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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Action Figures Thread

    My local Toys R Us has had the Hart Foundation, Rockers, and LEgion of Doom sets since before Christmas. Is anyone else glad Jakks made a classic IC belt to include with the figures instead of including the late 90's version?
  2. haws bah gawd

    Joe Dirt's indy wrestling video thread

    That was insane!!! I would file that one under "Fucking Stupid". I love a good spotfest as much as the next guy, but there was no sense in a bump like that. I have no clue how either guy was able to walk after that.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Whose side were you on...

    Holy crap, how in the hell did I forget about that? *slaps self in the face* I guess because of the Austin heel turn at the end, I disregarded that he was a face going into it.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Whose side were you on...

    I was with the Warrior all the way. As an impressionable 10-year old kid, the Warrior came off as a beast and I wanted nothing more than for him to destroy Hogan and run-wild on the roster with the championship. It was one of the few times, and I think the first time, the title match was a face vs face match. Then, after all that, he only defended it a handful of times before dropping it to Slaughter. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember the only other face vs face Wrestlemania title matches being: Bret Hart vs HBK Undertaker vs Sid (who I THINK was playing a face at the time)
  5. haws bah gawd

    TNA Action Figures

    Not to get off topic but even the newest Ric Flair figures from WWE have him with 6-pack abs and a bigger chest than BIG DAVE. Seems the Abyss figure could be a little pudgier as well.
  6. haws bah gawd

    For all you Batista fans

    WWE would sell the Batista pimp suit and STILL find a way to fuck it up. They would put some stupid ass slogan on the back of it or something to completely ruin it. Aside from that, I would like to see WWE market the black pinstripe suit with ugly orange sunglasses
  7. haws bah gawd

    The Rock is Done with WWE

    Gotta say, whatever that was that he was trying to say in that interview, made the Warrior look like the all-knowing master of the English language by comparison. I guess his rumored Wrestlemania match with Sting has no chance of going down now.
  8. haws bah gawd

    What Horror DVD's are a MUST have?

    I cant sing the praises of the Friday the 13th and Nightmare boxsets enough. These are easily the most viewed movies I have. Though it was panned by critics, I recommend Event Horizon if you have a good surround sound system. That movie is pretty damn creepy, and the "Visions of Hell" sequence is really fucked up.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Your 10 Favourite TV episodes

    Slimer and The Real Ghostbusters - The episodes featuring the Boogeyman monster, and the other monster that disguised himself as an old lady, and was called "WHAT". Both of those creeped me the fuck out when I was a kid. South Park - Cartman joins NAMBLA, Return of the Lord of the Rings to the Two Towers, the Paris Hilton episode. Beavis and Butthead - The Great Cornholio, Viya Con Cornholio, Buttniks, Bungholio: Lord of the Harvest. X-Men Animated Series - The 4-part episode that was a take on the Age of Apocalypse.
  10. My coolest encounter is what made me earn the most respect for a particular wrestler. RVD is the fucking MAN when it comes to interacting with his fans, and going out of his way to make them happy. I went to the Smackdown taping in Greeville, SC the first week of December this past year. After the show, he was leaing in a pickup truck, and whoever was driving him seemed to be in an awful hurry to leave. A bunch of fans out-back were visibly getting upset because they didnt get to see RVD much after the show. So, the truck gets half-way across the street running next to the Bi-Lo Center, and RVD tells his driver to stop, and with him there blocking traffic, he signed autographs and shook hands for whoever wanted one. VERY cool of RVD. Another cool encounter was with, of all people, Stevie Ray. It was between Nitro and Thunder tapings, back in 2000. We were sitting next to the announcer's table. We asked for Stevie's autograph since we didnt make it to the show in time to see any of the wrestlers arrive. Stevie got the biggest grin on his face, and was more than happy to sign for us when we asked for him to sign our programs. I guess the "Marty Jannety" of Harlem Heat didn't get asked for too many autographs, so it seemed like we made his night.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Most Disturbing Image

    Yea, the man-rape scene in the Shield was pretty rough to sit through. I will also say the eye-slicing scene from Un Chien Andalou was FAR BEYOND the normal realms of being fucked up. The boy on the beach crying for his mom in SPR messed me up for a long time. The thing that disturbed me the most out of any film I've seen lately was the interstate pile-up in Final Destination 2. The guy trapped in his car, being burned alive, screaming for help, REALLY got to me.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Moments you never saw coming

    Without a doubt, it was Bischoff's WWE debut. I think Booker T and Goldust has just finished a skit backstage. Booker turned around, and his jaw dropped, then he asked "What the hell are you doing here", or something to that effect, and the camera panned over to show Eric Bischoff. Never EVER in a million years did I expect him to become a part of WWE.
  13. Victoria's Widow's Peak always looks like it breaks the back of whoever takes it. Of all people, Stacy Keilber has sold it the best. I guess it is because of how flexible she seems to be, but when Victoria was doing her psycho bully gimmick, Stacy's back bent the wrong way in a VERY sick manner when she took the move. Jimmy Yang (Akio) is God at selling really anything. I used to mark hardocre for RVD's DDT sell, but Akio seems to try to out-do himself on the headbump everytime he takes it. The top-rope Spike DDT he took from London on Velocity late last year was sick as Hell. It seems he, London, RVD and Chris Sabin all seem to have spines made of rubber due to the bumps they're always taking. Speaking of Sabin, the Tiger Driver he took from Juvi in 2003's Super X-Cup tourney was pretty sick. He took it directly on the top of his head, without bracing himself with his arms or anything. I don't know how he found it in himself to continue afte the move and STILL win the match.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Games that are cheap at most stores

