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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    The worst (greatest?) ever video game commercial?

    Hey fuck you lovecraft. I've been trying for years to get that damned Nintendo Cereal jingle out of my head. Nintendo! Its a cereal, WOW! Nintendo! Super Mario Jumps! Nintendo! Two cereals in one! MAKE IT STOP!
  2. haws bah gawd

    OAO Velocity Thread

    The commentary during the Basham match was funny for the first minute, but you can only make fun of how untanned a white guy is for so long until the joke runs thin.
  3. haws bah gawd

    OAO Velocity Thread

    That was quite a monster crowd reaction that Animal was getting on the Smackdown replay.
  4. haws bah gawd

    The Toadies

    Didnt Toad the Wet Sprocket do Good Intentions from the Friends soundtrack? I used to love that song.
  5. haws bah gawd

    The Cost of Oil.

    On the outskirts of North Augusta, SC, the Circle K has gas for $3.39 for the cheap stuff. FUCK THIS.
  6. haws bah gawd

    Hurricane Katrina

    Agreed Muggy. That is a really impressive shot they managed to get.
  7. haws bah gawd


    Im pretty sure of that. Come to think of it, the last time I remember seeing him in WWE, aside from One Night Stand, was getting destroyed in every since of the word by Batista in his RAW debut match.
  8. haws bah gawd

    Current pictures of past wrestlers

    Ahmed looks a million times better than he did as Big T in WCW. He had a gigantic beer belly going back then. He looks to still have a bit of a belly on him now, but nothing compared to what he looked like in WCW.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Does anyone know anything about the

    Knowing how WWE does things, Kendrick probably grabs the opponents head and simply pushes backwards from the turnbuckles. Totally eliminating the backflip. on another note.... Dammit, I was getting excited thinking I would see Stevie Richards pick up a win over Hardcore Holly. Whats the point of people posting fake spoilers?
  10. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    The Gamestop I work at recently got Ratchet and Clank: UYA, and Smackdown vs Raw in Greatest Hits packaging. Has a Revolution controller been revealed yet?
  11. haws bah gawd


    I had no problems with X-Factor. They had some really catchy theme music, and wasnt too bad of a stable. I loved the X-Marks the spot finisher, and Albert as sort of an enforcer for the smaller X-Pac and Justin Credible was cliche, but still worked well, IMO.
  12. haws bah gawd

    WWE smackdown vs raw 2006 a January release?

    I was looking through the release dates for some games in the computer at work today. SD! vs R 2006 has been pushed back to 11/14, Kingdom Hearts 2 has a date of 02/02/06 (a Thursday for a ship date?), and Zelda has 04/04/06. Sometimes I think Gamestop corporate just makes up these dates.
  13. So, does anyone think he could've added this to his site to go along with him being "fired" Monday, or if hes actually gone? Im gonna go with, he got tired of constantly jobbing to nearly everyone, so he decided to cut his losses and move on. Thoughts? Edit: As always, prowrestling.com only showed half of the story:
  14. haws bah gawd

    Sid and released WWE talent heading in?

    I hope that at some point we get to see Sid in TNA. It's good to see that he's aparently able to wrestle again after suffering that sick leg break in early 2001. I've never had a problem with the guy. I always marked for his chokeslam and powerbomb. Nothing beats the one-handed chokeslam that he splattered HHH all over the mat with on RAW in mid-1996 WWF. I just HATED the look he went with in WCW in late 2000/early 2001. The long black tights with denim shorts on top looked really lame. Bring back the singlet that he wore in the late 80's, and we're in business. As far as his in-ring ability, I've never been too offended by it. Sure he doesn't move around the ring as well as other big men like Brock, Batista, or even Abyss. He just always had this commanding ring presense about him, and looked like he could destroy you. I think it's just best that if he absolutely has to get mic time, that its pre-recorded.
  15. haws bah gawd

    WWE smackdown vs raw 2006 a January release?

    I work at Gamestop, and we got a call from the corporate office last week saying Kingdom Hearts 2 had been pushed back to February of '06. I REALLY hope they were mistaken though.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Carrot Top...

    This is pretty unreal to look at whats happened to the guy. Im used to the skinny ugly redheaded guy hosting an early morning cartoon show on cartoon network and selling collect call services, not being Scott Steiner Version 2.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Hell yea, that Benoit coffee segment sounds like gold. I'm very much looking forward to seeing this Burchill guy in WWE. I just hope they allow some of his incredible athletic ability to be shown off.
  18. haws bah gawd

    WWE smackdown vs raw 2006 a January release?

    What the fuck is this? First Zelda gets delayed, then Kingdom Hearts 2, and now SvR2006? This holiday season is looking pretty bleak. As long as Burnout Revenge is still released on time, I'll be somewhat happy.
  19. haws bah gawd


    So, so true...... I liked the special edition of Disclaimer. The remix of Needles was much better than the original. You have to love Zack Gowen's WWE theme "Out of my Way" is also gold on here.
  20. haws bah gawd

    The Damian Gonzalez Memorial Thread

    Anyone have the link to that video that was posted a year ago or so that showed a few Japanese Hornets slaughtering an entire hive of bees? That was one of the most badass things I've ever seen.
  21. haws bah gawd

    Whats the longest your have fasted for?

    3 days, around this time last year due to a sore throat.
  22. Didnt they have that kid on G-phoria a few days ago?
  23. haws bah gawd

    Bands that everyone hates, but you like.....

    Korn Linkin Park Nickelback Adema Seether
  24. haws bah gawd

    *Smackdown Spoilers* for 8/18

    I agree with wildpegasus. The Benoit vs Orton rematch the RAW after Summerslam was also my choice for one of the best matches of the year. Benoit made Orton look like a million bucks, and they blew the Summerslam match out of the water (with the lone downside being the dirty win by Orton).
  25. haws bah gawd

    NEWZ and notes

    Hopefully Robert Patrick is pimping the EVIL goatee from the Double Dragon movie.