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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    If WWE does this right, with Edge and Lita now being together on screen, Edges heat will be nothing short of nuclear. We all know HHH wont let that happen though, HHH will return week after next, challenge Edge to a match, win in less than a minute, Pedigree Lita, and kill everything theyve built up for Edge, the past 8 months.
  2. haws bah gawd

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    I still find it funny that 2 months ago, BIG DAVE and his pimp suits were the talk of this board, and now VISCERA (of all people) is the man. Im extremely disappointed that were only getting one draft a show. I wish things would go back to the way they were at the very first draft. They took a number which was half of the full WWE roster, and each show was allowed to draft wrestlers until they got their half complete (I believe this led to about 25 or so picks for each show).
  3. haws bah gawd

    Eddie Guerrero Q & A

    I would KILL KILL KILL for the Diatribes to return to this site. It hasn't been the same since you stopped, Dames! Also, when I was in middle school I had a pair of green jeans. I was big pimpin!
  4. haws bah gawd

    Sid in WCW, mid 2000

    I always loved Sid. There was a weird aura about him that made me always enjoy his performances. He wasnt the most graceful wrestler or a technical genius by any means, but I never had a problem with the guy, and always got excited over his matches. He had a pretty good powerbomb, and his chokeslam had good impact as well. Its a shame he suffered such a horrific injury.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Wrestling Title Prestige

    This reply is kind of a redundant one, but I feel the WWE title lost meaning, but not so much prestige, when they had to "get the F out". There was just something special about hearing Howard Finkle yell out "The winner of the match...........and........NNNNEEEEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!......WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION CHAMPION!!!!....." I know its silly, but it just doesnt feel as special hearing "new WWE Champion". As far as the current meaning of championships, I would go with this order: 1 - World Heavyweight Title - WWE is currently pushing this as the end all, be all title to have in the company, so there you have my reasoning. 2 - WWE Heavyweight Title - As far as lineages go, this is still the original World Wrestling Federation Championship, and I feel the man alone puts it close to the top. 3 - WWE Intercontinental Title - Shelton Benjamin's superb matches against just about anyone while defending the title puts it in a higher class in my eyes. 4 - ROH World Heavyweight - I dont catch much of this company, but this title is definitely important. Samoa Joe held it for nearly 2 years, putting on hard hitting matches, and going against guys like CM Punk for match lengths that no man his size should be capable of. The ROH style and effort that the guys put into the matches make this title extremely meaningful to me.
  6. haws bah gawd

    E3 2005

    Im kind of disappointed that THQ isnt showing any new wrestling games. Im thinking theyre probably going to wait and make the newest games for NR, PS3, and XBOX 360. However, I had aread a rumor a while back that Raw vs Smackdown 2 for PS2 was already in development, so maybe something will come of it (hopefully a video at least) at E3. Hopefully FFXII will get released sometime before my death. I dont believe since the days of waiting for the original Perfect Dark, Halo 2, and the new Ninja Gaiden has a game seem this many delays.
  7. I have a friend that does that to me all the time. Having issues with that is completely irratioonal and makes you sound like a lunatic. shit particles aren't going to transfer across the phone line. But if you're on the phone to someone taking a shit, you can hear them taking the shit. I'd assume that was the issue, rather than hygiene. It's not that Im worried about shit particles coming through the phone. Its that when I hear him straining and moaning, it gets a little too fucking weird.
  8. haws bah gawd

    Romero Not At Velocity Tapings..

    I've always liked at the Rumble when we get the commentary team of JR and Tazz. They seem to feed perfectly off eachothter.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Hell in a cell

    Was the Al Snow vs Bossman Kennel match was intended to be as bad as it actually was? I remember watching it and thinking how funny it was that while they were busy trying to get eachother bitten by the dogs, the dogs were too busy humping eachother outside the ring. What DVD or video is it where Mick Foley and Coach(?) do alternate commentary, and make it sound like it was a ***** match?
  10. haws bah gawd

    DoA4 screenshots

    That is pretty fucking incredible. Hard to believe we have game consoles powerful enough to produce graphics like that. Does anyone have any idea what the 360 is gonna cost at launch?
  11. haws bah gawd

    Songs that could've been big

    You know you listened to an album at some point and thought, this song would be huge if it got a little radio play. I like a lot of mainstream bands, and I'm not too big on underground stuff, so I'm sure my opinions will differ from others. I'll list a few of my choices: Korn - Hollow Life: This came off their Untouchables album. It's a very dark song, that has a classic Korn sound to it. I just wish this had been released as a follow-up to Thoughless, instead of Alone I break. Seether - Needles: This was on Disclaimer and Disclaimer II. This was by far my favorite song from the album, and I think it should've gotten some mainstream play. It had a great chorus, and a pretty good bass line. Disturbed - Rise: From the Believe album. Very fast song, sounds like it could get a crowd going fairly efficiently. Alterbridge - Broken Wings: I hear this was a single, but it never got any play in these parts. My favorite track on their debut album. A lot of people didn't give the band much of a chance based off the fact that 3 of the 4 guys used to be in Creed.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Matt Hardy to go to ROH