    The K-Mart close to here still has several copies of the original 2001 PS2 release of Resident Evil Code Veronica X, with the Devil May Cry demo for a steal of $49.99. Our Wal-Mart is pretty fairly priced, as long as theyre competing with another store's ad. They were selling DBZ Boudakai 3 for $19.99 a couple weeks back to beat another store's (Target, I think) price.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Post funny old pics here

    If you look closely at the Pastamania shirt, it appears as though the "Hulk Hogan's" part of the shirt is a name tag or something. It's got a big box around it. Think it was thought up later in a marketing meeting or something that the only way to attract business was with Hulk's name everywhere?
  16. haws bah gawd

    2005 WWE Draft

    I would love to see Eddy go to RAW. He and HHH had what I felt was a very good match during the draft show after WMXX last year. I'd like to see what he could do with the other main eventers on RAW. If Cena isnt going to win the Smackdown title at Mania, then send him to RAW. His character is more suited for cable TV anyways. Angle should definitely head to RAW as well. I'd love to see he and Benoit in a few more matches together. Afterall, even though the matches between the 2 were done to death from 2002-2003, they havent had a match in a while, and it would be good to see again. I would say send HBK, Edge, Jericho, and HHH to Smackdown. That would give each show a fairly efficient shake-up.
  17. haws bah gawd

    remember "Shaq-Fu?"

    That game fucking kicked ass back in the day, and I still enjoy it. It was fairly well animated, and the super attacks were pretty sweet. Plus, the Shogun Megazord, while slow, was death itself, in power.
  18. haws bah gawd

    Things that annoy the shit out of you

    Those who think if it was recorded within the last 20 years, it sucks. Those who treat Dark Side of the Moon as though it was the second coming of Christ. I am also irritated by those who think if you like a band that gets radio play, you dont like "real music". Or likewise, if it gets radio play, it isnt "real music".
  19. Randy Orton beat HHH for the RAW title at each houseshow this past weekend, but the decisions were all reversed. Think anything similar to this will happen at the Rumble? credit: LordsofPain.net
  20. haws bah gawd

    Wrestlers with ridiculous/stupid real names.

    Wasn't Paul Bearer's real name, Percy Pringle? I cant remember if that was his birth name, or just one he used it on the indies, but thats the most fucking awesome name ever!
  21. haws bah gawd

    Rock leaving WWE?

    If there is a shred of sanity left in Vince, he will do whatever it takes to make this happen. Sting hasn't had any major exposure, outside of TNA, in nearly 4 years and I'm sure he hasn't been forgotten. I'm sure the match wont be great on a technical level, but the fan reaction alone, for this one will make it worth it. Here's hoping Sting gets to see at least one match in a WWE ring.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Worst ring attire of all time?

    Im gonna have to go with Bastion Booger on this one. "Fat man in tight grey cotton stripe things" is not good attire. Was there some point behind him looking that way, other than to just be a slob? I too like the look that Viscera has now. As long as he doesnt start macking the Bastion Booger outfit, I will be ok with him. Also, Ric Flair said in his book that Vince had Dusty dress the way he did as a way to embarass him. So, I guess the case is closed on that one.
  23. haws bah gawd

    Will WWE change the design

    I would like to see a return of the Attitude-era winged eagle title. I felt when the title became disupted again in the Summer of 02, they should have discontinued the use of the current Smackdown title since it represented an "Undisputed Champion", and sent the Attitude-era World title to Smackdown with Brock and kept the WCW title on RAW (well, at least they did that for RAW). I would like to see an eventual redesign of the RAW title, but I like the big gold for right now. I dont have a preference to either version fo the Big Gold since the only real difference as far as I can tell is one has the WWE logo and the other doesnt.
  24. haws bah gawd

    TNA Impact on Dish Network?

    Its channel 420 for me. I dont know if channels for dish differ by region.
  25. haws bah gawd

    6 man tag last night on RAW

    HHH has that Street Fighter dizzy spot mastered. I was at a house show, where he lept off the top rope , and landed chin-first on Benoit's foot. He just stood there, looking at the ceiling for what seemed like an eternity. The ref went over and started snapping his fingers in his face, and waved his hand in front of his face. HHH just stood there looking at the ceiling. Finally DAVE started yelling at HHH, asking if he was ok. He came out of it and waved off Dave and said "Im fine", then he took 2 steps forward and fell flat on his face. This got one of the loudest pops of the night, and a good ovation from the crowd. Definitely one of the funniest things I've ever seen at a WWE show.