haws bah gawd
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I believe Scott Hall's Giant-Impersonation-Walk-Thing was dubbed "The Frankengoober" by Bobby Heenan. The hardest I remember laughing was at Judgement Day of this year. JBL made his entrance and threw up his arm, like he used to do in the APA, and you heard the cow Moo in his music. Just hearing the MOOOOOO and JBL throwing his arm in the air sent me and my friend into hysterical laughter for a good 10 minutes.
Spike Dudley and Paul London come to mind.
Yea thats one thing I forgot to mention about Keith. His sickly obsession with Chris Benoit. I'm not speaking bad of Benoit, because he's probably the best wrestler WWE has, but SK does praise him a little too much.
I get a laugh out of Scott Keith every now and then. Just as long as I try not to think of what the guy actually looks like, I can take his reviews a little more seriously. I do think he gets too much heat from the IWC sometimes, but I wasn't around during his netcop days. About Mr. Tito, I have one major gripe about him. He is usually fair in his show reviews, but he turns a blind eye to one particular thing that really gets on my nerves. He is such a mark for Kurt Angle, that anytime a rumor comes up about him being a dick backstage, he is the first to shoot down the rumors or defend him. And of course, any match involving Kurt Angle almost always becomes "the greatest match ever". Now, if something comes up about HHH being an asshole like usual, he has no problem talking about that. But Heaven forbid Kurt Angle be anything less than a model citizen. Maybe I'm the only person that this really irritates.
I found a glitch in the yin-yang arena. I dont know if it was character specific, but I did a branching combo with Sub-Zero. He branched from his Dragon Stance to his weapon stance. Anyways, I knocked Nightwolf into the air, and juggled him with an uppercut with the sword. Somehow he magically appeared on the other side of the arena, in the middle of the water, unphased by the stage-fatality, even though it was night.
This doesnt have anything to do with the disc being pulled, but I dont think I should start a new thread for this question. Does anyone know of the special features or extra matches on the disc? I was hoping the Orton vs Benoit rematch from the next night would be included on the disc.
I didn't find this at Wal-Mart, but if there is a Roses near any of you guys, give their bargain bin a look. I found Summer Slam 2000 for $5.00.
I used to work for Kroger in North Augusta, SC. Im sure this type of customer has been encountered by anyone who works in retail: The Jackass Environmentalist who brings cloth bags to put their groceries and what-not in because they dont believe in using paper bags because of cutting down trees, or plastic bags because of obvious reasons. However, their they have no problem buying various aerosol cans (hairspray, bugkiller, etc.), and products packaged in paper and plastic containers and making me put them into their dirty, filthy, cloth bags. I fucking hate these people.
I never understood the problem with HHH being given the RAW World title. He had already won the number one contendership, from the Undertaker I believe, then Brock just up and left to be exclusive to Smackdown. Thus, having Bischoff give the number 1 contender the title really wan't too illogical.
Yep Vyce, thats the one. About 3 months after I left, there was a massive walk-out on the store manager where all but 3 employees left. Finally, some folks from TRU corporate came to the store, releaved the manager of his duties, and now there is an even bigger jackass running the place.
It is true now, more so than ever, reality-tv is officially of ideas.
95.1 in Augusta, Georgia plays nothing but Tool (can't stand them), White Stripes, and the same old Puddle of Mudd, Metallica, and Nickelback songs over and over. They used to do "Mandatory Metallica" ever weeknight at 9, which was obviously a 15-20 minute block of Metallica, but it was mostly the same songs every night. The worst part of the station is the mindless DJ's. The morning - mid afternoon guy mumbles and rambles on and on, about nothing, to the point he is barely audible. The mid-afternoon - evening guy, who is the programming director, is worse. Pretty much no matter what is requested, he will only play what HE wants to hear. Then there is Jordan Zeh. The evening DJ. WORST..RADIO..PERSONALITY...EVER! Uses late 90's - early 2000 wrestling themes while he rambles endlessly about nothing, to try to sound cool. I guess what I'm saying is my main problem with the station isn't so much the repetitive music, but the mindless DJ's, who need to shut the hell up, and play MUSIC.
Dear God...........Warrior was COHERENT! I guess his website is the only place where he rambles about the pros and cons destrucity.
Augusta Mall in Augusta, GA. Bottom floor, in the middle, directly across from Hot Topic, for this area. Im not 100% sure if this is the same company, but they have the same old NES games played directly from a Sega Dreamcast controller that plugs into a tv.
You're not the only one. We were all swearing up at down that The Higher Power had to be Owen. That was all we could come up with at the time to explain how uber-pissed Austin became when Higher Power revealed himself to Austin the week before officially removing the hood. Nah, couln't have possibly been Vince. That would've made too much sense. This was before myself, or any of my friends had internet access, and we were the densest of marks. Now, back on topic. I was showing a friend of mine, the Tapei Death Match that's on one of the ECW DVDs. Of course all I heard was "he's not really cutting him", and "theres a blood packet in there somewhere". Uh...............yeah.
