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Everything posted by Anorak

  1. Anorak

    English Football

    Arsenal were crap last night but thank god for that Lehman penalty save. No wonder players continue to dive so much. It's depressing that one of the most notorious divers in European football for the past decade can so easily con a top official in the last minute of a CL Semi. It was the safest bet in the world he'd fall over in the box sometime before the final whistle when he came on, I just didn't think the ref would be daft enough to give it.
  2. Anorak

    What are you listening to right now?

    Josh Ritter - Girl In The War
  3. Anorak

    Bands with the worst fanbase

    That album was mega-successful though, they were obviously going to pick up millions of young new fans who are more prone to OTT platitudes. I think there's plenty of Green Day fans who don't fit this category, myself included.
  4. Anorak

    Albums Listened to Today

    East River Pipe - Mel Howe Gelb - 'Sno Angel Like You Belle And Sebastian - Push Barman To Open Old Wounds The Kinks - Are The Village Green Preservation Society
  5. Anorak

    English Football

    Yeah, an amazing run for Forest. I thought it would be too late for you to make the play-offs by the time you got rid of him but it's looking good for you right now. Maybe Megson could try his luck in Scotland like Craig Levein will probably be doing again.
  6. Ajax 95. I'm too young to have seen most of them!
  7. Definately. I think away games provide many of the best days out and lasting memories for most football fans. There's a special atmosphere when you're with a small number of your team's hardcore supporters. You often get a good mix of the funnier, more knowlegeable and simply mad fans there.
  8. Anorak


    I still like Green Day's early stuff OK. It was pretty fun and catchy. If their sullen political screeds had a bit of pep, I maybe would still like them, but they're sodden plods with ridiculous lyrics. American Idiot just didn't seem like a Green Day album to my ears. I don't think it worked lyrically or musically. I thought they did a smart job of loosening up their sound just a touch on Warning while still playing to their strengths so it was a shame they misfired here. Lyrically, AI isn't half as bad as some people say (heavy handed or simplified 'anti-Bush'/'war sucks dude' stuff is at least kept to a minimum bar a couple of songs) but there's no great insight on their part either. By trying harder to be a serious band and make a statement they actually lost some of the personality they had in the first place. Maybe they just bit off a little more than they could chew. Not quite enough songs with the right energy or sufficient hooks didn't help either. The Ramones, Descendents & Screeching Weasel all fit the bill for me as far as pop/punk goes. The Queers would be my guilty pleasure band, for being so unashamedly derivative. Oh yeah, Exploding Hearts
  9. Anorak

    Awesome 1-2-3 punches in albums.

    REM - Automatic For The People Man On The Moon - Nightswimming - Find The River
  10. Anorak

    English Football

    We scored after 9 seconds....and still lost.
  11. Anorak

    Recent Purchases

    Howe Gelb - 'Sno Angel Like You East River Pipe - Mel The Exploding Hearts - Guitar Romantic
  12. Anorak

    English Football

    Didn't FM 2006 on the PC have a few noticeable/annoying bugs? I heard conflicting reports and I felt like having a break from the game for a bit anyway so I never got that current version. The 2005 version was pretty clean I thought.
  13. Anorak

    Best sountrack ever

    The Harder They Come Rock'n'Roll High School
  14. Anorak

    English Football

    You don't need Lee Morris back then?
  15. Anorak

    Albums released in 2006.

    It certainly is.
  16. Anorak

    Songs about wasting time

    Wastin' Time - Ron Sexsmith
  17. Anorak

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

    I'm sure a similar thing happened on an episode of Prime Time Wrestling if memory serves. Some little kid in the audience was picked on by Busick and Wippleman before some face (may have been Bulldog) came out to save the day. I actually saw it in an old WWF magazine rather than on TV. I only ever saw photos of Busick but I remember thinking even at the time that the Busick in this cheesy skit on prime time didn't look anything like him. Still, it was a LONG time ago.......surely there weren't TWO Big Bully Busicks? Whoever mentioned Skinner, I remember him! I seem to remember him sticking round a little while and not being a blink and miss him guy. Having said that I can't remember him winning a match which wasn't against a jobber or name a single angle he was involved in so.....yeah. Had his own figure released I think, it wasn't all bad for him! Neidhart in WCW - I have a vague and completely useless memory (even by wrestling memory standards) of an interview in WCW magazine shortly after his debut. I think it was around the time WCW magazine went cheapskate by not having many colour pages in it.
  18. Anorak

    What are you listening to right now?

    Monster Magnet - Dead Christmas
  19. Anorak

    What are you listening to right now?

    The Exploding Hearts - Rumours In Town
  20. Anorak

    Jeff Lacy vs. Joe Calzaghe

    Lacy was totally outclassed last night and took an absolute hiding. Calzaghe gave him a boxing lesson and the crowd was giving it the 'easy' chant after just a few rounds. Is Lacey not all he's cracked up to be or did certain people not give Calzaghe enough credit going in?
  21. Anorak

    When's the last time we had a thread about cover songs?

    The Gourds - Gin And Juice (Snoop Dog) Mark Lanegan - Carry Home (The Gun Club) M Ward - Let's Dance (David Bowie) The Byrds - Mr Tambourine Man (Bob Dylan) Uncle Tupelo - Moonshiner (Traditional) The Ramones - I Don't Want To Grow Up (Tom Waits) The Walkabouts - On The Beach (Neil Young) The Handsome Family - Sunday Morning Coming Down (Kris Kristofferson)
  22. Anorak

    English Football

    Crewe vs Brighton is a big game next week and I hope Stoke improve on their crappy form to beat Millwall. We have Ipswich away, a place we rarely do well at but we're managing to scrap well and still play decent football at the minute.
  23. Anorak

    What are you listening to right now?

    Yo La Tengo - Autumn Sweater
  24. Anorak

    Recently popular rock bands

    That's weird, because i've never even been to Pitchfork, and while I read NME, I don't let it decide what bands I like. I'll take a quick listen to what they say is good, and if I don't like it, I don't listen to it anymore. If what you said were the case, I would be listing Arctic Monkeys as the band that will outsell The Beatles, The Cribs as the new saviors of rock, and Kaiser Chiefs as gods. However, I enjoy AM, but wouldn't call them the best British band ever, couldn't give two shits about The Cribs, and don't really consider Kaiser Chiefs to be all that good. The BJM, on another note, I discovered by watching "Dig!" at film school when Ondi Timoner came and screened it. It had nothing to do with Pitchfork OR NME. And while we're talking about it, I first heard Ryan Adams on a mix CD my friend made me. Once again, not Pitchfork. Not NME. Soooo...there's THAT. please change your signature. thank you. Why? anyone who truly respects bob dylan, or understands his musical relevence would be a little more articulate than to call him the "unfuckwithable" or whatever ridiculous phrase you've concocted. that, and you're embarrassing yourself by displaying such an assinine phrase. but its bob dylan, y'know, the most influential lyricist in rock n'roll. there's a level of intelligence to his work. that phrase displays the complere opposite of what he's about. Calm down, i'm sure Bob wouldn't be offended.
  25. Anorak

    English Football

    3 wins and a draw since we sacked Levein. Crewe look doomed and both Millwall & Brighton can't seem to find the back of the net but we're not out of it yet by any means. I experienced the Withdean stadium for the first (and hopefully last) time last weekend which was a weird experience. Walking to your seat (I was in the Brighton end) along an athletics track yards away from a long jump pit is very strange indeed. At least I had a better view than most other Leicester fans as the rubbish away end is miles from the pitch.