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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Andre the Giant

    I was just getting into wrestling around the time that the Giant retired. My question is what did he use as a finisher? I see in the Smackdown games that he uses an elbow drop, and big splash. Are these correct or was it something different?
  2. haws bah gawd

    Favorite/Least favorite wrestling belts

    The belt you're referring to was actually first presented to Stone Cold, the night after WM14 to replace the Winged-Eagle (which as you can see at the post-WM press conference, was heavily damaged with bars broken from the sides of the center plate). I believe all the IC and Tag belts were also somewhat redesigned the night after the PPV as well (The IC belt moreso than the Tag Titles). IIRC, the Smoking Skull belt came along in the Summer of that year because Austin didn't want to carry Vince's "corporate" belt. Looks like a few other people got to this before I did.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Remember when Yukes gave Batista in HCTP a russian legsweep, a full-nelson facebuster (Jericho's "Breakdown" finisher at one time in WWE when he was struggling to come up with a more credible finishing move that WWE would allow him to use than the stale Lionsault or the weak Walls of Jericho), and a hammerlock back suplex? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I also remember Batista having a spinning back kick in nearly every game he's been in. I would shit myself if I saw Dave bust out one of those.
  4. haws bah gawd

    No More Hassan

    I agree 100% with Kingofthe909, The exact same people on this board that pissed and moaned relentlessly about how he was fully reliant on cheap heat, and had subpar mic and in-ring skills, are now acting like its the biggest tragedy in wrestling history that he was let go. Get over yourselves. Any heat = good heat is no way to look at this situation. The guy was a dark-skinned fellow that WWE decided to stick with the typical "Angry Middle-Eastern guy who badmouths the USA" gimmick. You couldve taken anyone with a similar look of Hassan, and had them mouth the same shit every week and they would've gotten the same heat. This guy was just another flash in the pan heel, and there will be many more after him. Sure WWE was dumb enough to do the whole terrorist attack angle involving Undertaker without thinking of the consequences, but so be it. Hassan apparently shot down several other ideas that WWE had for him, but went along with the terrorist angle, so the blame is on both.
  5. haws bah gawd

    X-Men Legends II

    Those are his natural abilities. I forget the title, but some years back Marvel did publish a four-issue miniseries detailing Apocalypse's origin. He was born thousands of years ago in Egypt as "En Sabah Nur", and was, basically, the first mutant born on Earth. He was considered cursed because of his appearance (his greyish skin color and the markings on his face are apparently from birth), but was raised by a tribe of nomads who followed a "only the strong survive" philosophy, which sort of shaped his later Darwinian mindset. If memory serves me, once he was grown into adulthood, he rose up and used his abilities to overthrow the Pharaoh of Egypt, who I believe was, at that time, the time-traveller Kang. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Apocalypse There is a link to nearly anything you could ever want to know about Apocalypse.
  6. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    They probably just gave him the same punch and kick grapple and russian legsweep moveset combination that every other HAWS wrestler in the game has.
  7. haws bah gawd

    WWE news on the Ultimate Warrior DVD

    Spman, you have officially sold me on this dvd.
  8. haws bah gawd

    WWE news on the Ultimate Warrior DVD

    A buddy of mine has an old Warrior promo on Hercules that is nothing short of the greatest thing I've ever heard. He rambles something about them walking throught he forest of destiny but only one of them will carry the axe of undoing to chop down the trees of dispair. I haven't watched the video in a while but its pretty funny. Then theres always his promo on Bobby Heenan and Rick Rude which is a classic in its own right: Warrior - MEAN GENE!!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT RICK RUDE AND BOBBY HEENAN HAVE IN COMMON WITH...........THE LIBERTY BELL?!?!?!?!? *looks at Gene in disgust because the obligatory "I dont know, what?" answer wasn't given right away* Gene - Uh........what? Warrior - ONE IS CRACKED........AND THE OTHER.........IS A DIIIIING DOOOOOOOONG!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA *looks at Gene with murder in his eyes until Gene laughs at his joke* This question is to the guys that already have the dvd. Is Christian the only wrestler that does a Warrior impersonation?
  9. haws bah gawd

    Harvey Danger Leaks New Album for Free

    Havent heard a thing from them since Flagpole Sitta. Good to hear theyre still around.
  10. haws bah gawd

