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Everything posted by algrim
Vice was really hitting the mushrooms back then.
Just give Heyman the GM position or put the least annoying McMahon as GM.
Here's a full report of the spoilers: WWE Smackdown Taping Results [spoilers] Posted By Ashish on 07.06.04 All the results from the taping.... Credit: Mitch Chartrand & PWInsider.com *Rob Van Dam defeated Mark Jindrak. Rene Dupree did commentary at ringside. *Josh Matthews interviewed WWE champion John Bradshaw Layfield backstage. Bradshaw said he was going to fight a real champion, "El Luchadore" from Mexico later on tonight. *Paul London & Billy Kidman defeated The Dudley Boyz to win the WWE Tag Team championships. *Backstage, the wrestlers congratulated Billy Kidman and Paul London for their title win. The Dudleys came up to Kidman and London and shook their hands. *Charlie Haas came to the ring to wrestle. Backstage, Kurt Angle and Luther Reigns announced that Haas was suspended for a week, but would face Reigns next week on Smackdown. *Josh Matthews interviewed Kenzo Suzuki. Hiroki (Suzuki's wife) told the crowd that Suzuki loved the United States to get heat from Canadian fans. It appeared this was for the live crowd. *WWE United States champion John Cena was rapping about Booker T. Kenzo Suzuki came out and brawled with Cena. Cena got the upper hand. Suzuki was knocked out of the ring. Luther Reigns came to the ring and laid out Cena. *"El Gran Luchadore" defeated WWE champion John Bradshaw Layfield by countout. Eddie Guerrrero came down to the ring dressed like Luchadore and switched places with him. Guerrero hit the triple suplex combination and did his "Latino Heat" dance. Bradshaw realized it and left the ring, getting counted out. *Backstage, The Dudleys confronted Spike Dudley and said that even though Spike didn't help them, they wanted to help him. Spike turned them down. Chavo Guerrero & Jamie Noble & Akio defeated Spike Dudley & Rey Misterio & Scotty Too Hotty when Noble pinned Dudley. This was said to have been a really good match. *Paul Heyman did an interview inside the ring, placing the urn down inside the ring and telling The Undertaker (who did not appear) that everything that had happened the last few weeks was the idea of the Dudley Boyz. *WWE United States champion John Cena pinned Booker T with the FU. Kurt Angle and Luther Reigns came to ringside. Cena accidentally hit Angle with a clothesline after Booker ducked. He then took out Reigns with Angle's cane. After the pin, Reigns attacked Cena and grabbed the US title and walked off. Angle announced that Cena had been warned that if he put his hands on Angle, there would be reprecussions and there are - Angle then announced that Cena was stripped of the United States championship. After they went off the air, Booker T attacked Cena. Cena chased off Booker T and then did some mic work to send off the live crowd. WTF?! Booker didn't beat Cena legit? This blows.
Who could forget other honorable mentions like Diesel Mabel @ KOTR '95 and the Smackdown fatal four way tag march at WM XX.
Is there any truth to the rumor that the rock could come back for Summerslam? If that's the case, he could feud with Evolution and set Eugene straight.
Things look gloomier on the SD! side. It seems as if we might get to see the three way match between JBL, UT and Eddie. If Matt Hardy's knee is as bad as they say, HBk might have to come earlier than expected to feud with Kane. Ihardly doubt that McMahon would want to do a fatal four way match at SS between Benoit, HHH, Kane and Edge.
McMahon won't be happy with just 5 matches. He'll probably add a #1 contender's match for the women's title so they can fight Trish later or unless they decide to give Nidia another chance. You can also bet that we might see Coach/Tajiri II, due to what happened at Raw last night.
I don't know, but I don't really think that Ultron is the mastermind behind all this. If he is, he's probably not working alone. On a related note, here'a link to the Avengers #503 cover Avengers 503 cover I just hope they can rebuild the Vision.
I see him being in fourth place. The three people in fron of him are: 1) Rey 2)Chavo 3)Kidman
Does this mean that Coach is going to get another filler match at Vengeance?
Two words for Edge: VERY STALE!
EM is right. Lawler is not as annoying as he can be and offers more insight into the matches. Over at SD!, it looks like Cole is suffering from brain farts and is making more mistakes. Tazz corrects him a lot more times now than before.
Other honorable mentions: Emma Thompson Johnny Depp Joaquin Phoenix
New nomination: Mantaur & Jackie Gayda vs. Vader & Torrie Wilson in an Iron Man Intergender Tag Team match.
The day Heyman was removed as the Smackdown head writer (IMO) was the day Raw became more favored than Smackdown!
I like Cena, but I've always felt that he lacks a strong offense. The five knuckle shuffle is "old school," but I don't think it should be used like the People's Elbow. Then again, this is the same company that allows the WORM to exist. Cena really needs to add some new moves.
Looks like Trish will job the title to Victoria or Gail Kim at Vengeance, since Lita is stuck with the pregnancy angle.
Robert Deniro Cristopher Walken Al Pacino Dustin Hoffman Denzel Washington Michael Caine John Cusack (maybe)
Nothing against Mordecai, but have him beat somebody other than cw's hen he comes back. Have him return with a stable or form a stable during his "campaigns" (ala Raven's Flock). Suzuki needs to adjust to the WWE style.It appears that he is going to have a program with Cena down the line. Have him work with the trainers and team him up w/Akio and Sakoda.
They should've included the match between Flair and Sting at the first Clash of the Champions. Flair always said that the rivalry he had with Sting was probably the best. With that being said, it didn't make any sense that they only included onematch between the two(it wasn't even their best encounter) .
Somebody who deserves praise in his matches and doesn't get a lot of it was Barry Windham. Watching his early matches against Flair, he knew when to use the right moves at the right time. Other mentions should go to Jerry Lynn and Raven.
Too bad the European Championship is inactive.
*Reads about Mordecai leabing*. I'll drink to that. Now all they have to worry about is improving the tag team division by adding Kidman/London and the FBI on Smackdown and also get rid of Pritchard's shitty gimmicks.
Send the BIG SHOT packin' after they give him a good smackin'.