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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Biggest "Drop the Ball" Moment in Ever

    As others have stated: Goldberg vs Hogan on free TV - probably WCW's biggest fuckup aside from the finger poke. Of course, I didn't mind because I was an unemployed 17 year old, and was getting this HUGE match on free tv. Vince botching the return of the nWo. The Invasion RVD never being ECW Champion during the promotion's heyday. WWE not pushing Tazz to the moon after his debut.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

    I've got no problem with FAIL pics Scroby. I saw that on Failblog this morning. Awesome pic!
  3. haws bah gawd

    What Killed "SNICK" for You?

    What killed it for me was when they started throwing seemingly one variety show after another at the wall, to see what they could get to stick. I fucking HATED All That, even from it's conception. Though, oddly enough, I could tolerate Roundhouse. Go figure? Ren and Stimpy, Are You Afraid of the Dark, and Clarissa are what defined Snick to me, but they unfortunately couldn't last forever. My parents and I went to Nickelodeon Studios during our Summer Vacation one year. We got to sit in on a taping of Clarissa Explains it All (the episode where Clarissa and Feguson are home alone, and the power keeps going out), as well as a taping of Nick Arcade. DAMMIT was I bummed when I found out Nick Arcade was just a giant blue screen, and not some mythical living video game like it was presented as on TV. I was only 10 at the time, so give me a break.
  4. haws bah gawd

    X-MEN Cartoon on DVD, finally

    You really can't have a thread involving the old show without that being posted. "I am Magneto, and I have the power... to call forth robotic dogs! Yeah, that's it!" I think those are supposed to be the Brood. However, why Magneto would be able to blast the ground, and cause the Brood to rise up, is another question for another day. Nice intro though. I dont think I've ever seen it before.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Ultimate Warrior Interview/Post Recent Comeback

    Yea, I remember the "Is Mr......Warrior.....or whatever you call him there?" clip. Can't believe he didn't bother to edit that out or something.
  6. haws bah gawd

    Box Art Bonanza

    One of my all-time favorites. What's the deal with this? Is it a custom? I love the original cover, but this is just awesome. Bought this for about $10, early in 2004 or so, just because the box art stood-out to me. Decent enough game. Just....Damn! I marked out like no other when I found out my favorite X-Men villain, Apocalypse, was going to be the focus of the second Legends game. Well, enough of the good, let's get to the shit KARNAAJ RALLY MOTHERFUCKERS!
  7. haws bah gawd

    The TSM Weight Loss Contest

    Hah, or you could just do it, yourself?
  8. haws bah gawd

    The TSM Weight Loss Contest

    I'm looking to drop another 40 pounds or so, but that's just me. I'm interested in doing this for as long as you're interesting in keeping up with the results. I could help with making the table readable. I could run in in Excel and generate a PDF image of it or something.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    5 Hours well spent! That's a fucking classic if there ever was one. You should try it on a PS3 with the 1080p update if you get the chance.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Guitar Hero: METALLICA

    Wasn't "Ace of Spades" in the original Guitar Hero, albeit a cover? If they let you use the mic in this game, have fun destroying your vocal chords trying to emulate Lemmy's voice . I'm glad Fade to Black, Sad But True, Unforgiven, and No Leaf Clover made it into the game. Especially the later.
  11. haws bah gawd

    The TSM Weight Loss Contest

    The way I understand that the whole no-carbs thing works is as follows. BTW, someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. When your body digests food, it first digests the carbs, then the fats. Sometimes your body gets "too tired" to do anything about the fat after digesting the carbs. So, by eliminating carbs all together, your body has nothing better to do than burn-off all the fat you eat, thus causing rapid weight-loss.
  12. haws bah gawd

