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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Bass Guitar Recommendations?

    I've been playing an Ibanez bass for a little over a year. It's been working pretty well.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Most Disturbed/Disgusting book ever

    I'll go with Batman: The Killing Joke. That was, and is still to this day, one of the most disturbing stories I've read in a comic. What Joker did to Barbara Gordon was horrible enough, but what he did to the Commissioner was just as disgusting. He Kidnapped him to an abandoned carnival, took away his clothes, then forced him to look at pictures of his naked, shot daughter, (he did this trying to drive the Commissioner insane) was brutal. But to add to the character of the Commissioner, he makes Batman promise not to kill the Joker, because he wants him brought in "by the book".
  3. haws bah gawd

    The OAO Jakks Classic Superstars Thread

    The supposed "chase" Dude Love figures are clogging the shelves around here.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Clear Channel stupidity..

    Clear Channel is fucking us over fairly efficiently in the Georgia/South Carolina area. They turned off the pop station, Y105, and the oldies channel 93.9, and replaced them with country channels. We now have 5-6 country channels, one dedicated Rock channel, one rock/emo channel, one easy listening channel, one adult contemporary channel, and 300000 talk radio channels. FUCK YOU CLEAR CHANNEL! Not everyone that lives in the south is a country-loving redneck.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Albums With Only One Good Song

    Mudvayne L.D. 50 - Dig Taproot - their newest one (yea I know its over a year old) - Poem Green Day - American Idiot - American Idiot
  6. haws bah gawd

    Worse no sell of all time

    Who could forget Goldberg/Luger from Nitro, late 2000/early 2001? Goldberg is doing his usual spit and snarl against the ring ropes, so Luger runs out of the crowd with a chair. He whacks Goldberg across the back with it, and about 4 seconds later, Goldberg decides to sell it.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Most inaccurate statement Jim Ross??

    I know its excusable because it was the first night the company was using the new name, but JR referred to WWE as WWF nearly everytime he mentioned it the first night of the "Get the F Out" campaign.
  8. haws bah gawd

    Batista instead of Orton

    Batista has the look of a main eventer, unlike Orton who is just some random tall skinny guy. Ive found it very hard to buy Orton fighting against Evolution. I would have much rather seen Batista get Orton's title shot from Summerslam, then be broken away from Evolution, the same way they turned on Orton. Plus last week on RAW when HHH was talking to Batista about Snitzky and Edge using their weeks in control for a title show, HHH left the room, then Batista just looked in the general direction of the World Title, which was left in HHH's chair, and the crowd popped like mad. One would think WWE would catch onto this things. I know I, personally, would rather see WMXXI headlined by HHH vs Batista instead of Orton.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Random Small Towns

    a perfect respresentation of America...hooray I'm sorry, but that was funny. Czech Republic, I think I need to see a pic of the swamp with the flag.
  10. haws bah gawd

    history of ECW DVD

    The Best Buy in my area had the DVD with RVD figure last friday. I couldve sworn I read it wasnt going to be out until this week, but I saw it on the shelf and figured I heard incorrectly.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Random Small Towns

    Burnettown, SC - consists of townhall with a trailer park and playground behind it. Bath, SC - maybe 4 miles of road with houses on either side. Has a movie store called "Video Review" with the best selection of direct-to-video releases you could ever hope to find. They have a respectable selection of porn as well. Gloverville, SC - trailer park capital of the southern states. I always get a laugh out of people who cram a family of 8 into the world's smallest trailer, but drive a $30,000+ car.
  12. haws bah gawd

    You will NOT use bad words in SC schools!

    My ex used to go to BJU. You know males and femals have to walk on seperate sides of the streets, and arent allowed to make eye-contact? On a recent trip to Greenville, me and a my friend drove past the place. Its surrounded by a 15-foot brick wall with a barbed-wire fence on top of the wall. The front gate to the school is cast-iron painted black. Its like a fucking military compound or something.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Looking for a program that can edit gifs

    Yea, I have XP. I tried doing that and the image rotation buttons are greyed out and unusable. Any other ideas?
  14. haws bah gawd

    South Park last night...

