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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    The finale was ok. I was disappointed that we only HEARD about the death of Aceveda's rapist, and didnt get to see it. Also, I thought the conclusion of Antoine was a bit of a let down. Aside from that, not a bad episode.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Early Smackdown Taping (*Spoilers*)

    Isn't this Taker's first pinfall loss since his return at WMXX?
  3. haws bah gawd

    Early Smackdown Taping (*Spoilers*)

    I'm so fucking sick of that finish. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> C-Bacon, I'll do you one better. Im sick of OJ having the United States title. What is the purpose of him holding the belt? Why not give it to another worker who could actually benefit from being given a run with the belt? Hell, it would give Eddy and Rey something to fight over at least, and add a little more heat to their feud.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Early Smackdown Taping (*Spoilers*)

    He used the Supernatural Driver, aka the Barry White Driver, aka a torture rack piledriver. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Would this be the same as indy wrestler Super Dragon's Psycho Driver?
  5. haws bah gawd

    Early Smackdown Taping (*Spoilers*)

    Im waiting for confirmation of what Juvi is using for a finisher. Paul London already uses the 450, and Rune Dupree apparently has dibs on the Michinoku Driver (or at least he did for a while last year).
  6. haws bah gawd

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    I say its a toss up between Angle and JBL. JBL for some fresh opponents, and Angle to get him far FAR away from that awful rape storyline.
  7. haws bah gawd

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    Lita may have just killed Snitzky's gimmick, but Mr. Baby Killer can finally have closure. He has been forgiven by the demon spawn's mother, and can rest easy tonight. Good for you, Gene!
  8. haws bah gawd

    One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread

    I would have seriously feared for JBL's life had Al Snow gotten hold of him. From what I've always heard, Snow is more than capable of thoroughly fucking you up.
  9. haws bah gawd

    One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread

    It was good to see that Joey Styles hadn't changed at all over the past 4 years. Still looked the same, and did commentary just as well. I am still just in awe of that fantastic brawl between Mike Awesome and Masato Tanaka. That definitely made my night. I dont normally tack star ratings onto matches, but I have no problem giving it ****. In a perfect world, tonight would be what it finally takes to light a fire under Vince & Co.'s ass, and causes him to completely rethink how their shows are booked, and what their employees are allowed to do in matches. However, Im sure tomorrow it will be back to business as usual.
  10. haws bah gawd

    One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread

    Mike Awesome proved to me tonight that he still has it. He did the reverse powerbomb off the top rope onto what was left of the table, and I thought that was it for sure. Then he threw Tanaka over the top rope through a table, and immediately dove out of the ring onto him. That was one of the most amazing brawls I have seen in some time. WWE, get off your ass, sign Awesome, and push him!
  11. haws bah gawd

    CM Punk signs with the WWE

    We have a winner!
  12. haws bah gawd

    CM Punk signs with the WWE

    On the subject of Punk, what of a potential finisher? Since the Pepsi-Plunge (his turnbuckle-assisted Pedigree) is probably going to be out of the question as a finisher, what else could he go with? I've heard of him using a submission called a Devil Lock (could someone describe this?) a time or two, maybe he could go with that?
  13. haws bah gawd

    CM Punk signs with the WWE

    Shortly after the rumors originally broke that WWE wanted Punk, I had read that HHH had taken an interest in him. Not because he wanted to make sure he didn't move up the card, but because they supposedly share the same passion for wrestling, so he wants to take him under his wing, similar to what he did with Randy Orton. If this is true, as much as some of us dislike HHH, it could prove advantageous for Punk. If he has someone with that much power backstage looking out for him, then he is going to be well taken care of. Now, if only he can get a god-push similar to what Orton got.
  14. haws bah gawd