    X-MEN Cartoon on DVD, finally

    So, what would you guys list as your favorite episodes or story arcs from the series? My favorites in no particular order: Nightcrawler - Wolverine, Gambit, and Rogue are on a skiing vacation in the mountains. Gambit gets hurt, and they are taken-in by a monastery. Nightcrawler is one of the monks. The surrounding townspeople are afraid of Nightcrawler, and think he is a demon (they don't know of mutants). One of the monks feels the same way. Long story short, the monastery is burned by the scared townspeople, but they learn to no-longer fear Nightcrawler, after he saves the monk who betrayed him from falling to his death. He tells the monk "It is not for me to judge you, but what will God think of what you have done?". In the end, Nightcrawler introduces Wolverine to religion, and Wolverine finally finds a little peace in his life. A very emotional episode, and probably one of the best of the series. Dark Phoenix (4 Parts) - The stuff with the Hellfire club was very well done, and pretty accurate to the comics. It even went as far as to recreate the scene where Wolverine is left for dead in the sewers, only to emerge at the end with his classic, chill-inducing line, "You've taken yer best shot. Now it's my turn!". Rather than kill herself with an underground cannon, a Shi'ar battleship fires a giant blast at Phoenix, destroying her body. However, differently from how things went in the comics, the Phoenix entity restores Jean's body. One Man's Worth (2 Parts) - Basically the Animated Series' version of "Age of Apocalypse", but without Apocalypse. Wolverine and Storm are married in this alternate timeline. One of the first interracial couples I remember seeing on Saturday morning cartoons. Beyond Good and Evil (4 Parts) - Basically anything involving Apocalypse in this series was a lot of fun. The voice actor managed to nail the perfect-sounding voice for him, and he always spoke with a self-righteous tone. Apocalypse is presumably permanently disposed-of at the end, except for a momentary return close to the end of the series in "The Fifth Horseman".
  13. haws bah gawd

    X-MEN Cartoon on DVD, finally

    Well, it's about damned time! I grew up watching this series, and I can't wait to own it on DVD. I hope they throw some good extras in with the sets.
  14. haws bah gawd

    WWE The Music - Vol 9

    Haha oh crap, I think I remember that one. Is that the one with the guy singing 'sometimes I drink a little beer, sometimes I kick a little ass'? People think they know me, say I am wound a little tight. Tell me I go looking for trouble, and that I am always ready for a fight. But I am just an easy going guy, not crossing any lines. I am a caring individual, most all the time. Most all the time? try none of the time. It is just that, it is just that It is just that, Oh Hell Yea! Chorus: Sometimes I drink a little beer, Sometimes I make a little mess. Sometimes I get a little angry, Sometimes I kick a little ass. Well, you know, sometimes I kick a lot of ass. Oh Hell Yea. Some people seem unhappy, With certain things I seem to say. Say that I´m impolite, And that I´m tortued in some way. But I am just an easy going guy, Not apprecaiting there advice. I beleive in self-approvement, And always being nice. Well, sometimes being nice. Ocassionaly, it is just that, Oh Hell Yea! Chorus: Sometimes I drink a little beer, Sometimes I make a little mess. Sometimes I get a little angry, Sometimes I kick a little ass. Well, you know, sometimes I kick a lot of ass. Well, you know Oh Hell yea Oh hell yea(X4) Oh Yea Chorus: Sometimes I drink a little beer, Sometimes I make a little mess. Sometimes I get a little angry, Sometimes I kick a little ass. Well, you know, sometimes I kick a lot of ass. Well, you know Oh hell yea (X2) Oh yea Sometimes I kick alot of ass.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Finish Him!