    He reappeared at the end of "Red Sleigh Down" (the season finale of season six IIRC) out of the clear blue and was welcomed back by the gang. IIRC, at the end of the episode, Kenny walks up out of nowhere and mumbles Hey guys, whats going on?. I think Stan asks where hes been, and he says Oh, I was just hanging around, or something to that extent, and that was it.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Problems with Internet Explorer

    I d/l Mozilla earlier this week. All my problems are solved!
  16. haws bah gawd

    Problems with Internet Explorer

    Im using Windows ME, and Internet Explorer 6. Anyways, whenever I open a page in a new window, or get so much as a pop-up, all other open browser windows will close. Does anyone have any advice on how to fix this problem?
  17. haws bah gawd

    Skindred- Babylon

    Ive had the Skindred cd since it was released. Nobody and the song right after it are great, but the rest of the cd has the same sound as Nobody, and gets kind of boring after a while. I give it a 6/10.
  18. haws bah gawd

    What Would YOU Do?

    Speaking of finishers, I wish they would give names to some of them. I dont mean things like Pumphandle Slam for Snitzky, and "AH! THERES A HARD SHOT BY TOMKO!" (the big boot). Im talking about names like the RKO and Pedigree. There are only a few wrestlers whos finishing moves have actual names that identify them with that particular wrestler. I get tired of JR calling everything an "innovative move", or "hard knock down". Batista has been using his powerbomb for over 2 years now, and it is still called "that hard sit-out powerbomb". They should at least give it a name that identifies the move to Batista, such as The Demonbomb (I believe this is what his spinebuster was called in OVW) or something similar.
  19. haws bah gawd

    OAO Victory Road Thread

    I remember Jeff Hardy being carried to a ***+ match against Jericho on a late January/early February 2003 match on RAW. That was a fantastic match.
  20. haws bah gawd

    Bands you miss

    I forgot about Stabbing Westward! "Haunting Me" is my favorite song from them. Wish they were still around.
  21. haws bah gawd

    Bands you miss

    Far and away I miss Alice and Chains. I would even settle for new material from Jerry Cantrell. I enjoyed Degredation Trip a lot. I also miss Candlebox. I have the cd with You and Far Behind, and the whole thing is great.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Tonight's South Park...

    I preferred the much simpler animation of the earlier seasons to the more detailed animation they use now. However, seeing "Wall*Mart" employees in K-Mart colors and Stans grandpa working as a door greater got a chuckle out of me.
  23. haws bah gawd

    War Games at Survivor Series?

    But who would be the one to drop him on his head, ala Sid, with 2 powerbombs? I guess Batista.
  24. haws bah gawd

    WWE Release Gail Kim, Nidia, and Chuck Palumbo

    I too saw this match. It was easily Chuck's best showing ever. He got several near-falls on Benoit. I thought WWE was about to give him a big push with as much offense as he got in. But, I guess not.
  25. haws bah gawd

    The Surviiiiiiiiiiiivor Seriiiiiiiiiiiiiies Thread

    1.) Favorite world title match at the PPV? Sid vs Shawn Michaels from 1997 - an absolutely superhuman effort by Shawn Michaels. 2.) Favorite SSeries team elimination match? My favorite was Austin's Team vs Bischoff's team from last year. Once again, HBK stole the show in this match, and nearly did the impossible. 3.) Favorite face / heel (or both) SSeries team assembled? I've always been partial to the larger wrestlers, so my favorite team is easily Brock's team from last year. I know it had that 7 foot tall walking pile of suck Nathan Jones, but that team was imposing as hell. Plus I think it helped but over the smaller guys on the face team when the giants were beaten by them. 4.) Favorite non-world title, non-team battle match other than Austin / Hart? Ah damn, this was my favorite. I'll go with the 3-way Smackdown Tag Title match from 2002. My next favorite was Brock vs Big Show. I hated it because Brock's run with the belt was killed off so quickly, but seeing him Overhead Belly-to-Belly the BigShow, then German Suplex him, then finally F-5 him like he was a sack of crap was at the time, the most impressive display of power I had ever seen in WWE. 5.) Favorite segment? I'll probably get crucified for this, but the Gooker debut is my favorite. 6.) Things you hated besides the Montreal Screwjob? Brock's first World Title run was killed off so quickly with the loss to the Big Show.