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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Name of Artist ??? Sings like Sinatra

    CarnivalizComing is absolutely correct. Mr. Boone's cover of Enter Sandman changed my life.
  2. haws bah gawd

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/10/05

    Now that you guys mention it, I do remember Linda mentioning how the family had spent 2 years in counseling. WWE just has such a strong track-record of disregarding history, that I didn't even put 2 and 2 together at the time.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Would you purchase a new WWF Theme Music CD?

    If I remember correctly, the heel Demolition theme had a very dark brooding sound to it, with no lyrics. I believe the used it at Summerslam 91. I believe Christian's theme was on Themaddict or however the hell WWE spelled it. Edge's theme is on Alter Bridge's album, One Day Remains. The song is called Metalingus. The chorus and verses arent in the same order though on the Alter Bridge album. Also, whats with the Miss Jackie - Bukkake jokes? Did I miss something?
  4. haws bah gawd

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/10/05

    I understand totally KingPK. I was just hoping that for once, WWE would explain a past angle being totally contradicted. Odds are that the writers they currently have, werent around in the Fall of 03, so they have no knowledge of the angle.
  5. haws bah gawd

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/10/05

    I haven't noticed if this has been brought up or not, but has WWE kayfabed a reson for this Vince/Stephanie alliance? For the No Mercy 03 ppv (loser leaves WWE forever stipulation), there was this 45 minute-long interview with Steph for Smackdown where she hinted that Vince molested her as a child and she hated him beyond words. Also, last time she was an onscreen character, she was the face GM of Smackdown. Whats the deal here?
  6. haws bah gawd

    ALRIGHT...You've convinced me...

    Thank you for starting the Diatribes again, Dames. I now have a reason to go to the main page of this site again.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Burger King guy TV commercials

    I saw the construction worker coffee commercial last night too. I saw the guy drilling some bolts into that beam, and I didnt quite know what to think of the commercial. Then I saw that creepy King peak his head around from the other side of the beam, and laughed my ass off. These are some of the funniest advertisements Ive ever seen.
  8. haws bah gawd

    Burger King guy TV commercials

    Whoaaaaa.... someone actually like the Tendercrisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch song? Wow you learn something new everyday. I like Darius, but damn that commercial has scarred me forever. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yea buddy, I got a kick out of it. It was the combination of Darius Rucker dressed like a 40's country singer, and all the stuff happening around him (streets paved with blocks of cheddar cheese) that made it that much funnier to me. It looked very trippy, and I always got a chuckle out of it. Here are the lyrics for everyone's enjoyment: When the belly starts a rumbling and I'm jonesing for a treat, I close my eyes for a big surprise the tender crisp bacon cheddar ranch I love tender crisp bacon cheddar ranch - the breasts they grown on trees and streams of bacon ranch dressing flow right up to your knees there's tumbleweeds of bacon and cheddar paves the streets folks don't fudge it cause you got the juice - there's a train of ladies coming with a nice caboose never get in trouble, never need an excuse that's the tender crisp bacon cheddar ranch I love the tender crisp bacon cheddar ranch no one tells you to behave your wildest fantasies come true - Dallas cheerleaders give you shaves where onions make you laugh instead and french fries grow like weeds You get to veg all day, all the lotto tickets paid, there's a king that wants you to have it your way, that's the tender crisp bacon cheddar ranch. Cooooome aaaaand get it! Here is a link to a fairly humorous page called Why I Love the Tendercrisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch-
  9. haws bah gawd

    Saddest Songs You've Ever Heard

    This makes me sad. The video is about a million times worse, as many of the people from the "Strait Up" album are around a beach campfire and a visage of Lynn Strait walks through them and looks at them all. Holy shit, the first time I saw it I completely broke down. There are a few other songs on that album that are quite sad, though I can't remember titles off the top of my head. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree. As a matter of fact, I've never been able to watch this video again after the first time I saw it.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Burger King guy TV commercials

    Whoever came up with this marketing campaign is a genius. My favorite is still the Tendercrisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch with Darius Rucker. I still have the song on my hard drive, but unfortunately lost the video. Does anyone know where i can find it?
  11. haws bah gawd

    Gay wrestlers?

    That is without a doubt one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Good work Downhome!
  12. haws bah gawd

    Jim Ross possibly leaving RAW announce team

    I have to admit, when the time comes, it will be very strange without RAW closing with JR's signature "BAH GAWD! TRIPLE H! YOU SON OF A BITCH! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE JUST DONE?!". I didnt think about Josh Matthews's referring to other promotions on Velocity. It really puts him over as an intelligent person that has a vast knowledge of the business.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Jim Ross possibly leaving RAW announce team

    Last I heard, Tony was doing sports news for KRGR, the radio network of the Kroger grocery stores before they dropped the channel. I look forward to the Rumble every year, since its the one time I get to hear Tazz and J.R. on commentary. For some odd reason, they seem to perfectly complement eachother, and make for an entertaining pair. Why not put Josh Matthews on RAW? He seems to have a pretty good knowledge of move names, and different styles, which is something that RAW's commentary has been lacking for a while.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Saddest Songs You've Ever Heard