    G4 Tech TV

    I have a similar problem with Attack of the Show. It seems the people that host it just stand around talking aimlessly to eachother with no real rhyme or reason, most of the time. Not to mention the MUMBLING on the show. 9 times out of 10 the 2 guys on the show will be talking about something and they'll get to where they mumble at eachother so low, you have to turn the volume up considerably just to hear what they're saying. I used to live for Unscrewed, everynight. I wish G4 would've given the show a proper send-off instead of cancelling it out of the blue. Why waste money giving the show a brand new set once the G4TechTV merger happened, only to cancel it a few short weeks later? X-Play is almost always good. I dont jump on the post-Maxim Morgan sucks bandwagon because I still find the show entertaining. They have the occasional funny skit on the show, and some of the specialty shows such as "Games so bad, we couldnt actually score them" are always good. Filter is usually good, though G4 seems to enjoy rerunning the same episodes over and over. The host, Diane Mizota (sp?) is extremely cute as well. Icons is always entertaining, giving you a quick 30-minute history lesson on a particular subject: Mortal Kombat, Sega, X-Box, Playstation, Mario Bros, etc. Cheat can be quite entertaining, due in part to that wonderfully attractive host Kristen Holt (I think thats her name). Though, sometimes she can be a little annoying. There is a lot to see on the channel though, so try to catch each show at least once if you have time.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Warrior DVD Trailer

    CBright7831, if youre talking about his "queering doesnt make the world work" speech, I believe I saw it on CollegeHumor.com a few weeks ago.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Fuck Wikipedia

    Holy Mother of God thats a scary sight to see, Richard. Where'd you find that?
  13. I agree. Nathan Jones got some BADASS pre-debut promos, but as soon as he hit tv, it was all downhill from there. Anyone remember the rumor that went around that WWE legitimately signed him without even bothering to see if he actually knew how to wrestle? It was something about how they signed him on his look and nothing else.
  14. haws bah gawd

    The Flight that Fought Back

    I watched this on the Discovery Channel earlier tonight. IMO, this was a very tasteful docu-drama that really made you proud of the passengers on that flight. The movie was filmed very well and gave you a definite sense of dread for the fate of the passengers. For those of you that watched it, did you MARK THE FUCK OUT as much as I did when the passengers rushed the cockpit and beat the fucking shit out of the hijacker that was guarding the door? The interviews with the passengers families were incorporated very well into the film, along with actual recordings of conversations that the passengers had with various people through the plane's telephone system. I've seen some people saying on other boards that the movie was just a capitalization of the tradegy, but I feel otherwise. The movie is being shown all night on Discovery with no commercial interruption, and every penny of the video sales are being donated to the memorial fund for the victims. Thoughts?
  15. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I guess Im in the minority here. I didn't HATE Mario 64, but I feel its far from the greatest Mario ever. That recognition goes to Super Mario 3. The main thing I didn't like about No Mercy was how the game slowed to a crawl once you had 4 wrestlers on screen. The game ran perfectly fine with 3, but the speed dropped by over half with 4 on screen.
  16. haws bah gawd

    The Flight that Fought Back

    I only watched it once, but from what I saw there was one hijacker guarding the cockpit, and 3 others inside of the cockpit. The hijacker guarding the cockpit had a gun on him, and had also told the passengers that he had a bomb on him, which made then a little reulctant to attack him. However, one of the passengers got word that they were going to use the plane as a missle to attack the White House, so they decided they had to do something. So, the passengers rallied together in the back of the plane and got together whatever "weapons" they could find. The weapons consisted of a food trolley, fire extinguishers, knives, even coffee pots full of boiling water. The plan was to rush the hijacker guarding the cockpit door, then break into the cockpit and take out the other 3 hijackers. So, the passenger heading-up the revolt let out the famous "Let's Roll!" and the passengers charged down the center aisle of the plane. The pilot heard the commotion and started rocking the plane from side to side to try to throw their balance off, but it only worked for a short time. They finally made it to the end of the aisle to where the first hijacker was, and before he could react, they rammed him against the cockpit door with the trolley and then about 6 of the passengers stomped the everloving shit out of him. You couldnt help but cheer for the doomed passengers and the asskicking of a lifetime they gave to the hijacker. They kept ramming the trolley against the cockpit door, but it was locked. The pilot started to panic, but one of the other hijackers told him to keep heading towards the target. Finally just before they finally broke through the cockpit door, the order was given to crash the plane. The passengers broke through, the plane nose-dived into the ground, and the rest is history. It was a truly heartbreaking thing to watch, but you couldnt help but feel so proud of the passengers on that flight. I highly recommend that everyone see this movie at least once.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I mark beyond words for the Flatliner. It's one of the most overused finishers (right up there with the Superkick, Diamond Cutter, reverse DDT and Powerbomb) but when the move is executed well, it's visually quite impressive. Kanyon was always the best at it.
  18. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I was a little disappointed by Danny Basham using a simple reverse DDT to win his match on Heat. I remember back in 1997 when Sting was using a reverse DDT (which I had never seen before at the time). I thought it was the most badass innovative move ever. Now that I've seen things like the Canadian Destroyer, Vetrebreaker, and F-5, I'm a little jaded in regards to using a reverse DDT as a finisher. I'll give credit to Nigel McGuinness for selling it like death though.
  19. haws bah gawd