    I hope ROH releases this on video when it happens, this is bound to be great.
  13. haws bah gawd

    WWE Smackdown House Show report

    Nothing beats having to hear WOOOOOOOOOO SHELTOOOOON BENJAMIIIIIIIN!!!!! ORANGEBURG SOUTH CAROLINA!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!! All afternoon at a houseshow, even when Shelton was nowhere near the ring.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Songs that could've been big

    I know a lot of people on this board hate them, but I felt Nickelback really dropped the ball with their video for "Never Again". The song told a typical story of domestic abuse, ending with the woman getting fed up and killing her boyfriend/husband. The video for this song could have been great, but instead they opted for the live concert footage video, that really made no sense. This pissed me off to no end, since I had highly anticipated the song getting released as a single since the first time I heard it on the cd.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Raze's Hell

    I picked it up today, and spent about 2 hours with it. It's certainly different, and has Conker-esque levels of humor to it. Basically the story is these cute creatures are ordered by their princess to kill all the uncute creatures of the universe. So, they come to Raze's planet to liberate the creatures of their ugliness. It's got pretty good control, though there are some small collision detention issues. Overall though, for the $20 I spent on it, I am satisfied with what I got. I recommend giving it a try. Just wanted to add one other thing, this game is HARD AS FUCK! Even on easy.
  16. haws bah gawd

    The RAW Thread for May 9, 2005

    Yea that show sucks ass. *talking about Lance Krall Show*
  17. haws bah gawd

    The RAW Thread for May 9, 2005

    Anyone else get a chuckle out of HBK's entrance gear getting stuck in the ramp?
  18. haws bah gawd

    The RAW Thread for May 9, 2005

    Just got through sitting through the Bad Bad Man video. Age is kicking Mr. T's ass something fierce. As far as RAW goes, it hasn't been too bad. I've enjoyed the past couple weeks moreso than usual. I hope they an keep up the momentum.
  19. I didn't feel that this warranted its own thread, but I didn't see annother topic that it was relative to. I've been buying their almanacs for the past 7 years, because they provide me with much entertainment, and are PACKED with info. Has anyone seen this year's almanac in stores yet?
  20. haws bah gawd

    Songs that could've been big

    Our rock stations around here have a real hard-on for Passive at the moment, so I hear it a lot more than I care to. My favorite Tool song is Sober, but it rarely gets any play. Im sure its like this all over the place, but our station on plays what the programming director (who also happens to be the afternoon dj), likes. So, we get a lot of Tool, old Metallica, and not much else.
  21. haws bah gawd

    The 2005 MTV Movie Award Nominees

    Seriously what the FUCK? It's not like the "best kiss" category isn't silly enough, but has anyone seen Elektra? Thats the most boring girl/girl kiss in the history of film. My girl made me suffer through the Notebook, but the kiss in that movie at least meant something. This (Elektra nomination) was just to pop the 13 year old boys with the "ooooo, chicks making out" mentality. I get more irritated by MTV as each day goes by.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Insider Timeline: 1996

    Both this and the 1995 articles were excellent reads. I've read a lot of info that I never knew before. Is there any chance of getting the last half of 96?
  23. haws bah gawd

    Wrestling Games

    No Mercy would be perfect if the game didn't drop to 1/4 its normal speed when you're in a tag match. That really disappointed me, since I really enjoy tag matches. I like Raw vs Smackdown very much. The stats help you make a very overpowered wrestler, but aside from that I enjoy the game a lot.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Best match finishes ever

    How could I forget this one? That was one of the most well booked ending sequences I've ever seen. You could just feel Kurt about to tap to the Crossface. You knew it was coming, and Benoit would finally get his long overdue World title. Then Kurt rolls through, and locks in the Ankle lock, Benoit rolls through again into the Crossface, and the crowd is about to fucking DIE. Benoit had Angle's number, and Angle was seconds from tapping. Then Kurt seemingly said fuck this, and rolled through the Crossface again, into the Ankle lock, and then grapevined his legs around Benoit so there was no way Benoit was going anywhere, and he was finally forced to tap. Benoit got one of the most well-deserved standing ovations from a crowd, ever, for this.
  25. haws bah gawd

    VELOCITY Thread - Siete de Mayo Edition

    HOLY MOTHER OF GOD that suplex on the steps was fucking sick by WWE bump standards. I too would like to think WWE is enhancing the Cruiserweight division with the new signings, but we all know theyre just signing "pin balls" for the Big Show.