You're in my thoughts and prayers John.
I seem to remember Ultimate Warrior loosing a powder-blue-colored World Title to Sgt. Slaughter at the Rumble (can't remember the year off the top of my head). That was my favorite color of all the straps he had.
I worked for the Toys R Us in Augusta, GA for about 5 months in 2001. It amazes me that the stores have managed to stay open for as long as they have. It is easily one of the most poorly-run stores I have ever worked for. No one in management there seemed to know what they were doing, much less how to efficiently run the store. Though, when items went on clearance, you could get them for next to nothing. I was able to pick up several wrestling figures while I was there for between $1.99-$2.99. Also, I remember getting the old Titantron Live Entrance Stage (the one that came with a Vince McMahon figure) for $4.99. I think if the company had focused more on selling TOYS, instead of clothes, things may have went better for them.
During Mordecai's debut match against Scotty Too Hotty at Judgement Day, Scotty was drapped on the middle rope, Mordecai kicked the shit out of the side of his head, and Tazz yelled "hard knee shot by Mordecai". I know thats being really nitpicky, but cmon, HARD......KNEE........SHOT?
I Played Promotion Wars waaaaaaaaaay back when it was first released. To start off, it EATS RAM. If youre running around 128mb RAM (most computers made in the last 4 years shouldn't be this low in RAM, but just so you know), you'll need to go into your program manager and manually shut down nearly everything that is running just to get the game to load-up completely. If you thought the match commentaries in EWR are repetitive, you haven't seen anything yet. Aside from hitting the space bar to advance through the match, you get the same commentary almost every time, just with the wrestler's names changed, obviously. Wrestler's only have 2 stats, entertainment and draw. 3 wrestlers that I remember (Rock, Austin, and Goldberg) were the only ones that had 99 or 98 in draw value. The rest of the wrestlers had to settle for only getting to a draw cap of 97. The entertainment stat is pretty much all the individual stats from EWR (brawl, technical, speed, charisma) all wrapped into one stat. One advantage it had over EWR was that it kept a complete championship history list, instead of just the 10 most recent title changes. However, in terms of replay value, customization, and just being an overall fun waste of time, I would stick with EWR. My other gripe with Promotion Wars, was the MUCH hyped Promotion Wars 2. The designer of the game, Adam Jennings, kept promising the game was coming, and delayed the release date over and over. He posted several pics of in-game footage, and from what he said about the game, and judging by the pics, it was going to blow-away EWR. However, after pushing back the release date over and over, and promising it was coming for OVER 2 YEARS, Jennings pulled the plug on the game, out of the blue, saying he got an "out of memory" message, and until he could better educate himself in programming, he would not release the game, nor would he turn the code over to another programmer, to finish the game. So, after 2+ years of build-up, it led to nothing but a HUGE disappointment. In conclusion, EWR is a much better game overall, but if you just want a much more simplistic game, then give Promotion Wars a shot.
I didn't think this deserved its own topic, so I figured I would post here. My main beef with the commentators at the moment isn't with the calling of false finishes, but with their knowledge of moves. If you pay attention to JR and King on RAW, every move a wrestler does is a "high impact maneuver", or an "innovative move". In TNA, no matter what messed up move the wrestlers do, Mike Tenay knows the name of it, where it originated, who invented it, and what part of the body it focuses on (though that last part isnt really important, but it adds to the commentary). They rarely even call the names of the finishers any more. Edge's Edgecution is a "high impact ddt", Jericho's Lionsault is more often than not, called a "springboard moonsault", etc. It seems only Triple H and Randy Orton constantly have their finishers called by their proper names (though its mostly due to the WWE not giving many finisher's unique names anymore). Thats the main thing that irritates the crap out of me about the commentary. However, to stay on topic, constantly saying "its over", or "thats got to be all", is getting a little old and predictable.
My biggest disappointment was Dragonball Z Budokai. The controls were muddy enough as it was, but that was just in practice mode. When you got to actually fighting an opponent, doing a special move of any sort was next to impossible. After waiting years upon years after the show debuted on Cartoon Network, for a game, this was my biggest disappointment ever.
I think I remember reading at one point when AJ Styles was wrestling for WCW, he used the SSP on WCW Saturday Night, and Kidman gave him a fit backstage about it. So the next week, or sometime soon afterwards, just to spite him, AJ did another SSP except jumped even higher, and had himself tucked into a cannonball up until the point of impact on his opponent.
Well, this is my very first post here, but I feel this needs to be said. Billy Kidman can piss and moan about one other wrestler in the company using his SSP because its his signature move, but when you have Big Show, Kane, occasionally the Undertaker, and (up until recently), the Hurricane all using the Chokeslam as a finisher, his argument of "you cant use another guy's trademark move" seems kind of useless.