    It's the 10th anniversary of PSX

    I was starting to wonder if someone, somewhere, found a warehouse full of Rhapsody's and sold them all to Gamestop. The Gamestop that I worked at, until today, got a box in the weekly shipment full of MINT copies, all labeled at $39.99. It's also a featured title on the PSone section of the company's website (or at least it was last I checked). I had no idea it was reissued. For some reason the Gamestop I used to work at was also selling the Greatest Hits edition of DDR: Konamix for $29.99, and had a large stock of Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo. Were these also reissued? Anyways happy birthday to the PSone and Dreamcast. The Dreamcast was so far ahead of it's time, and had some really innovative titles. IMO, if you wanted RPG's go with the PSone, but if you like ports of classic fighters, go with the Dreamcast. Its hard to believe that October 26th of next month will be the 5th birthday of the PS2. My, how the time flies by.
  20. haws bah gawd

    XBox 360 at Amazon.com - No Bundles Needed

    Conspiracy Victim, I too had to do the coupon thing at a Target in my area when the PS2 launched. They had 30 systems for the launch, so me and a buddy showed up at 4 am, and got redeemable coupon #27. 8 am rolls around, an hour before the store opens, and theres easily 300 people in line. So, the door opens and these people bum rush the electronics department, most of them oblivious to the fact that theres no way in hell theyre getting a system because they dont have the little pink coupon. I did manage to get my system through all the chaos, and get the joy of hearing a middle eastern guy yelling at the store manager in broken english about how the coupon deal was not fair and he was never shopping at Target ever again. Im still debating on whether to try to brave the launch day crowds at Target, or wait a little while for new, bug free systems to be available.
  21. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    I didnt go through the previous 7 pages of this thread, but Im sure this mas been mentioned. The Big Show's chokeslam desperately needs to be reanimated. Hasn't it been the same since the very first Smackdown game? Also, theres always the stupidity of hearing the impact of the move before Show even drops the guy. Kanes chokeslam needs to be edited so that the opponent doesnt rollover onto their back. The crossbody block from the top rope needs to be made easier to connect. Basically about 90% of the grapples in the game need to be completely reanimated.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Best Austin/Rock Wrestlemania Match?

    I have more fond memories of Wrestlemania X-7 and the Austin vs Rock match than any other PPV ever. I wish the DVD didn't cost so much on the secondary market though, but I'll just wait to pick up the box set later this year and relive my favorite night in wrestling history.
  23. haws bah gawd

    News on SD! Friday debut...

    Will SD be taped on Tuesday night as usual, or will the tapings move to a different date due to the change in the broadcast?
  24. Well they couldnt bring back the Smackdown ovals because in kayfabe, Rhyno destroyed the set by Goring Jericho through it in the Summer of 2001. At least I think I remember that correctly. I would love to hear a new theme song for RAW. Smackdown has gone through 3 or so themes since the original roster split (Beautiful People, the rap-metal theme, and the current one by Drowning Pool which is my personal favorite) while RAW has kept the same one, so I feel its time for something different. One of my favorite sets is still the original Nitro set. It was small, but not too small, and looked classy. I hated when Nitro tried to make itself look too much like RAW with the giant set and WCW logo in the middle of it.
  25. haws bah gawd

    Arby's Potato Cakes

    Their curly fries are the stuff of legends. I've never had their regular fries, but the curly fries taste good with their honey mustard.