Football

    I don't know but I don't really care either! Man City are a typical Keegan team defensively so we just defended very well and took our chances when they came. The response to the Wolves debacle had been brilliant. Having Ben Thatcher back is a big plus, aside from Stephen Carr I honestly don't rate anybody he left behind at Spurs to be a better defender than him at present.
  3. Anorak

    English Football

    Man City 0 Leicester 3 THE RUN CONTINUES!!!!!
  4. Anorak

    The Flaming Lips

    That's the impression I got of it from the songs i've heard off it.
  5. Anorak

    Fountains of Wayne

    Not sure, my sister has it as a regular 2 track single.
  6. Anorak

    Maybe I'm just a cruel bastard

    Of course I was wrong, I had a different opinion to her. Only you really know if I was 'wrong' or not don't you? Common sense innit? You being one unfunny cunt isn't up for debate though, I just hope you aren't a RACIST as well. *I am not being ironic*. Maybe.
  7. Anorak

    Fountains of Wayne

    Has anybody got that xmas single I mentioned? Its 1st album quality stuff.
  8. Anorak

    The Flaming Lips

    I only own 'Soft Bulletin' and its a bit uneven overall IMO. There's a unique atmosphere and sound to the record but only a select few tracks stand out as being outstanding enough to warrant the album of the year type reviews it got. I love some of it though. I've always liked Grandaddy but I reckon their best album is 'Under The Western Freeway' which was released before they started to get more widespread notices for Sophtware Slump
  9. Anorak

    Maybe I'm just a cruel bastard

    Not because you knew I was right then? The funniest thing about that whole thing was when Marney (I think) tried to claim your post was posing as an 'ironic satire' on xenophobia. She had to look up the definition of irony to 'prove' she understood it. Brilliant. She's funnier than you.
  10. Anorak

    Maybe I'm just a cruel bastard

    It hurt my feelings you're obviously still uptight about that witless xenophobia thing and felt the need to make reference to it when you saw me post. Let it go mate.
  11. Anorak

    Fountains of Wayne

    Their first album is a modern power-pop classic but the 2nd album was meant to be mediocre/poor. In a funny way even though the first s/t album had perfect pop smarts you could still imagine them easily becoming a terrible MOR sounding act if they let the quality control slip or they became the kind of act they often parodied. Get their classic Xmas single 'I Want An Alien For Christmas'/'Man In A Santa Suit', essential for a good self made Xmas comp tape.
  12. Anorak

    Europeans are worse than cockroaches

    I definately agree on that point. It seems like the author is one of those funny little individuals who believe the powerful and enduring virtues you listed don't exist anywhere outside America. More fool him. Most Moslems living in Europe aren't as fanatic as Mr Steyn appears to be. Maybe he could send me a 'I love Israel' badge before my few American friends disown me for being an evil anti-semite?
  13. Anorak

    Maybe I'm just a cruel bastard

    That's pretty funny
  14. Anorak

    High Energy

    I thought they had the same theme that Owen would go on to use during most of his singles career (which I loved, personally) I think the theme you're thinking of is the one Owen used when he came back in mid-1993 with his new "Rocket" look. It's the same theme. As for High Energy...they were alright, but it was too hard to get behind them. My friends and I had pretty much written off Koko as a jobber by this time, so it was pretty pointless to expect something special out of the team. In fact, to this day, I can't recall seeing Koko win a singles match! My mate has a UK Tour 89 (I think) tape which he told me had a Koko vs Boris Zukov match on it. He MUST have won that one! I promise i'll do a rant on it soon so don't worry.
  15. Did Martel and Tito ever have a proper blowoff match around mid to late 89 when there was still the ex-partner anomosity between them? The Summerslam 89 six-man tag got me thinking of it and I couldn't remember a PPV singles match (sorry if there was one).
  16. Anorak

    "The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection"

    I'd love a Part 2 as much as anybody else but based on how much essential stuff we must have feard being left off with a WWE release the set looks excellent. Including some Flair/Piper confrontations is a great little bonus from a personal standpoint as I remember that being classic stuff and genuinely electric at the time.
  17. Anorak

    I feel dirty

    A revival in the tag division would make me one happy fan. Fingers crossed they make the most of what they have.
  18. Anorak

    OK, who's the best on the mic of all time

    In retrospect his interviews/promos seem all the more gripping because of what we've come to find out about the man in the years since, its almost scary how much of the real Jake was in those captivating performances he gave. He never had a great look or any real title success but he always had that crucial 'it' factor which had live crowds and viewers at home eating out of their hands. Owen Hart could alternate between being goofy and convincingly serious with that vital crack of emotion in his voice. Piper was one of my favourites, he wasn't the most versatile maybe but he was as entertaining as anybody past or present IMO. If we're mentioning non-wrestlers then Cornette deserves a nod, fans used to go apeshit when a face got their hands on him (Heenan was the same in the WWF). He's not in the best ever running of course but New Jack (non-wrestler?) was great through basic natural charisma.
  19. These live reviews are a good read, keep 'em coming. I got Four Tet's 'Rounds' album the other day and i'm liking it a lot. I agree with your views on Eels in your previous post (I read it the first time honest!), 'Electro-Shock Blues' was a brilliant album.
  20. Anorak

    Maybe I'm just a cruel bastard

    I believe you're a fuckhead of the first division. Don't spit your dummy man, i'm sure he didn't mean to offend you or anyone else. By responding in that uneccessary tone anybody would think you were in denial of that perfectly valid statement.
  21. Anorak

    English Football

    Chelsea vs Newcastle should be good as well
  22. Anorak


    I thought it would be terrible but there were odd bits that made me laugh like the 'She's All That' parody of the dowdy/beautiful girl transformation. The 'saliva' scene was a prime example of trying too hard for a big Farrely Bros style gross out moment though IMO. For every good line or amusing scene there's another 2-3 that fall completely flat but thats par for the course with this type of film. Rent it if the only other choices are the Scary Movie films as it does the same thing slightly better.