    Wasn't Cody Rhodes killing people with a basic DDT for the past year, before he went to the newest overexposed finisher, Roll of the Dice? Rey and Evan Bourne dusted-off the Total Elimination on Kane a couple months ago. Looked just as badass as it ever has. Miz and Morrison could make good use of it. Speaking of Miz and Morrison, have they ever done that 'Rana Whip Powerbomb that they use as a tag finisher in the new SD v R game?
  16. haws bah gawd

    WWE The Music - Vol 9

    I too will always have a soft spot for Vol. 4. I think that's the only CD I've actually worn-out from use. It was damn near perfect at the time. Say what you will about how the Attitude Era hasn't aged well, but there were a lot of good themes at the time. Austin's "Oh Hell Yea" theme (which he never used) and Triple H's "My Time" are all sorts of awesome.
  17. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown - January 30, 2009

    Yeah, UT, Big Show, Triple HHH, and the guy who makes it in the next show (spoilers not added for your protection) sounds like a real technical masterpiece. I'd rather have Kofi, Rey, and Jericho throwing themselves around/through the EC for my enjoyment and bouncing off Cena. Shoot, I'd love for Bourne to somehow be included just so he could somehow find a way to throw himself off the top of the EC into a cup of water just because it seeme like a good idea at the time. I guess I'm easily distracted by the flip-floppy stuff. Heh, I'll drink to that. Why not an EC match for the ECW title? You know, drag the EXTREME EC out of the mothballs (I know they used the same one). It could have Jack Swagger, Finlay, Mark Henry, Tommy Dreamer, uh.............who else is on the ECW Roster?
  18. haws bah gawd

    The TSM Weight Loss Contest

    265 for me.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Ongoing ECW Spoilers for Jan 27, 2009

    I honestly can't believe they changed Finlay's usual go-to match finish. Rather than Hornswoggle distracting the referee long enough for Finlay to hit his opponent with his stick for the win. This time, Horswoggle distracts Burchill long enough for Finlay to hit the Celtic Cross for the win. I wonder where the storyline with Dreamer is going. Even JR said in his blog that he really could care less about Dreamer's retirement angle.
  20. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    Pretty crazy when you put it in perspective like that. Even Jeff Hardy got a one-month "Thank You for Killing Yourself For Us For All These Years" run. Two years in a row, Jeff Hardy has now lost in a world title match at The Royal Rumble.
  21. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    They were only there out of "Please don't cost us Wrestlemania" self-interest; what do they care if Shane McMahon walks into a 3-on-1 assault like an idiot? Maybe he got a hold of whatever Duggan was on last night; caught the Hands of Stone virus or something. Hah! That was the hardest I've laughed in a while. Duggan coming down and cleaning house. Even knocking Undertaker on his ass at one point.
  22. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    Cena had mega powers long before Orton caved-in Cena Sr.'s head...... The end of RAW was fucking bullshit. Randy Orton has been built up to be the harbinger of death, and a raving psychotic for months now. What happens? He and Legacy go down like bitches to the bare hands of a non-wrestler. This almost has to go to No Way Out, with Shane McMahon bumping his balls off for Orton, for there to be much of anything to salvage from this angle. They should have had Shane hit the ring tonight, put up an OK fight, then get punted. What a way to make one of your biggest heels look like a joke, WWE.
  23. haws bah gawd

    Peace out EGM

    I kinda had a thing for Die Hard Gamefan. One of the last issues I can remember seeing had a pretty funny review of Marvel vs Capcom 2. The person who wrote the review spent 95% of the article bashing the game's soundtrack (which I will agree is a little....odd. "Move your body! Drive me crazy! YEA YEA YEA!"), and the other 5% singing it's praises as the finest fighter ever made.
  24. haws bah gawd

    FOX Sunday Night 08/09 - now in HD!

    Because it looks a lot better than SD cartoons. You know, like HD live action looks a lot better than SD live action. What's not to understand? Indeed. For my birthday last year, my girlfriend bought me Dragonball Z Burst Limit for the PS3, which came with Dead Zone on Blu-Ray. If anything, the colors look amazing in HD, although, if the film isn't cleaned up, or remastered, things like scratches on the film, and even finger prints become MUCH clearer. It's not really distracting, but it is something to take under consideration.
  25. haws bah gawd

    2009 PPV Prediction Contest

    Someone do me a favor, and remind me of how long Chris Benoit lasted in the 2004 Rumble? I swear I remember it being over an hour, although I realize Rey Mysterio was the new holder of the iron man accolade for obvious reasons.