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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    A Gimmick for Maven...

    Maybe I'm missing something, but who is Chris Champion?
  2. haws bah gawd

    Cool finishes

    My pick is DDP vs Giant from Starrcade 97. Giant had been using the "Super Chokeslam" (just a normal chokeslam, but executed by dragging the guy off the top rope) as his finisher, and WCW had hyped it as death, itself. Anyways, he went for the Super Chokeslam on DDP, and as Giant dragged him off the turnbuckles, in mid-drop, DDP countered into the Diamond Cutter. That got a big pop out of me and some other guys watching the show. I seriously thought DDP was finished at that point.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Guitarist HEAD Quits KORN

    I have no problem with Korn. This is upsetting to me, but I hope Head finds the happiness he is looking for.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Problems booting computer

    I am having one Hell of a tough time with my computer. Everything boots fine, but when I get to my desktop screen, it just sits there with no icons or taskbar. I have to bring up the task manager and manually tell my computer to load explorer.exe before anything other than my wallpaper appears on my screen. Any advice?
  5. haws bah gawd

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    I haven't marked out like that in a LONG time. I want SO badly to hope for this to work, but I just have this feeling somehow, someway, WWE is going to fuck this up. BIG DAVE has to win the title now. Maybe when he wins, Shopzone will stock a limited supply of the Official WWE BIG DAVE Pimp Suit?
  6. haws bah gawd

    Batista: Clothes Hoss

    Anyone else think we should petition Shopzone to start carrying the official "BIG DAVE Pimpsuit"?
  7. haws bah gawd

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    He's about as big as Rene Dupree, but obviously more cut. He wrestled Val Venis at the houseshow I went to, and looked to be just a little bulkier.
  8. haws bah gawd

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    I've seen him wrestle. It was the first week of December. Unless he has improved considerably since then, dont expect much from the guy. He couldn't do much other than the usual big man moves. He did have a pretty nice Spinebuster for a finisher though. However, since he is apparently using the Full Nelson now, I have even less to look forward to.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Paramount releasing Classic Nickelodeon on DVD!

    A buddy of mine has been making a pretty good living bootlegging VCD's of Salute Your Shorts for about 2 or 3 years now. I'm guessing Nickelodeon is finally realizing there is a demand for their older shows. I'd like to see DVD's of the entire run of Doug, Rocko's Modern Life, and of course, Salute Your Shorts come along at some point.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Matches you did a 180 on

    Hogan vs Andre from WM3 was one I grew up hating. THis was mainly due to the really long bearhug that seemed to go forever. However, after getting older, and learning how important the match was to the industry at the time, it grew on me, and I find it rather enjoyable. I used to not be able to get enough of Sabu, but the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD, and the Rob Van Dam DVD opened my eyes to the guy. His matches were always in this order: Throw guy over guard rail Set up chair in ring Run - jump off the chair - to the top rope - then jump onto the guy on the floor If this fails, try, and try again over and over until you get it right I can respect the guy for what he put his body through for the sake of entertainment, but his matches have NOT aged well.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Title belts

    #1 - Attitude-Era WWF World Title - I have the deluxe replica of it, and its the best looking belt I own, and the one I am proudest to show off. #2 - WCW United States Championship - the version used until it was merged with the WWF Intercontinental title. It was a little on the small-side, but no company has yet to produce a better looking US title. #3 - Pre-Attitude-Era Intercontinental Title - It was a lot bigger than the world title used at the time, and just LOOKED like it was an important title. This is what a lot of belts lack now. The white version used by Warrior, HBK, and maybe a couple others is one of the classiest titles ever. #4 - WCW BIG GOLD - Huge belt that also LOOKED important. It had a lot of work put into the etchings on the plates. My one and only complaint was that maybe it was a little TOO big. It still looked huge even when the fucking Giant wore it in mid-'96. #5 - WCW Television Title - This was more of what I would have invisioned the WCW World Title to look like. It was basically a smaller version of the BIG GOLD, and looked pretty damn slick. Not too big, not too small.
  12. haws bah gawd

    A new tag team coming from OVW...

    I had so much hope for Mordecai when he debuted. I liked the idea of "the pale rider", and wasn't too offended by his ring work. I always heard WWE wasnt too high on him because he was too nervous in the ring, and worried about screwing up. I can see two sides of the story here. For one, I think WWE would be thrilled to have a wrestler that goes the extra mile to make sure that he doesn't screw up anything in a match, and doesn't hurt anyone. On the other hand, you would think after the 2 or 3 months he spent in WWE, he would've loosened up a bit, and learned not to be so apprehensive in the ring. I got pretty excited when he cut the promo on Eddy Guerrero because I thought he was going to be pushed into a World title feud (which he definitely wasn't ready for, but being a fan of his gimmick, I was biased). Next thing you know, he's jobbed out to Rey Mysterio and never seen again. As far as Morgan goes, I always liked him. The guy looked like a beast, and had a nice spinning powerbomb finisher. I just think he was brought to WWE a little too early, just so that they could fill Brock's Survivor Series team with all the HOSSES. It didn't help him much that he was teamed with the omega-suck, Nathan Jones. I'm looking forward to seeing both Morgan and Fertig (Seven, Mordecai, Vengeance, whatever he decides to call himself) return to WWE.
  13. haws bah gawd

