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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Matt Hardy released

    I seem to remember reading on that incredibly long thread on the Death Valley Forums (Scummiest Wrestling Urban Legends) about a particular incident involving Lita and OMEGA. It seems that nearly the entire OMEGA roster gangbanged Lita in the ring after a show one night. A lot of the stuff in that thread seemed farfetched, so take it with a big ass grain of salt.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Edge's Theme..

    The only part of the song that doesn't fit Edge is the line, "I'll never long for what might have been". Didn't he piss and moan for 6 months about being "screwed" out of the title shot at Taboo Tuesday? Oh well, its a great song from a very good band. I hope more wrestlers get entrance themes from actual bands instead of "Random Stock Sound File Number D".
  3. haws bah gawd


    Sorry, I missed the part at the end about scenes being re-enacted. I give up on the show before the ending credits.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Two More Releases

    I assume they would've given him a different name once he made it to RAW, or Smackdown, or wherever they would've sent him. Was he wrestling as Chilly Willy in OVW?
  5. haws bah gawd

    Two More Releases

    You're kidding, right? Not kidding at all, an Iraqi War veteran vs the evil middle eastern guy, the feud writes itself. All they would have to do is play up Willy's military background.
  6. haws bah gawd

    WWE starts aplications for Second Diva Search

    One has to wonder, is WWE doing some sort of sick experiment to see how many fans they can lose in a single week, and then try to top that the next week? This is really pathetic. I couldn;t even name the two divas who were in the segment with Stacy earlier, and now we get more random nameless women. At least I know I wont miss much during RAW this summer.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Two More Releases

    Agreed 100%. Theyve fired Chilly Willy who had a $$$ feud with Hassan and Davairi ready to go, and the creative team wouldnt even have to try. On top of that, they released the "reigning" ECW World/Television champion, Rhyno. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this company?
  8. haws bah gawd

    I need a list of all WWF/WWE dvds please...

    I have - the first 3 compilation ECW dvd's released after the company folded Rise and Fall of ECW Rob Van Dam: One of a Kind Hulk Still Rules The Ultimate Ric Flair Eddy Guerrero: Cheating Death, Stealing Life Chris Benoit: Hard Knocks Summerslam 2000 Survivor Series 2001 Shawn Michaels: From the Vault Beyond the Mat Some FMV Deathmatch dvd full of Garbage matches, but still fun to watch every now and then. Features a Hayabusa/Masato Tanaka vs Mr. Pogo/Terry Funk exploding ring match.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Matt Hardy released

    Funny thing is I remember back in 2000 reading on message boards that everyone thought Jeff was going to be the "Shawn Michaels" of the team, and everyone was calling Matt, "Hardy Jannetty". Weird how things turn out huh? Still though, I wish nothing but the best for Matt. This is really wrong on WWE's part, IF Matt didn't request the release.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Matt Hardy released

    While I hate to bring this up, I wouldn't be surprised to hear of Matt's suicide in the near future. I don't wish this on him by any means, but there is only so much a man can take. This is fucking bullshit on WWE's part. Matt had improved by leaps and bounds after starting his V1.0 gimmick, and was one of their top cruiserweights. Oh well, WWE's loss is TNA's gain.
  11. haws bah gawd


    I would recommend Ninja Gaiden. It's a little difficult at times, but still a pretty fun game. You just have to get used to the camera, which needs re-centering sometimes. I played the Star Wars Lego game last week, and I highly recommend it. Its very well designed, and quite addicting.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Anyone else notice?

    Didn't Russo use a ripoff of Beautiful People in WCW? Also I seem to remember Jericho using a very identical ripoff of Evenflow by Pearljam. Monty was definitely using a sound-a-like of Down with the Sickness though, complete with David Draiman's monkey noises.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Shelton Benjamin

    *shudder* I remember that all too well (the "All About the Banjamins" gimmick). I think the legitimate athlete gimmick can work for Benjamin, and carry him through his career. However, this is the WWE, and the man just has to learn to work the mic better. He doesn't have to be as good as The Rock, or Stone Cold Steve Austin, but at least be on par with Triple H.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Fantasy WWE vs. TNA Matches You'd Like To See

    .....and 2 Ultimate X's and 3 tables matches.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Shelton Benjamin

    I think Shelton Benjamin has the potential to go down as one of the best ever. There is literally nothing he can't do in the ring. He can wrestle a mat-based style, brawl, fly, he uses the ropes perfectly, and is extremely energetic. He really isn't too bad at working the mic, he just needs a little work. If he can polish-up his mic skills, he will be unstoppable. If you look at someone like Kurt Angle, this is a guy that can wrestle and adapt to really any style, and he can work a mic like he was born with one in his hand. Aside from his BEAUTIFUL moonsault though, he doesn't really take to the air a lot. Then you look at Chris Benoit, he too can wrestle circles around anyone, and can carry a broomstick to a *** match. He has his flying headbutt highspot, but doesn't take to the air often other than that, and can't work the mic too well. I think this is an area where Shelton Benjamin can stand out. He can do it all, and if he can learn to cut a promo, the sky is the limit for him.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Fantasy WWE vs. TNA Matches You'd Like To See

    Petey Williams vs Paul London AJ Styles vs Chris Benoit - I'd love to see Benoit bust-out some sick German Suplexes here. AJ has already shown he isnt afraid to take a head-bump or two. AJ Styles vs Shelton Benjamin - These two have very similar styles. They arent afraid to take a leap of faith over the top rope, and use the ropes for a lot of their move sets. This would be a great match. Rhyno vs Abyss Rhyno vs Monty Brown Chris Sabin vs Paul London
  17. haws bah gawd

    Watching Mania XX...seeing the Changes

    Rey was a walking flag this year, with Batman Begins coming out soon, I was hoping he would do a Batman themed outfit. That wouldve been badass.
  18. haws bah gawd

    HOF Inductions thread

    That was perfect. Great show, and made me remember why I started liking Hogan in the first place. There will never be another like him.
  19. haws bah gawd

    HOF Inductions thread

    crowd chants ONE MORE MATCH!!!! I love this crowd and couldnt agree more.
  20. haws bah gawd

    HOF Inductions thread

    Damn, its a shame everytime he returns the crowds live and die for the guy and a month later are lukewarm him. I really wish he would come back for good. I'd rather see him any day of the week than HHH.
  21. haws bah gawd

    HOF Inductions thread

    That commercial break just pissed me the fuck off. Not like the Elektra trailer or Reebok commercial couldn't have waited a few more minutes. Hogan will forever and always be the fucking man.
  22. haws bah gawd

    HOF Inductions thread

    Real American YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. haws bah gawd

    HOF Inductions thread

    Do you think for one second Hogan would do the job to a guy billed as "The Legend Killer"? In Hogan's eyes, he is God of wrestling, so I would never see that happening. It would still be interesting though.
  24. haws bah gawd

    HOF Inductions thread

    Yea its good to see Piper has gotten rid of that basketball he was wearing around his midsection in '03. Cant wait to see Hogan.
  25. haws bah gawd

    Someone to buy Wrestlecrap?

    $90 on some Internet domains or $200 on Katie Vick's cheerleading outfit... what's better value for money? Cheers. I was ready and willing to put down a bid on Katie Vick, IF the manaquin (sp?) was included. That would've been one hell of a conversation piece.