    The ECW ONS Thread

    Mike Awesome looked like absolute shit the last time I saw him. He was starting to get a belly on him, and in one of his last WWE matches, put over FUNAKI on Velocity. Plus, I thought he was in the doghouse with Paul Heyman due to his abrupt ECW departure? I guess Heyman is willing to let by-gones be by-gones for the sake of putting on a good show, and thats very admirable. If Awesome has goten himself in shape, this should be nothing short of a classic brawl. I always marked for the guy because he was well over 6 feet tall, close to 300lbs, and could move around the ring and fly in a manner that no man his size has any business doing. I am very much looking forward to seeing him return. I wonder if his old manager, Judge Jeff Jones has been asked to attend the show? The only work of Masato Tanaka I ever saw outside of ECW was in a deathmatch DVD I have called King of the Deathmatch, where he teamed with Hayabusa against Mr. Pogo and Terry Funk in an Exploding ring deathmatch. It was basically just a garbage match that included Pogo 'cutting' Tanaka across the back with a large knife. As far as ECW goes, Takana always impressed me. He also had some damn fine brawls with Balls Mahoney. OFF TOPIC: I haven't read this anywhere, but maybe someone has an answer. Has WWE made any sort of statement in regards to signing some of the talent theyre using on the show, or are the outside-workers strictly working for one night only? I would LOVE to see Tanaka, Awesome, Mahoney, even Sandman signed to a deal of some sort.
  15. haws bah gawd

    The OAO Smackdown Thread - 6/9/05

    Rapid Delivery Rory Fox from the MTV show about 6 years ago!!! I wonder if he made his entrance to John Mellencamp's "Smalltown"?
  16. haws bah gawd

    The OAO Smackdown Thread - 6/9/05

    Im still waiting for this "awesome match" between the 2 that was described in the spoilers. This has just been the 2 going through the motions.
  17. haws bah gawd

    The OAO Smackdown Thread - 6/9/05

    That was a very sick nosedive by Haas. Speaking of Haas, whats with the screaming thing hes doing?
  18. haws bah gawd

    Classic games and systems

    I owned one too, but not until I started collecting SNES stuff again in the Summer of 2001. I found one 100% complete in a Gamestop for $9.99. It was the ONLY way to get a true arcade experience out of Terminator 2, and that game where you fight various robots from a first person view was pretty good, but the gun was pretty much worthless otherwise.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Matt Hardy confirms there is a Matt/Lita....

    I felt really sorry for Matt for about the first month this thing was going on, but now Im just getting tired of hearing it. Of course, the thought of there being a sex tape involving Lita and her gigantic tits is an intriguing one. I dont think I could ever look at Matt Hardy the same again though. Perhaps we could get one of those big black censor boxes to cover him in the tape.
  20. haws bah gawd

    The official summer horror films thread

    If The Ordeal is described as a french Deliverance, then does this mean the movie will contain man-rape? *shudder* IM looking forward to High Tension and Land of the Dead.
  21. haws bah gawd

    The ECW ONS Thread

    One can only hope, Rrrsh. One can only hope.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Stephanie Furious over Backstage Rib

    When is this bullshit with JBL going to stop? This guy, is consistently pushed by WWE, and he continues to pull the most childish, assholish pranks backstage, and nothing ever happens to the guy. No reprimand, no slap on the hand, not even a simple tongue-lashing, and this guy he decided to bully is going to take all the punishment. JBL, who is supposed to be an adult, acts like nothing more than a 10-year old school yard bully, and I continue to have zero respect for him. Sure, there are 2 sides to every story, and Conaway was a backstabbing jackass for doing that spy crap for Stephanie McMahon, but something has to be done about JBL as well. At least kill this god-like push he has been getting for over a year, and/or de-push OJ for his role in this.
  23. haws bah gawd

    The ECW ONS Thread

    I have one thing to look forward to at this show above all others. If the WWE team goes over the ECW team, the crowd will SHIT all over them. I hope to see a few of the old ECW crowd regulars at the show, such as hat guy. I just hope this doesnt turn out like Survivor Series 2001, with the WWE team pretty much dominating the ECW team just so Vinnie Mac can stroke his own ego again.
  24. haws bah gawd

    TSM Board DRAWMUH~! 2005

    I disagree. Dames was one of the most thorough and descriptive reviewers I've ever read. If I missed a RAW, or TNA show, his reviews called out each and every move and hold. He wasnt like most reviewers who lazily write-out things like "wrestler A hits a slam on wrestler B and theres the finish", or "wrestler A counters a hold from wrestler B, drops him with a takedown for the pin". I also got a match background before reading the review, so if I didnt know why 2 wrestlers were in the ring, I was then informed. I wish to see him return to reviews one of these days.
  25. haws bah gawd

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/6/05

    So do we get a Regal heel turn for the sake of an ECW invasion?