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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    CM Punk banging Maria?

    Im not a big fan of girls that smoke either, but CM Punk is now a god among men.
  2. haws bah gawd

    SmackDown House Shows Info

    The last time i went to a house show, they brought replica title belts, every t-shirt imaginable, masks, dvds, foam fingers, inflatable RVD hands, all sorts of shit. Take plenty of money.
  3. I used to always mark out for the Kane/Batista staredowns, not to mention it always popped the crowdwhen they would get nose to nose. I guess this means Kane and Show will be beaten for the tag titles by some miracle team, and Kane will be shipped to Smackdown. I know I cant be the onlyone who wants to see Undertaker vs Batista for the World Championship. A champion with a year long reign vs the man undefeated at Wrestlemania = MONEY!!!!!!
  4. haws bah gawd

    Vin Diesel facts

    Maybe its because these are mostly the same jokes with a different name in them?
  5. haws bah gawd

    Who needs to change their ring attire?

    HHH - change-up the colors of his trunks. In early-mid 2003 he was switching between white/purple/green/red/blue/black tights, but since early 2004, he has worn all black except for the white boots he wears every now and then. Burchill - Something other than those god awful red/blue tights he wears now. At least change the look of his tights by adding some UK imagery to them perhaps? Booker T - bring back his WCW Flame tights. Kurt Angle - just drop the tanktop from his gear all-together since he rarely keeps it on during a match anyway. Big Show - put him in the outfit he wore at Survivor Series 2002. Black tank top and black jeans. That looked a lot more badass than the one-strap + shorts combo he wears now. Kane - give him back his full-body suit that he wore in 2003. The one that was all black with red straps (without the half-mask though) . Undertaker - I like his current look (except for the "way too tight in the crotch" tights), but give him back his Lord of Darkness shoulder armor and cape. Lashley - needs something other than plain black tights.
  6. haws bah gawd

    So did we torture Saddam?

    This is the same asshole that would just randomly send his soldiers to kill people in Iraq for no real reason other than he could, and hes mad because we supposedly tortured him? Wah wah you little bitch!
  7. haws bah gawd

    Danielson vs Strong

    Im not trying to take anything away from Danielson, who is a phenominal wrestler, but those were some girly slaps he started throwing at Strong, just before slapping on that sick armlock.
  8. haws bah gawd

    WrestleMania 22 Matches You'd Like To See

    WWE Heavyweight Championship - John Cena vs Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle - Turn Cena into a bastard heel and talk Jericho into returning at Mania for a title shot. Have Kurt Angle turn face and FINALLY get the big win over Cena for the title, then go on to feud with Jericho for a couple months. World Championship - Batista vs Undertaker - like many others have said, unless a result is leaked out prior to the match, theres really no way to predict a winner for this match. The World Champion, nearing a year-long reign, vs the man who has never lost at Wrestlemania. Buyrate Magnet - Hulk Hogan vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - 'nuff said Intercontinental Championship - RVD vs Shelton Benjamin - Ladder Match United States Championship - Chris Benoit vs Lashley - lets see if the big man can actually work World Tag Team Championship - Kane and the Big Show vs 3 Minute Warning WWE Tag Team Championship - MNM vs London and Kendrick vs Mexicools - Tornado Tag rules WWE Cruiserweight Championship - Kid Kash vs Rey Mysterio vs Gregory Helms vs Juvi - WWE, just for once, let the cruisers go balls-out and this will be your show stealer. HHH vs Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels vs JBL - just to give the 4 something to do on the card
  9. haws bah gawd

    Armageddon Predictions

    WHO ARE YOU TO DOUBT EL DANDY?! Beat me to it I'm in agreement with everyone else. Orton has to bump like a MAN in this match for it to work, and still pull off the win. Brock and Undertaker managed to pull off one of the best HIAC's ever back in 2002 with really no sick bumps. It was just a bloody fight that saw Brock get a relatively clean win.
  10. haws bah gawd

    G4 cancels G4TV.com and Filter

    Fuck you G4! You already cancelled Unscrewed, and now you've gotten rid of Filter. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a "Top-10 Themed" show. The only brightside to this is that "Tech Reporter" John Walsh won't have to grate my last nerve anymore. May as well go ahead and cancel Attack of the Show, since all the hosts ever do is mumble in such a low voice you cant hear what the fuck they're saying. I actually find a handful of humor in watching X-Play, so I hope to god that it doesnt get cancelled anytime soon. The jingle that the show staff sang about the people that post on their message boards was one of the funniest things I've ever heard.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Worlds Ugliest Dog dead

    Holy shit, when I saw that dog, i thought someone put a picture of the Rat Monkey from Peter Jackson's "Dead Alive" on here as ajoke. But FUCK thats an ugly dog.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Working Designs no more

    I really liked all the bonus shit WD always packed-in with the games.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Farrellys accuse South Park of stealing plot

    So the Farrelly's think they're the only people to ever come up with the idea of pretending to be handicapped and compete in the special olympics? When I was still in high school, me and some buddies used to joke about that same subject. Perhaps I could sue the Farrelly's for ripping off MY idea?
  14. haws bah gawd

    Fight Music

    "Feuer Frei!" by Rammstein is a good one to get your adrenaline going.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Should TNA get a new world belt??

    Why not use this one? Just update the font of the NWA logo to match the one they use on the X Title.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Does anyone have the password for the Smackdown ticket presales that started this morning for 1/24/06?
  17. haws bah gawd

    best wrestling game for nin64

    No Mercy was a fantastic game. A really up to date roster, and a good who's who of WWF at the time. The ONLY negative to the game was the action slowing to a crawl when more than 3 wrestlers were on screen. This could be blamed on the N64's processor speed however and not the game, itself. I dont know about anyone else, but when the game was released, the first thing I really looked forward to was giving someone the Last Ride. Ah, memories....... WCW/nWo Revenge was another GREAT game for the system. I loved the receiving scores at the end of a match based on how you wrestled, played to the crowd, went to the air, etc. It's a shame this was the first and as far as I know, only wrestling game to have a system like this.
  18. haws bah gawd

    Richard Pyror Dies at age 65

    Its a shame that he has passed. Easily the funniest man to ever walk the Earth. R.I.P.
  19. Vote Here #1 #2 #3 #4 I'll go with #2. I'm not so sure whats going on with the first one.
  20. haws bah gawd

    X-Men 3 Pictures/Preview

    Speaking of him. He's going to be coming back in the comic books in early 2006. Thank God!
  21. haws bah gawd

    X-Men 3 Pictures/Preview

    This guy needs to make an appearance in an X-Men movie at some point
  22. haws bah gawd

    South Park Season 9 / Drawn Together

    When did Trey and Matt stop with the holiday specials? Its a huge letdown that there will be no Christmas special this year after the antichrist episode from last year.
  23. haws bah gawd

    It Was 1 Year Ago Today

    Damn shame. RIP
  24. haws bah gawd

    Recent Purchases

  25. haws bah gawd

    Recent purchases

    Finally found a copy of Cannibal Holocaust today.