    TNA Action Figures

    Abyss - with Chain & Crunching Punch Action AJ Styles - with Ladder & Roundhouse Kick Action Raven - with Folding Chair & Uppercut Punching Action, Jeff Jarrett - with NWA World Heavyweight Belt, Guitar & Guitar Smashing Action The figures look great. My only complaint is the addition of an "action feature". I prefer just a figure with an accesory. Most of the time, the addition of an action feature, restricts the figure's poseability. Also, maybe its just the angle the figure is posed at but the Jarrett figure looks a lot shorter than the AJ Styles and Raven figures. credit: www.highspots.com
  14. haws bah gawd

    Forgotten Moves

    Yea I didnt think about him. Then again, he hasnt been an active wrestler for what seems like close to a year, now, so thats probably why.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Check out this botch video.

    I too would like a litle more information on this. What show did this take place at? It seemed after Goldberg went headfirst into the corner post, he was completely knocked out. Kronik didnt seem to know what to do from that point.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Forgotten Moves

    Noone has or uses a good old Full Nelson Slam anymore. I remember in the dying days of WCW, Brian Adams of Kronik used one. It was one of his signature moves, and always popped the crowd. He was never a GREAT (or very good, for that matter) wrestler, but he had a picture perfect Full Nelson Slam.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Is there a way to circumvent copy protection

    I se a program called DVDShrink. It copies an image of the DVD to your harddrive, or wherever you want the image to go, enabling you to copy protected discs.
  18. haws bah gawd

    The Rock is Done with WWE

    The Rock was recently internviewed on the Filmforce.com website about several of his upcoming film projects including Get Cool and Spy Hunter. When the topic of a WWE return comes up, he commented, "No. They've been wanted for a long time to get into the movie business and, I'm not too sure, I think like low budget movies, a lot of them straight to video. I think they wanted to and were looking for different distributors. No, my contract is actually up with them, it was up last year, so I'm doneā€¦" credit ProWrestling.com This doesn't look too credible to me. The grammar in that second paragraph is awful. Thoughts?
  19. haws bah gawd

    Forgotten Moves

    Shortly after the first brand-split, Jericho used a falling-sleeper hold neck breaker, that he called the Flashback. So, how many finishers has Jericho had now? Walls of Jericho Lion Tamer (I consider them different moves based on their execution) Running Enziguiri Breakdown Flashback Lionsault Am I missing any?
  20. haws bah gawd

    Check out this botch video.

    I am assuming the botched Asai Moonsault from Haybusa is the one that caused his broken neck? Has there been any recent updates on his condition? Sid had me rolling at the end. Asking JR if he could restart the interview, and JR says "We're live, pal".
  21. haws bah gawd

    Why is Vince favoring the World Title

    I enjoy JBL's character. He brings me a lot of laughs. I just feel he has no right being anywhere close to a World Champion. I can easily see him with the US title, but I don't buy him for one second as a World Champion-level main eventer.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Post-WM draft talk on WOL

    I say send Big Show, Cena and Eddy Guerrero to RAW. They could have a lot of interesting matches with the guys on that roster. I amy be alone on this, but I want to see BIG DAVE vs Big Show, something awful. Also, Cena's character could be given more freedom on cable. Smackdown should get The Hurricane, HHH, Jericho, and...........I'll go out on a limb here, Val Venis. Venis is doing jack shit on RAW, and a change of scenery on the Smackdown roster might do his career some good. I also would kill to see Hurricane get a match or two with Paul London.
  23. haws bah gawd

    Has the Undertaker ever put anyone over cleanly?

    Up until Eddy Guerrero's insane bladejob in his match against JBL from last summer, the juicing that Taker did in the HIAC match was far and away my favorite ever. Taker was pouring blood after the shot he took from the ring steps. For those who for some reason havent seen it, Brock hit Taker in the forehead with the corner of the ring steps. I dont know if the juice that followed was because of a blade job, or the steps. Taker seemed to have a hole, punched into his forehead. The blood was squirting out of his head, and pouring down his face, and onto the ring mat, with no signs of stopping. I was seriously worried that I was about to see a man bleed to death.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Has the Undertaker ever put anyone over cleanly?

    Didn't he do several clean jobs to the Ultimate Warrior during their feud in the early 90's (most, if not all occuring at houseshows)?
  25. haws bah gawd

    Worst booked title reign ever?

    Didnt Duane Gill defend WWF's Lightheavyweight Title across several Indy feds before returning to the WWF over a year and a half later to job it to Essa Rios? I seem to remember reading that, but I could be wrong. My poorly booked title reign nomination is for one not yet mentioned. I would say WCW's Women's Cruiserweight Champion. I don't remember who won the tournament, but this was a big sham. WCW held the tournament over several weeks in 97 or 98, and I believe held the finals on a PPV. Anyways, the champion was crowned, and the title defended maybe once only to never be seen again, along with the WCW World Women's Championship. I know we could use the age-old excuse of, "this is WCW, what do you expect?". But was there any purpose in having a tournament, and a title created, only to appear a handful of times?