    Not so much the song, but the video to 8stops7's song "Question Everything" used to choke me up something awful.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Ultimate Spider-Man

    I picked this up this past Tuesday. I really enjoy the game so far. My only complaint, and the only part I've really gotten stuck at is having to race the Beetle. Thats quite a pain in the ass.
  16. haws bah gawd

    New IWGP Title Belt

    Actually, not really. This version of the old WWF Title... ...had it too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There you have it, right behind the Attitude Era World belt, my favorite championship of all time. If a replica were made of this, I would be all over it. Instead I have to settle for the version that came after this, but before the Winged Eagle. The sheer size of that belt, along with the acknowledgement of its previous holders is truly something to behold. Anyways, on topic. That new IWGP belt looks really good. It looks really big and heavy, like a World Title should. Didn't the previous IWGP belt look somewhat like the outline of a crown on a strap? If thats the belt im thinking of, that was a nice one too, but this is a definite improvement.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Fear Factor....

    Yes, Fear was one of the most badass shows ever put on MTV. I miss it beyond words. I was quite excited to hear it was getting put on DVD only to find out it was a crappy 'Best of' compilation.
  18. haws bah gawd

    Wrestlers Being Pricks

    Im not sure if he was being a prick of just messing around, but I met Ernest Miller and Ms. Jones in Augusta, GA in late 2000 when I was buying Nitro Tickets. My turn for an autograph came, and I asked him if he wouldn mind if I took a picture, so right before I actually took the pic, he and Ms. Jones decided to flip me off. Dicks. At the actual tapings though, I got an autograph from Stevie Ray who was doing commentary for Thunder at the time. He seemed overjoyed that someone asked for him to sign something, and acted thrilled to talk to myself and a few other people at ringside for a couple minutes before the tapings started.
  19. haws bah gawd

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    I love a good stiff brawl as much as the next guy, but there is absolutely no reason that Vader had to beat the living shit out of those 2 guys the way he did in that match. Vader was being a complete dick. The chokeslam that he gave that poor guy was bad enough, then he had to give him the sickest powerbomb I have ever seen. I have read about the incident before, but this is the first time in a long long time that I've actually seen the footage. From what I've read though, upon hearing that he broke the guys back, Vader actually broke down and cried about it backstage. Can anyone verify this?
  20. haws bah gawd

    WCW Observer Quotes

    Thats the greatest thread I've ever read through since the Scummy Urban Legends thread from several months ago. I hope to see it continue.
  21. haws bah gawd

    KB Toys Game Clearance

    I've been checking KB every couple of days, and they still have NOTHING at that price point except the god-awful DBZ Budokai.
  22. haws bah gawd

    All Things Katamari Thread

    I've never really understood the hype behind these games. I played WLK in EB the other day for about 20 minutes and the controls were so awful, it took away from the fun of the game. I'll admit that the 20 minutes was all I have ever played of either game, and I may just not be used to the gameplay, but I really wasn't impressed. I'm not flaming the game at all, mainly because I don't know a lot about it, but could someone explain to me what it is about KD and WLK that has all the game magazines creaming their pants?
  23. haws bah gawd

    Favorite/Least favorite wrestling belts

    I'm glad someone else remembers the headbanger's WWF Tag Team Championship of the Universe. I thought it was pretty funny when they actually feuded with the Oddities over them, and the belts actually switched hands a couple times. Another classy looking belt was Chris Kanyon's short lived "WCW Hollywood Heavyweight Championship". It was the version of the WCW World Title that was used in the movie, Ready 2 Rumble. Only differences between the 2 was that Kanyon's belt had silver plates instead of gold. Sure it wasn't an official belt, and just a prop for his Champagne gimmick, but it looked extremely nice.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Your Ring-tone

    Yea rock songs really dont translate well, though there are a handful of exceptions. I have the following, though only a handful are being used at the moment: Awake - Godsmack Bad Day - Fuel Basket Case - Green Day Burning Bright - Shinedown Determined - Mudvayne Dig - Mudvayne Downfall - TRUSTcompany Exorcist Theme Eye of the Tiger - Survivor One Winged Angel - FFVII Hymn of the Fayth - FFX FFX Boss Theme FFVII Battle Theme Sephiroth Theme - FFVII Guarded - Disturbed Halloween Theme Happens All The Time - Cold Happy? - Mudvayne I Wanna Be Sedated - Ramones Not Falling - Mudvayne One - Metallica Resident Evil 2 Save Room Theme (for voice mails) Running Blind - Godsmack Seperate Ways - Journey Stricken - Disturbed This is the New Shit - Marilyn Manson Walk - Pantera World So Cold - Mudvayne Zelda - Treasure Chest Song Zelda - Overworld Theme Zelda - Master Sword Theme FFX - Battle Theme Aeris's Death - FFVII (I would mark that as a spoiler, but if you havent played FFVII by now, oh well)
  25. haws bah gawd

    KB Toys Game Clearance

    Ratchet and Clank UYA for $4.99 is one of the greatest things I've ever seen.